Chapter 110 The Woman Who Needs Pain
Thinking about it carefully, since their reunion, he seldom calls her girl, and more often calls her Yue'er, probably because of this intention!

However, they are obviously the same person.

She couldn't treat them as two people at all, her feelings for Shi Tianjue, and her feelings for Shi Tianjue, were all aimed at Shi Tianjue from the beginning to the end,
Even now they have different names, different eye colors, and slightly different personalities.

But the feeling for Luo Ziyue is the same, otherwise, how could someone like Luo Ziyue, who is extremely vigilant, believe what Qing Ya said so easily?

This feeling is like two lone wolves in the wasteland, who can feel each other's existence across a long distance.

It only takes one glance to recognize that each other is the existence that the other party has been looking for and staying with for a lifetime.

This kind of subtle thing is what they are born with, and it is also something that no one can imitate, nor can they pretend to be a substitute.

It seems that now, Qing Ya deliberately wants to express the difference, deliberately ignore or erase their existence, and they have never really disappeared.

How can something engraved in the heart be erased or replaced so easily.

Something that can be erased or replaced can only show that it is not as important as imagined.

What is really important cannot be artificially disappeared or taken away by time, it will only settle in the bottom of my heart a little bit, waiting for an opportunity to explode.

Just like the relationship between them, as time goes by, it will become more mellow and more fragrant, bringing each other the power to move forward forever and never give up.

However, I don't know whether it is out of sympathy or sympathy for the weak, after Luo Ziyue figured it out, she became more and more conniving towards Qing Ya.

They all know that his existence is only temporary, and one day, he will merge into Shi Tianjue's body and disappear completely.

Some of his independent personality traits and consciousness that are left now will disappear with him.

After all, he was the most pitiful existence among them.

Luo Ziyue, who was in a turmoil, lay quietly in Qingya's arms, quietly enjoying the rare peace, no longer caring about the difficulties and obstacles they would face in the future.

She knew that what she had to do was to enjoy the present time, which was stolen by Shi Tianjue and God, and not a single bit of it should be wasted.

She didn't know when she fell asleep, she only knew that when she woke up, there was no Qing Ya by her side.

Suddenly, a smell of rice wafted in from the outside of the house. Luo Ziyue touched her rumbling stomach, and followed the smell of rice like a greedy child, but saw Qingya dressed in white. , was busy in the kitchen, "It smells so good~! Qing Ya, what delicious food do you make?"

"Wake up, how are you sleeping?" Qing Ya sneaked a glance at her, his hands kept moving.

Luo Ziyue stood curiously at the door of the kitchen, looked inside, looked at the table full of meals, and couldn't help asking in surprise: "You didn't make these dishes yourself, did you? Why don't I know, your chef Art is so good?"

"There are a lot of things you don't know, so don't bother me here, just go inside and sit and wait to eat!"

Qing Ya smiled triumphantly, and a breeze blew from his hand, blowing Luo Ziyue away.

The door of the kitchen was shut with a bang, completely rejecting Luo Ziyue's visitation.

"Tsk tsk, the handsome man cooks really has an unusual temperament, but this Qingya is really too stingy, and he doesn't even let him look at him. Could it be that he wants to do something behind my back?"

Luo Ziyue muttered deliberately at the door of the kitchen.

Qing Ya, who was busy in the kitchen, heard her dissatisfied voice, smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, and shook her head helplessly, this girl became more and more childish!
"Girl, are you despising my craftsmanship? Or are you doubting my character? If you are really afraid that I will add some seasonings to the food, then just watch me eat it!"

Qingya's voice pierced through the door into Luo Ziyue's ears, the dissatisfaction in the voice made Luo Ziyue purse her lips and chuckle.

"Don't worry, for the sake of your hard work, even if there is really something in it, I will eat them as delicious!"

"That's about the same. With a peerless handsome man like me cooking for you, you're still picky. If it gets out, I can guarantee that you will be drowned by the spittle of the people of Moyang City! "Qing Ya proudly boasted without humility.

Luo Ziyue shook her head dumbfounded, and sat down at the door of the kitchen, her head raised to enjoy the warm feeling of the sun shining on her body freely.

When Qingya came out with the dishes, she immediately saw Luo Ziyue lying face up on the ground, her whole body covered in golden light, a look of amazement flashed across her eyes, but she reprimanded angrily: "You sit What are you doing here? The floor is cold, so you're not afraid of catching cold anymore?"

"Pfft!" Luo Ziyue couldn't hold back for a moment, and suddenly laughed out loud, "You really think I'm an ordinary woman? You can catch a cold just by sitting on the floor? Then, isn't my practice all these years in vain?"

"At such a warm moment, can you not spoil the atmosphere by being so disappointing? To be honest, can you kill you? Besides, no matter how high your cultivation level is, in my eyes, you are always just a person who needs someone to love you. woman!"

Hearing Qing Ya's words, Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, she was still a little not used to him showing her the emotions in his heart without concealing it.

You know, normally, Shi Tianjue's character is restrained and silent, even if there are occasional exceptions, it can't change the fact that he is silent and calm most of the time.

"Why am I so moved by this? Let me tell you, it's still far away! If you miss a peerless man like me, it will be difficult to find him again! By the way, how do you say that?" It's coming." Seeing that there seemed to be suspicious liquid appearing in Luo Ziyue's eyes, Qingya couldn't help joking deliberately: "Yes, yes, yes, you can't find it with a lantern! You have to cherish it!"

Luo Ziyue restrained the emotions in her eyes, and also made a faceless face, and said to her: "Like me, who can be coquettish, cute, beat enemies to death, and practice alchemy. The kitchen on the top, the almighty daughter-in-law who can go down the hall, if you miss it, I guess you will only have a [-]% chance of meeting again after a few hundred years!"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Don't tell me, I really didn't realize that you are so omnipotent. Since you are so omnipotent, you have to give full play to it in the next period of time! Otherwise, I really can't believe it. What you said The person who said it was you...!"

(End of this chapter)

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