Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 84 Promotion to Advanced Magician

Chapter 84 Promotion to Advanced Magician

Seeing this, Conan couldn't help curling his lips, Shengsi, a nasty brat!He even snatched his own lines!
"Detective? It turns out to be a detective, but... I can't let those policemen take my son away, so... you all have to die!" The lady was originally resigned to her fate, but then she suddenly had a vicious look on her face. He rushed towards Shengsi, trying to strangle Shengsi and the others to death!That way no one would know about her son's murder.

Seeing the rushing lady, everyone looked nervous, but seeing that Shengsi was still standing in front of them, the original nervous mood was relaxed. With Shengsi around, there must be no danger.

And Shengsi just smiled when he looked at the rushing lady, Shengsi didn't pay attention to her at all, he was thinking about how to restrain her later.

But when Madam was about to jump in front of Shengsi, the man in the cell spoke up.

He shouted loudly to Shengsi: "Mom! Don't do that! He's right! I'm the one who killed my father!"

Madam heard the words and immediately stopped her forward pace, turned her head and said with a shocked expression: "Zhaofu! You."

She didn't even think that her son would admit to the crime himself. How many things had she done to cover up her son's crimes over the years?But now, everything is over, at this moment, she really resigned to her fate.

And the man named Zhao Fu continued to say with a sad face: "That afternoon, I failed the third college entrance examination again, and I was in a bad mood at that time and was scolded severely by my father. Seeing his harsh words, at that moment, I lost my mind, picked up the candlestick on the table and threw it at his head. When I came back to my senses, my father was already lying in a pool of blood gone."

"I've had enough of having nightmares every night! I don't want this kind of life! I don't want it! I want redemption! Maybe I can live a little easier in this way!" Akio said at the end that the whole person collapsed .

Seeing Zhaofu's sad face, the lady ran over and said, "Cheer up! Zhaofu, the retrospective period will soon expire, and you will be innocent by then. As long as you don't admit it, no one will know! "

Looking at this scene, Conan couldn't help but said, "Ma'am, you are right, if you continue to hide like this, your son can escape the police, but he will never escape the condemnation of his conscience! Do you want your son to carry such a heavy burden all his life?!"

In the end, he said in a questioning tone.

After hearing what Conan said, Madam fell silent immediately. Yes, even if I let him escape the police, his conscience would be condemned!

Thinking of this, Madam sat down on the ground with blank eyes, with tears of regret streaming from the corners of her eyes
The next thing was very simple. Under the persuasion of Shengsi and the others, the mother and son finally surrendered to the police station. In this way, the murder case five years ago was finally solved, and the curtain came to an end. Si and his team also ended this haunted house adventure and returned to their normal lives.

It's Saturday in a blink of an eye.

This morning, Seiji did not go to play with Ayumi as usual, but was meditating at home.

Because he felt an opportunity to break through, yes, Shengsi is about to break through to a senior magician!
In just over a week, Shengsi has grown from a magic novice to a senior magician!Xiao Xi was extremely shocked by this, this is no longer a genius!But evildoers!

in the bedroom.

Shengsi was sitting cross-legged on the bed, his body was full of magic power, and the magic elements in the air that ordinary people couldn't see poured towards Shengsi's body, because Shengsi absorbed the magic elements in the air too fast, and even formed a terrifying Magic gushing!

A large vortex appeared within a radius of [-] meters. It was absorbing the magic elements from the outside with all its might, and was heading towards the center of the vortex, and the center of the vortex was Shengsi!

Of course, this kind of strange scene is invisible to ordinary people, but Xiao Xi can see it. She can also feel this surging magic power beside Shengsi. It is really amazing. The phenomenon caused by Shengsi Only seen in ancient books.

Legend has it that in the past, some geniuses needed too much magic power when they were promoted, and the magic power supply from the magic crystal was not enough, so they would extract a large amount of magic elements from the nearby air, so that the concentration of magic power in the place where he was located rose sharply. But usually it only affects a radius of ten meters at most, and the concentration is two or three times the original, but this one of Shengsi. At least 100 meters!
And Xiao Xi sensed just now that the concentration of magic power in Shengsi's bedroom was 23 times that of usual!It means that if you meditate for an hour in Shengsi's bedroom now, it is equivalent to 23 hours of meditation in the past!And this multiple is still rising!Xiao Xi also took this opportunity to meditate hard, this kind of opportunity is very rare!
She knows that the concentration of magic power of this level will decrease with the passage of time, and this process will take about half a day, so she must seize every minute and every second to meditate, so that she can try her best to keep up with Shengsi's footsteps !

The time for Shengsi to advance is very short, only about ten minutes. After ten minutes, the current Shengsi is already a senior magician!
Sensing his body carefully, Shengsi found that his mental strength was no less than that of his previous life!You know Shengsi is only six years old now!He was so powerful in his previous life. The reason why Shengsi's mind power can improve so fast is mostly because he became a magician!
With the growth of Shengsi's magic strength and deepening understanding of magic, Shengsi felt the magic of magic more and more, and Shengsi probably guessed why he practiced magic so quickly!
The first thing to say is the idea of ​​meditation. Meditation is a magical method that can strengthen the soul!The principle is to strengthen the soul through a deep soul vibration, so when you are in a state of meditation, the speed and amount of soul vibration directly determine the speed of your soul strengthening, which is commonly known as aptitude in the magic world.

The reason why some people don't have magical aptitude is because their soul is solidified, so they can't vibrate, so they can't meditate.And some people's soul can vibrate, but the vibration frequency is very slow, so his aptitude is very poor. This kind of person can practice magic, but the speed will be very slow!
And those geniuses are because the frequency of soul vibration is very fast, so their soul strengthening speed is fast, so they can practice magic quickly.

And Shengsi is quite special, because of the power of mind, Shengsi's soul is many times stronger than ordinary people, and the vibration frequency is also at the genius level, so his cultivation speed is simply monstrous!

Think about it, it takes two years for a genius to become a senior magician, but a saint is equivalent to dozens of geniuses practicing together. This is not a quantitative superposition, but a qualitative change!That's why Shengsi's cultivation speed is so fast, so heaven-defying!

(End of this chapter)

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