Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 86 Miyamizu 1 Ye and Miyamizu 3 Ye

Chapter 86 Ichiyo Miyamizu and Mitsuha Miyamizu
After more than an hour, Ayumi was a little tired from playing at this time.

"Brother Shengsi, let's go eat, I'm a little hungry." Ayumi stroked her growling belly, and looked up at Shengsi shyly.

Looking at the dirty Ayumi, Seiji threw a cleaning magic casually, then hugged her and said softly: "Finally, are you hungry?"

It was past ten o'clock when Shengsi went out to find Ayumi, and now it's almost time for dinner after playing for so long.

"Yeah!" Ayumi was already hungry, but she didn't pay attention to it because she was having fun just now, but now she realized it all of a sudden, and her stomach was growling with hunger.

"Okay then, let's go eat now!" Seiji pinched Ayumi's cute little face and said, Ayumi looks so cute!Shengsi can't help but pinch her face
"It's disgusting, Brother Seiji, stop pinching Ayumi! It's not cute to pinch Ayumi any more!"

Seiji's action made Ayumi dissatisfied.

"Good! Good! Good! I won't pinch, let's go to the village for dinner!" Seiji put Ayumi down, took her hand and walked towards the village.

"En!" Ayumi nodded obediently.

As the two of Shengsi walked towards the village, the whole picture of the village was gradually outlined in Shengsi's eyes.

The most eye-catching thing is the huge circular lake in the center of the village. It is said that this lake was formed by a meteorite falling from the sky a long time ago and smashing a big hole in the ground.And this place is named Itomori Village, probably because they want to protect this place, and this city is also named after this, named Hida City, Hida and Meteorite, it is quite image.

The entire village is built around this lake, neatly arranged, tightly patterned, and row upon row.In the distance, there are mountains surrounded by dense forests. This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, implying a large natural formation. Looking from a height, it looks like a big treasure basin, which is a treasure trove!What a blessing!

Shengsi felt it for a while, and found that the concentration of magic power in the air was more than double that of Tokyo. It seems that the Miyamizu family was quite discerning back then.

After a while, the two came to the village.

As he was walking, Shengsi suddenly said suspiciously: "After walking for so long, why didn't I see a place to eat along the way?"

Seiji and Ayumi walked on the street for a while, and saw a few shops along the way, but they didn't find any restaurants.

"Brother Shengsi, Ayumi is so hungry!" Ayumi looked at Shengsi with a pitiful look when she heard this, and her little stomach screamed again.

Seeing this, Shengsi patted Ayumi's head, "Ayumi is good, I'll go to the store to buy you something to eat, and by the way, where is there a restaurant?"

Saying that, Seiji took Ayumi to a shop not far away.

As soon as the two entered the store, Shengsi had a meal, because he felt the magician's breath, which was very weak. It seemed that he was just a junior magician, but the source of the breath was in this store!
"What's wrong with Brother Shengsi? Hurry up, I want to eat cake!" Ayumi noticed that Shengsi had stopped moving suddenly, and asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, let's go." Seiji smiled, and then led Ayumi towards the direction of the induction. She was just a junior magician, so go over and say hello.

Going around a few shelves, Shengsi saw the source of the magical aura. It was an old lady in white with gorgeous hair and a slightly hunched back. She was picking something on the shelves at this time, and her hands Then he took a little girl about five or six years old by the hand, and that little girl was looking around all the time, looking very lively.

As soon as Shengsi and the two came over, the little girl found them. She pulled the old lady's hand, as if saying something, and then the old lady looked back at Shengsi and the others, as if she had noticed that Shengsi was observing She, she frowned slightly, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Seeing this, Shengsi said to Ayumi: "Ayumi, go over there and pick things up, don't take too much, you have to eat later."

Ayumi obediently responded, then turned and left.

After Ayumi left, Seiji walked towards the two of them slowly, the old lady's eyes became more suspicious when she saw this, the little girl she was leading also blinked her big eyes, her cute little face was full of tears. Curious, she was observing Shengsi in front of her.

"Little friend, what do you want from us?" Seeing Shengsi walking in, the old lady spoke, she could already see that Shengsi's goal was the two of them!But she has never seen this kid before, he looks very strange, could it be that he is lost?But it doesn't look like it. There were two of them just now, and they looked like a pair of brothers and sisters who came out to play, so she was very puzzled.

"Hello grandma, my name is Seiji Miyamizu. I came from Tokyo for a visit. I don't know much about this place. Is there any place to eat near here?" Is it from the Miyamizu family? Because if you can meet a magician here, you should be from the Miyamizu family. She will be surprised to hear that she is also Miyamizu.

Sure enough, when the old lady heard Seiji's words, she turned pale and murmured, "Miyasui. Are you from Tokyo?"

However, the strange look on the old lady's face disappeared in a flash, and she turned to smile and said, "Little Shengsi, our village is remote because few people come back, so there are no restaurants or anything like that here. I went out to buy things with my granddaughter Sanye, if you don’t mind, you can come to my house for a light meal at noon.”

The surname is Miyamizu, who is from Tokyo. You must know that the surname Miyamizu is rare in Japan. The old lady became curious about Seiji, so she wanted to know more about this kid from Tokyo.

"Really? That's really great! Thank you so much!" Seiji said slightly excitedly, he was still worrying about Ayumi's hunger. , so Shengsi didn't bring anything to eat, but now the lunch matter has been settled, so Shengsi is very happy.

"Ayumi, come quickly, we have something to eat!" Seiji shouted at Ayumi, and then realized that he didn't know the old lady's name, which was a little rude, so Seiji turned around and asked: "That's right , old lady, I don’t know your names yet!”

"My name is Ichiyo Miyamizu, you can just call me Grandma Ye. This is my granddaughter Sanye Miyamizu, who is five years old this year." Grandma Ye introduced herself, and by the way, she also called the person next to her named Sanye. The little girl was also introduced.

Hearing grandma say her name, Sanye also said politely: "Hello, my name is Miyamizu Sanye, please give me your advice!"

PS: Because of the timeline, Sanye was only five years old at this time, Yotsuba was not born, and her mother Erye was not dead.

(End of this chapter)

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