Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 87 What's Your Name?

Chapter 87 What's Your Name?
Just when the two had just finished introducing themselves, Ayumi also trotted over from the side. Seeing this, Shengsi quickly gave her a wink. Ayumi understood and saluted the two of them: "Hello, my name is Yoshida Ayumi, please teach me a lot."

"What two lovely children, hahaha." Grandma Ye couldn't help laughing seeing how polite the two of Shengsi were, and she couldn't help but feel very relieved that the children of Gongshui's family were so polite.

After Shengsi heard their names, he was sure, if there is no second Miyamizu family here, it seems that this is the person he is looking for, and now it looks like he is going to their house for a meal, which is also a contact Great opportunity for them.

A few minutes later, Grandma Ye led the three children out of the store. Because they were all of the same age, Mitsuha became acquainted with Ayumi immediately, while Shengsi kept talking to Grandma Ye and walked around. She was trying to find out some information, and Grandma Ye also wanted to know something about Tokyo from Shengsi, so the two talked happily.

Grandma Ye's home lived on the side of Gongshui Shrine on the mountainside, and Grandma Ye was talking to Shengsi about the village along the way, and Shengsi listened very seriously.Although what Grandma Ye said was just some trivial things, Shengsi could also find the information he wanted from these small things.

In just ten minutes, Shengsi and his party arrived at Grandma Ye's house.

This is a very distinctive house. After seeing the standard buildings in Tokyo, Seiji's eyes light up when he suddenly sees such a historic house.

In Shengsi's perception, this is a house made entirely of wood, with two floors, it seems to occupy a large area, with dark green tiles and snow-white walls. After approaching, Shengsi felt even more A breath of history rushed over, and one could even feel the flow of magic power. There are magic items here!But this magic item is very hidden, Shengsi has not yet sensed what it is.

In addition to this main house, there is also a yard and a side room connected by a bridge. In the side room, it seems that there are all the utensils used by the shrine for sacrifices, and there are some secret thread, which is covered with magic. The breath is very mysterious.

"I'm back!" Sanye's lively voice sounded as soon as she entered the house.

After hearing these words, a lady in palace costume came out of the bedroom. She was in her twenties, she was very beautiful, she looked a bit like Sanye, she must be Sanye's mother.

After the woman came out of the room, she saw Seiji and Ayumi, a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes, "Who are these two kids?"

"His name is Seiji Miyamizu, and this is Ayumi Yoshida." Seeing this, Grandma Ye quickly introduced, she likes Seiji very much, what a cute child.

"Please teach me a lot!" Ayumi and Seiji bowed to the woman at the same time.

"My name is Miyamizu Erye, and I am Sanye's mother, please give me your advice!" Erye replied.

After saying this, Erye moved slightly and led the crowd to the living room, "Come in and sit down, the meal is already being prepared, and we can eat right away. What do you two want to drink?"

"Two glasses of water are enough, thank you, Aunt Ye." Shengsi and Ayumi hurriedly followed, and after sitting down, Shengsi said with a smile.

Erye nodded, then came over with two glasses of water, and said to Sanye who was playing with Shengsi and the others: "Sanye, you can play with Shengsi and the others. Grandma and I are going to cook."

"En!" Sanye nodded, even if her mother didn't say anything, she would still play with them, because talking to Shengsi and the others is so interesting, Tokyo is really exciting.

After her mother left, Sanye continued to ask: "Ayumi, tell me, what happened to the pirate ship in the tropical park?"

"That's it, that's it." Ayumi and Mitsuha said happily, and Shengsi couldn't intervene at all, feeling extremely helpless.

So, Shengsi wandered around here.

The first thing Shengsi went to was the side room, because Shengsi always felt that there was something there.

Shengsi first opened the back door of the main room, and he saw an extremely elegant scene, a simple wooden bridge, and a small stream under the bridge, with gurgling water, which was very pleasant, and the side room opposite the bridge was a square structure , with a conical roof, small and elegant, very elegant, looking at this situation, a poem suddenly popped up in Shengsi's mind - Xiaoqiao Liushuirenjia.

Here, Shengsi savored the sense of elegance, walking on the wooden bridge, looking at the rushing water, listening to the rustling tree bells, it was indeed a kind of enjoyment.

Strolling slowly across the wooden bridge, Shengsi came to the side room, and the moment he opened the door, a word appeared in Shengsi's mind - Miscellaneous!But miscellaneous but not messy, why do you say that, because this room is full of colored threads, white, blue, black, red, etc., everything that one expects to find, some threads are tied to the beams, some are tied On the wall, some are tied to the shelf in the middle, many of them are very messy, giving people the first impression that they are messy!But when you look carefully, you will find that everything is so orderly and natural.

"How is it? Shengsi, this place is very beautiful!" Just as Shengsi sighed, an old voice sounded from his ear, revealing a trace of nostalgia in his tone.

Shengsi was taken aback when he heard the words, then turned around slowly, and saw the speaker clearly, and sure enough, it was Grandma Ye.

"Yeah, Grandma Ye, this place is very beautiful, and the purpose of my coming here is to find the most beautiful things." Sheng Si saw it, and Grandma Ye had already discovered that he was a magician.

"Oh? The most beautiful thing, but the most beautiful thing here has disappeared 200 years ago, so please leave after eating, otherwise, the magic circle here is no joke!" Ye There was a hint of anger in Grandma's words.

As Grandma Ye's words sounded, Shengsi felt a sharp breath and locked him, but this is nothing to Shengsi, this kind of power can only threaten ordinary high-level magicians at most, although Shengsi Si is a high-level magician, but is he ordinary?of course not!So this magic circle poses no threat to him at all.

Through this, Shengsi also knew what the magic wave he felt when he first entered the room was this magic circle!From a feeling, this magic circle should be a high-level magic circle, which can pose a threat to high-level magicians.

Shengsi also heard the anger in Grandma Ye's mouth, he smiled, "Grandma Ye, I think you have misunderstood something, I came here to study, not to make trouble." Shengsi knew that Grandma Ye should I misunderstood something, otherwise I wouldn't suddenly get angry.

Hearing what Shengsi said, Grandma Ye was also in shock. She removed the power of the magic circle, and said with a look of surprise: "What? You are here to learn? Also, what is your name?!"

(End of this chapter)

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