Chapter 111

Qing Ya smiled wickedly at Luo Ziyue, looked at her provocatively, and before she could speak, she immediately ran away from Luo Ziyue's sight with the dishes in her hand!
"You, don't run!"

Luo Ziyue, who was belatedly aware of it, finally realized that she was actually despised by others, she stomped her feet on the ground angrily, and chased towards Qingya angrily, "Stop, tell me clearly, What do you mean I can't believe that the person I'm talking about is me? Tell me honestly, you, you, do you look down on me!"

"Hahaha... Guess!" Qingya's trembling voice drifted into Luo Ziyue's ears along with the morning breeze.

After his figure completely disappeared, Luo Ziyue held her stomach, "Hahaha..." burst into laughter.

There was no trace of anger on his face.

After breakfast, Luo Ziyue locked herself in the alchemy room, which was remodeled temporarily.

When Shi Tianjue was arranging this room before, he did not expect that she would be an alchemist.

Qing Ya looked at the closed door, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, turned around with solemn eyes, disappeared into the room, and ghostly appeared in the practice room where Shi Tianjue was.

There was a look of pleading guilty on his face, "Did you see her last night? She already recognized your identity?"

Shi Tianjue lowered his head and looked at his hand holding his collar tightly, "How does she recognize me? You should tell me well."

"Hmph! Don't play tricks on me. Did you intrude into her dream to meet her while she was asleep? Otherwise, why would she behave so abnormally?"

A stern look flashed across Qing Ya's eyes, and he growled at Shi Tianjue in a deep voice.

Shi Tianjue stretched out his hand and waved it lightly. Immediately, the hand holding his collar bounced away. His indifferent eyes looked at Qingya coldly, and his tepid voice reminded him: " It seems that you have had a good time during this time, and you have even forgotten the meaning of your existence. Do you need me to remind you? Also, you appeared here so rashly, because you were afraid that others would not know you and me does it matter?"

In the seemingly calm voice, there was an irresistible killing spirit hidden, which made Qing Ya's face turn pale, and a bullying smile appeared on his face, "Yes, you are right, I am indeed overwhelmed How can I forget that I am just a puppet created by you? How can I really have any future with her?"

"The future between me and her is the future between you and her. Don't you understand this? If I really fall into their way and be controlled by them, do you think you can escape? I will lose everything, Do you need me to remind you of this truth?"

Shi Tianjue's voice was extremely serious, and he reprimanded him mercilessly.

It's not that he doesn't understand that Qingya made those ghosts in front of Luo Ziyue.

The reason why he can tolerate him telling the truth is that besides believing that Luo Ziyue will have her own judgment, he also knows what to do at the right time.

To scare the snake ahead of time will only push him and Luo Ziyue into a more dangerous situation. After all, judging from their current situation, their strength is not enough to fight against the people hiding in the dark.

"But, I'm not reconciled! I'm not reconciled to why I can only be your shadow, can only take your orders, and can't live and live according to my own consciousness!"

"Not reconciled? Do you think it is extremely ridiculous for you to tell me that you are not reconciled in front of me? You are a part separated from my body. I have given you corresponding emotions and given you a part of me. The life you want to live has allowed you to experience the sophistication of the world, isn't that enough? You still dare to try to have your life? Could it be that you really think that I must be you?"

Shi Tianjue snorted coldly, his sharp eyes fell on Qing Ya's body, like a sharp sword piercing Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

The pale Qing Ya stepped back a few steps, staring at Shi Tianjue in astonishment.

He knew that it was his wishful thinking, but he still couldn't stand the throbbing pain in his mind.

Covering his head with his hands, he plopped down on his knees, moaning in pain one after another, drips of cold sweat eroding his clothes, " hurts! I know I was wrong, stop now, I will never Dare to be greedy!"

"Please, don't, don't..."

When he found that the consciousness in his mind was a little fuzzy, a look of horror appeared in his eyes, as if he would be wiped out by Shi Tianjue.

The scene of getting along with Luo Ziyue during this period of time came before his eyes, even if he was living in stealthily, he didn't want to leave her so soon.

Shi Tianjue looked indifferently at Qingya who was rolling on the ground in pain, the fierceness in his eyes made him terrified, he had to kneel on the ground, crawled to his feet, and begged for mercy while clutching his clothes: "I really don't dare anymore. I promise, I will never have any disagreements in the future, and I will stay by her side to accompany her and protect her!"

"Do you know how dangerous your behavior is today, so reckless, I would be ashamed to say it, if I didn't get rid of the people around me in advance, do you know that what you will face will be What? What kind of danger will she face? Do you think it's not enough for her face to be ruined, and you want her to fall into pain again, and then lose an arm and a leg?"

What Shi Tianjue cared about was not that Qing Ya yelled at him, after all, he didn't realize the unwillingness hidden in his heart until now, he was blaming him for rushing, without any protective words to cover up, he was so rash break into him!

You must know that the enemies they face are far stronger than they imagined, and they are all-pervasive. If there is a slight mistake, all previous efforts may be wasted.

"Yes, I was reckless. I lost my sense of propriety in a moment of anxiety. I was really too scared. I was afraid that you would..."

Qing Ya lowered his head in shame. It's not that he didn't know these questions, but he was just in a hurry and ignored...

No wonder Shi Tianjue was angry.

"What are you afraid of? Look at what you look like now? There is no shadow of me!"

Shi Tianjue looked at Qingya kneeling at his feet with hatred, and kicked him out slightly, "You represent me, not only yourself, even if the sky falls, you can't Bow down, such a small thing can scare you, what else can I expect from you?"

"Anyway, it's in front of you, even if it's a bit of a shame, it doesn't matter. Others can't see it, and they don't necessarily know it if they see it. Why are you so angry?" Qing Ya muttered in a low voice with a little dissatisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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