Conan's super power out of control

Chapter 89 Are You Shocked All Day Long?

Chapter 89 Are You Shocked All Day Long?

To Grandma Ye's question, Shengsi quickly replied: "My family lives in Mihua Town in Tokyo. I am studying in Mihua Elementary School. I have a sister I just met. My name is Gongshui Xiaoxi. She is studying in Mihua High School. My father's name is Miyamizu Junye, mother's name is Miyamizu Yexiang."

Shengsi told his situation all at once. For some reason, Shengsi felt very friendly when he was with Grandma Ye, and there was no strange feeling at all. That's why he told all the information about himself. Besides, The information that Shengsi said is not detailed, it is just a rough idea, and it doesn't matter if people know it.

After listening to what Shengsi said, Grandma Ye shook her head slightly. She found that she had never heard of any of the names Shengsi said. It seems that Shengsi should not be from their branch, because their branch is almost There will be records of the generation of magicians, but she has never seen the names mentioned by Shengsi.

"So that's the case, then what level of magician are your parents?" Grandma Ye was very curious, what a powerful magician a parent who can teach such a genius must be, at least they must be high-level magicians!

"Mom and Dad are ordinary people, I learned magic by myself." Shengsi knew what Grandma Ye wanted to ask, so he answered it directly.

"Ah?! Shengsi, you are self-taught?! That... that's really amazing!" Grandma Ye couldn't help giving Shengsi a thumbs up.

For a six-year-old child to be able to teach himself to become an advanced magician, that talent is really incredible!

"It's not all self-taught, because the Koizumi family has given me a lot of help, so I am now an elder of the Koizumi family." Shengsi said, his ability to learn magic has a great connection with the Koizumi family. It can be said that it is Koizumi. The family led him to the path of a magician, so Shengsi is now full of gratitude to the Koizumi family.

"The elder of the Koizumi family?!" Shengsi's words shocked Grandma Ye even more.

She knows the Koizumi family, one of the four first-class magic families in Japan, and the elder of a first-class magic family!The strength must be at least at the level of a great magician, because, in a family, the power of an elder is only a little less than that of the head of the family!When necessary, you can even exercise the power of the Patriarch!Therefore, there are very high requirements for the strength of the elders.

The six-year-old Shengsi is the elder of the Koizumi family? !Could it be that Shengsi made a mistake?

"That's right, it was Uncle Diwen who asked me to join their family, and then he told me that he wanted me to accompany him to the Magician Conference as an elder." Said.

"What?! Going to the magician conference?!" Grandma Ye found that she was more surprised today than she was in her whole life, and every word of Sheng Si refreshed her world view!

A six-year-old child going to the Magician Convention? !The Magicians Conference is not a children's paradise, but a slaughterhouse!
Grandma Ye's husband, Xiaofu Gongshui, was severely injured at the magician conference, and later died of serious injuries. The Gongshui family also lost the last bit of resources in their hands. It was for this reason that Ye It was only grandma who made up her mind to let the inheritance of magic continue in her hands, and prevent future generations from continuing to learn magic.

Now when she heard that Shengsi was going to attend the magician conference, she shouted excitedly: "No! Shengsi, you can't go!"

As she said that, she held Shengsi's hand tightly, as if Shengsi would die like her husband in the next second.No wonder Grandma Ye was so excited, she really didn't want Sheng Si, a genius, to lose his life because of being used by the Koizumi family!In her eyes, Seiji was coerced by the Koizumi family.

After finishing speaking, Grandma Ye realized that this was a little rude, so she quickly let go of Shengsi's hand and apologized: "I'm really sorry, I was too excited, but Shengsi, you must not go to the magician conference ! It's too dangerous there! Is the Koizumi family threatening you?"

Shengsi was slightly taken aback by Grandma Ye's actions, but the quick-witted Shengsi immediately understood Grandma Ye's mood at this time, and also heard the deep concern in her tone.

Shengsi stopped the hands that were fiddling with the colored thread, held Grandma Ye's big rough hand instead, and patted: "Grandma Ye, it's okay, I'm very strong, ordinary great magicians can't beat me Yes, and the Koizumi family did not threaten me, I did it voluntarily."

Shengsi used his magical power slightly, making his tone full of confidence, making people believe involuntarily.

The effect was obvious. Grandma Ye didn't worry about whether Shengsi would go to the magician conference after listening to it, but was shocked again.

"What?! Ordinary great magicians can't beat you?" Grandma Ye was not calm at all. If it is said that a six-year-old high-level magician is a peerless genius, then how can a high-level magician beat a big magician? It's a fantasy.

You must know that advancing from a high-level magician to a great magician is a qualitative change. Not only is the soul further strengthened, but also when the magic is released, it can draw power from nature to strengthen the magic, so that the magic power is at least stronger than before double!
So, the gap between a senior magician and a great magician is simply the comparison between Haoyue and Yinghuo!And Shengsi said that ordinary great magicians couldn't beat him, Grandma Ye didn't believe it at all.

Grandma Ye was skeptical, but Shengsi's next sentence made her a little confused.

"Yeah, I saw Uncle Kawano from the Ozawa family last time, and I found that he can't beat me!" Shengsi said braggingly. For some reason, Shengsi found Grandma Ye's shocked look very interesting, so he said These words came to frighten her.

"Uncle Kawano, are you talking about Ozawa Kawano, the patriarch of the Ozawa family?!" Grandma Ye said in shock as if she had thought of something.

"Is it the Patriarch? Uncle Diwen didn't tell me! But that uncle is indeed called Ozawa Kawano." Seiji said with a smile.

"This way, then."

But just when Grandma Ye wanted to ask something, Aunt Ye's voice came from the bridge.

"It's time to eat! Mom, and Shengsi, come over and eat!"

Grandma Ye raised her voice and shouted: "Okay, come right away!"

"Hurry up, the food will be cold soon!" Aunt Ye yelled again, then turned and walked to the living room.

Seeing this, Grandma Ye suppressed the shock in her heart, turned her head and said to Sheng Si: "Xiao Si, let's go eat first!"

Before she knew it, Grandma Ye's name for Shengsi changed, which was a sign of intimacy. In her eyes, Shengsi was a descendant of her Gongshui family.

Shengsi nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "Yes! Ayumi must be very hungry!"

"Oh? Really? Then you should eat more later!"

"Of course it is! Hahaha."

Shengsi and Grandma Ye's happy chatting and laughing echoed on the small bridge.

PS: Have you ever played League of Legends?
(End of this chapter)

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