Chapter 90 Purpose
The dinner table.

Shengsi was busy adding vegetables to Ayumi's bowl, and Ayumi also thanked her sweetly, eating very happily.

Auntie Ye, who is the chef, also laughed happily when she saw this. The guests were so happy to eat, and they were also very happy as the host.

But Mitsuha, who was on the side, quit. Usually the whole family has nothing to eat, but now when Ayumi is eating, Seiji keeps picking up food for her. Sanye is jealous when she sees it. She said coquettishly, "I want it too! I want Brother Shengsi to help me with food!"

Seeing this, Aunt Ye hurriedly scolded in a low voice: "Sanye, don't be so rude!"

Sanye felt aggrieved when she heard the words, "I want it, I want it."

Seeing this, Shengsi laughed and said: "Aunt Ye, it's okay, sister Sanye is so cute, I'll pinch her right now!"

Saying that, Shengsi put a lot of vegetables in the three-leaf bowl.

Sanye smiled happily, "Thank you Brother Shengsi!"

Seeing Sanye's cute look, Shengsi pinched her face, which made Sanye's face turn red.

"That's right, Aunt Ye, hasn't Sister Sanye ever been to Tokyo?" Ayumi told him just now that Mitsuha had never been to Tokyo, and she was looking forward to it, so Seiji wanted to take her to Tokyo.

"Yes, this child grew up here since he was a child, and it seems that he has never traveled far." Aunt Ye replied without thinking, because they had to work at Gongshui Shrine, they couldn't stay away from here.

"Then can I take Mitsuba's sister to Tokyo next weekend?" Seiji said tentatively. This is what Ayumi told him. Yearning, so I want to take her to Tokyo to play.

"Really?!" Sanye was so excited that she was about to jump up when she heard Shengsi say this.

"This, this..." Aunt Ye didn't know how to answer. A guest she just met, and a child who was only six years old, suddenly said that she would go to a place as far away as Tokyo with her daughter. How could this be possible? It's reassuring!So she decided to refuse.

But when she was about to refuse, Shengsi said to Grandma Ye again: "Grandma Ye, I will take Sanye sister to Tokyo next weekend, no problem! Sanye sister looks like she wants to go very much." !"

"En! En!" Sanye nodded repeatedly.

Aunt Ye couldn't help but look at Grandma Ye when she heard this sentence, wanting to hear what she would say.

After hearing Shengsi's words, Grandma Ye thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay! Yes!"

"What?! Mom, you actually agreed?!" Aunt Ye couldn't believe it. In her eyes, Shengsi was just a stranger who had just met. How could she give her daughter to him?Besides, Shengsi is such a small child!Is it reassuring to go to a place so far away from Tokyo? !

"Erye, I agree to this matter, and I will tell you the reason later." Looking at the excited Aunt Ye, Grandma Ye said lightly, seeming to have the right to speak, which is indeed the case, Grandma Ye is at home The right to speak is very strong, so Shengsi also asked Grandma Ye directly just now.

Aunt Ye also calmed down when she heard the words. She knew that Grandma Ye must have her reasons for agreeing to this matter, and she waited for Grandma Ye's explanation.

"Really?! Can I really go? It's really great! Thank you Brother Shengsi!" Sanye knew in her heart that her mother and grandma would definitely not agree, and she was ready to be rejected, but she had no doubts There is no way, and there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers.Unexpectedly, grandma agreed, and her mother seemed to be persuaded by grandma, so Sanye was very excited at this time.

Ayumi was also very happy beside her, even excited to hug Sanye, like a pair of good sisters.

"No matter how happy you are, it won't be until next week. Let's eat your meal now!" Aunt Ye rolled her eyes at Sanye and said angrily.

Sanye ignored Aunt Ye at all, but happily whispered to Ayumi.

Seeing this, Aunt Ye shook her head helplessly and did not speak.

Shengsi is also very happy at this time, because Ayumi is happy, so he is happy, Shengsi is happy that simple, as long as the people he cares about are happy, he will be happy himself.

In this regard, Shengsi is very similar to Xiaolan.

After a while, lunch was over.

I have to say that Aunt Ye's cooking skills are very good, and what's more, all the dishes are special dishes here, which Shengsi has never eaten before, so Shengsi had a very happy meal.

After dinner, Ayumi went to play with Mitsuha again, maybe because of finding a new playmate, the two had a great time.

And Shengsi was dragged to the side room by Grandma Ye just after eating, there is no way, Grandma Ye has too many doubts in her heart, she needs to ask clearly!

The two huddled together in the side room, and ten minutes later, Grandma Ye came out of the side room with a smiling Shengsi.

Just now, during the conversation between the two, Shengsi answered most of Grandma Ye's doubts, and also stated the purpose of his trip - to read their family's magic book, Shengsi wanted to see what is special about the magic book of the Gongshui family of.

After Grandma Ye heard Shengsi's request, she readily agreed, and the scene just now happened.

"Xiao Si, most of the magic books and ancient books of our Gongshui family have been burned, and now there are only a small number of them, and they are all low-level magic books, and most of the high-level ones are broken pages." Grandma Ye said. Followed Seiji to the direction of the shrine, talking while walking on the road.

Now the magic books of the Miyamizu family are placed in the Miyamizu Shrine, because there is a powerful magic circle there!It can directly kill people below the great magician!

Great magicians have generally lived for a long time. They have known for 200 years that the Gongshui family has no so-called space-time treasures at all, so they have no interest in this third-rate family, and people below the great magician came here because they are afraid of the magic. This is why the magic books of the Miyamizu family have been preserved.

"It's okay, Grandma Ye, I'm not here to learn magic, but to learn from some of it and learn from it!" Shengsi's purpose is not the magic at all, but the secrets hidden in it.

"So that's how it is!" Grandma Ye nodded, and at the same time thought to herself: You are a genius, and you have begun to comprehend the magic book.

After a while, the two walked in front of the Gongshui Shrine. This is a very sacrificial house. It looks no smaller than Sanye's house, and even a lot bigger. Standing outside the house, the priest can smell the fragrance of Zen. , and there was a middle-aged man standing at the gate of the shrine, who looked like a guard, but at this time, he seemed to be sitting on the ground and sleeping.

"Jun Shu, it's really hard work for you." Grandma Ye coughed slightly when she passed by him.At the same time, he whispered to Shengsi: "His name is Gongshui Junshu, and he is the son-in-law of our family!"

Marriage? !What the hell!Shengsi looked at Junshu with a different look.

PS: Is there any black roses? How about the top points with Fengyun? (smiling face)
(End of this chapter)

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