Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 85: Itomori Village, Hida City

Chapter 85: Itomori Village, Hida City
After being promoted to a high-level magician, Shengsi felt that his soul level was different from before, and the world in his eyes had changed. I don't know what to say, I didn't expect to be promoted to a senior magician to have such an effect?Shengsi didn't feel this way in the previous promotions, what is the reason?

Thinking of this, Shengsi withdrew from the meditation state and planned to ask Xiao Xi.

But when Shengsi looked at Xiao Xi, he found that she was meditating. Shengsi thought for a while, but he still didn't bother him. He also felt that the concentration of magic power in the bedroom was different. After a moment, Shengsi reacted , He has also read that book, so he also knows that the concentration of magic power in the room is related to his breakthrough.However, the concentration is now more than 30 times, which is really scary!

If it weren't for the fact that he had just been promoted, the magic power was still saturated, and Shengsi would have wanted to meditate immediately, but now Shengsi's primary purpose is to figure out why his soul has changed.

Shengsi poured out all the magic books in the dimensional space and rummaged through them. He remembered that there was a book about advanced magicians.

"Ah, there it is! This is "Advanced Magician"" Shengsi found this book in the pile of books, but the person who named this book is too lazy
This book is not a magic book at all, it is just an ordinary book, and it is still written in Japanese.

Ordinary magic books are made of a special material, and the text on it is also a kind of magic text, with magic power attached to it. Ordinary people look like some strange shapes, and only magicians can understand them when they input magic power, for example When Shengsi met Xiao Xi for the first time in Jianggutian last time, Shengsi couldn't understand the book in her hand at all.

Now this "Advanced Magician" Shengsi seems to be very relaxed. He doesn't even need to input magic power.

"I see." Shengsi finally figured out his problem after reading the book.

It is not a special case that the saint's soul changes, but every magician will have it. After being promoted to a senior magician, the magician's soul will be strengthened once after being washed by magic power, and become more tenacious and powerful.

After the soul is strengthened, in addition to learning more and stronger magic, there is also a very important point, that is to train ninjas!
Shengsi has read about the method of cultivating ninjas in the book. It is a kind of magic that touches the soul level. It needs to peel off a soul fragment from one's own soul and import it into the brain of a person whose soul has been solidified, that is, those who cannot practice magic. Humans, because magic has high requirements on the soul, it can only be released by magicians above the advanced level.

And after these soul fragments are imported, they can practice a special meditation method, thus embarking on a magical path different from that of a magician.

Because these people's training focuses on the physical aspect, plus they can master the magic of 'Shadow Escape' proficiently, and their fighting skills are superb, and they often appear in some dark corners, so people call this kind of people - ninjas.

Knowing this, Shengsi relaxed his nervousness due to the mutation of his soul. He thought there was something wrong with his soul, so it turned out to be the case.

Shengsi put down the "Advanced Magician" with a relaxed expression on his face. When he was about to put away these books, Shengsi accidentally left the "Magic Family History" in the pile of books. In an instant, information about the Miyamizu family appeared in Seiji's mind.

Shengsi casually opened the "Family History of Magic", and saw that it read:

Miyamizu family
Strength: third rate

Introduction: In the past, it was an extremely brilliant top-level family. The whole family was magicians of the special department. Legend has it that they even controlled the power of time and space. The special meditation method in the palace broke the inheritance. Since that incident, the Miyamizu family has begun to decline. Up to now, there are not even a few magicians in the Miyamizu family.And more than 200 years ago
Venue: Miyamizu Shrine, Itomori Village, Hida City, Gifu Prefecture
After reading these introductions, Shengsi has a strong interest in this family. A family that can master time and space is really terrifying!

I must go and see for myself. Although this family is now in decline, there will always be something left behind. As long as I can learn something from it, it will be a worthwhile trip.

Hida City doesn't seem to be very far from Tokyo. Seiji looked at the map and found that Hida City is not far from the left of Tokyo, directly above Nagoya. If you fly by yourself, you can arrive there in a few minutes.

Thinking of this, Seiji planned to visit the Gongshui family right now.

Shengsi first told his mother, because he didn't know how long he would be going, so Shengsi told his mother that he would not come back for lunch Went to Ayumi's house again.

Originally, Shengsi didn't intend to take anyone and went alone, but when Shengsi told Ayumi about this, Ayumi wanted to go with Shengsi, so he had no choice but to take her along.

Because of bringing Ayumi with him, and because it was his first visit to this place, Seiji flew for nearly half an hour before arriving at this small village called Itomori.

Looking for a deserted country road, Seiji and Ayumi landed on the ground.

"Wow! Brother Shengsi, the scenery here is so beautiful! There are so many flowers blooming on the mountain! The wind is so comfortable!" Ayumi who had just landed on the ground turned into a wild butterfly, walking on the country road Non-stop flying.

"Do you like Ayumi? If you like it, Brother Shengsi will take you out to play every day!" Shengsi was also fascinated by the idyllic scenery.

It was March in Yangchun, when the mountain flowers were blooming, the wild wind blew slightly, and the fragrance of the mountain flowers rushed towards Shengsi, refreshing, Shengsi couldn't help sighing, what a natural pastoral scenery!
"Okay, okay! I want to come and play every day!"

Both sides of the path are full of wild flowers and weeds, and Ayumi dances in it, with a happy face and a charming smile.

Seeing Ayumi playing happily, Seiji is not in a hurry to go to the Miyamizu family, it is also a good choice to play with Ayumi for a while before going.

So Seiji and Ayumi started playing on this country road.

"Brother Shengsi, do you think the wreath I made is beautiful?"

"Ayumi is awesome, this wreath is very beautiful, come, let me wear it for you."

"Thank you Brother Shengsi!"

"Brother Shengsi, come and see, there are ants here."

"Come on! Come on!"

"Brother Shengsi, come quickly, this flower is so beautiful!"

"Come on."

(End of this chapter)

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