Chapter 88 History
Grandma Ye now doubts Shengsi's real name, there is no way, now Shengsi belongs to the level of a liar in the eyes of Grandma Ye, because every few years, some unbelieving magicians will come to find the so-called space-time secret treasure !The method is endless, pretending to be a member of the Gongshui family has been used by others, so now in the eyes of Grandma Ye, Shengsi is the one who used this method, but there is no secret treasure of time and space here, even if there is, it is still there. It disappeared in the fire 200 years ago, so Grandma Ye is really annoyed by it.

Hearing Grandma Ye's words, Shengsi really couldn't laugh or cry, "Grandma Ye, my name is Gongshui Shengsi!" After thinking for a while, Shengsi added: "I am not here to hunt for treasures, nor to grab things. I simply saw this family in a book, and because they all have the same surname, I wanted to take a look and learn by the way."

Shengsi also guessed something, how can a declining family with secrets of time and space not be coveted?In the past 200 years, many people must have come here to do things. Even if there are treasures, they should have been taken away a long time ago. However, people always take chances, thinking that there are still some treasures waiting here Go get it by yourself, and Grandma Ye probably thinks she is that kind of person.

Seeing Shengsi's immature face, Grandma Ye finally nodded, she believed what Shengsi said, besides, what kind of scheming does this little kid have, I guess it is really what he said, just come and have a look yes.

Thinking of this, Grandma Ye couldn't help but smiled at Shengsi, and said with a little embarrassment: "So that's the case, I was really rude just now, I thought you came to find the secret treasure of time and space."

"It's okay, Grandma Ye, I don't mind. By the way, I am also very curious about this treasure of time and space. Grandma Ye, can you tell me the story about the treasure of time and space?" Shengsi raised his face slightly. , The selling skills are so cute.

There was too little introduction to the Miyamizu family in that book, so Seiji wanted to take this opportunity to ask, and learn about the history of the Miyamizu family by the way.

When Grandma Ye heard Shengsi's question, she became more and more sure of her guess just now. How could someone who doesn't even know what the secret treasure of time and space come here to steal the so-called secret treasure of time and space!
Thinking of this, Grandma Ye kindly took Shengsi's hand and walked into the side room, "Shengsi, let me tell you about our Gongshui family today!"

After the two sat down, Grandma Ye spoke.

"Our Gongshui family used to be a top-level magic family! There are countless magicians in the family, and the sphere of influence includes the whole of Japan and half of Korea! In the era when there were dozens of top families, our Gongshui family We all have a certain right to speak in the world, and the reason is because our family has mastered a frightening magic, that is time and space magic!"

"The power of time and space magic is unparalleled. It is said that it has the ability to change fate against the sky! But I don't know exactly how it is, because there is no record handed down."

"During the hundreds of years of the family's glory, there have been several powerful mages in the family, all of whom are the heads of our Gongshui family. Every head of the family was a great powerhouse in their era, but for some reason , the heads of our family will disappear inexplicably in their old age, but they will pass on the inheritance of the law of time and space to the next head of the family. During several large mountain fires, the head of the family at that time suddenly disappeared mysteriously and disappeared, and the inheritance of time and space also disappeared, not handed down, even more than half of the ancient books in the clan were burned, and a lot of magic was lost. "

"It is said that the fire was caused by the fire in the bathroom of Yingorang's house, and it was named 'Eigorang Fire', haha"

"It doesn't matter if I don't mention it. Since then, our Gongshui family has gradually declined. It has not risen again in 200 years, and the sphere of influence has shrunk again and again. Up to now, the family can only shrink in this last fortress. Itomoricho is gone, and I am the only magician in the clan!"

Hearing this, Shengsi couldn't help but said in surprise: "Ah?! You are the only magician, Grandma Ye?"

Shengsi remembered that the book said that there were still several magicians, why is there only one?

"Yes! What's the matter?" Grandma Ye said with a smile.

"Why don't you teach Aunt Erye and Sister Sanye magic?" Shengsi said puzzledly. Just now, Shengsi was very puzzled when he found that Aunt Erye had no magical aura on her body. Now he was even more puzzled when he heard Grandma Ye say that.Also, that fire started when the bathroom caught fire?Ghosts believe that there must be another magic family coming to sneak attack.

"Because I don't intend to pass on magic anymore! How nice it is to let them be normal people! Besides, with the rapid development of science and technology, people can live pretty well without knowing magic, so let magic be in the world." Let me break my hand, so that no one will come to find any time and space treasures in the future!" Grandma Ye said with a smile.

"So it's like this." Shengsi murmured, it's good to be an ordinary person without being exposed to magic, just like myself, if you don't have super powers, you will be happy under the care of your parents.

"By the way, how is Shengsi's magic practice? Is there any trainee magician?" Just now, Shengsi triggered a magic circle in the backyard, so Grandma Ye knew that he was a magician, but Ye Grandma didn't know the specific level of Shengsi. In her eyes, it was pretty good for a child to be an apprentice magician.

The corners of Shengsi's mouth twitched when she heard the words, she was so contemptuous of people, she twitched: "Grandma Ye, I'm already a senior magician!"

"Okay, there is an apprentice at a young age. What?! High-level magician!" Grandma Ye suddenly realized that she was halfway through her praise, and realized that Shengsi was talking about a high-level magician, and her voice rose an octave in an instant.

"Then how old are you, Shengsi?" Grandma Ye couldn't even speak fluently, even though she had experienced a lot of wind and waves, but Shengsi gave her too much impact, she couldn't help being shocked.

"Grandma Ye, I'm six years old this year!" Shengsi was very satisfied seeing Grandma Ye's surprised look, hum!How dare you look down on me.

"Six or six-year-old high-level magician!" Grandma Ye muttered these words with a look of surprise on her face.

After a while, Grandma Ye finally came to her senses. She took a deep breath, "Shengsi, can you tell me about your background?"

In the past 200 years when the power of the Miyamizu family has shrunk, except for some branches returning to Itomori Town, many branches have taken root directly outside. Some of them have declined and become ordinary people, and some are struggling like them in the third-rate family line , can be wiped out at any time, and some barely become a second-rate family. Shengsi is such a genius, maybe he is a member of one of the branches.

(End of this chapter)

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