Chapter 138 Auction 4
"What do you like?" A sullen voice suddenly came from behind her.

Luo Ziyue's face froze, and when the words came to her mouth, she instantly changed direction, "I like you!"

"That's about the same. For the sake of your frankness, I will reluctantly allow this guy to be a light bulb on our side!"

Shi Tianjue didn't expect Luo Ziyue to give him such an answer suddenly, he was stunned for a moment, his face suddenly burst into a smile, and his gloomy eyes were full of golden light.

The dazzling made Bai Zimo faintly feel a little glaring, he turned his head slightly unnaturally and stopped looking at Shi Tianjue, but said in a very calm tone: "Then Zimo is here, thank you King Ning!"

"Aren't you going? If you stay here, it doesn't seem too convenient. I'm worried that some troubles will arise!"

"Are you still afraid of trouble?" Bai Zimo raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Luo Ziyue in front of him.

As if she didn't see the emotion in his eyes, Luo Ziyue poured a cup of tea very naturally, and said slowly: "I've always been afraid of trouble, I heard your explanation, as for whether I can have friends, it's not me This will be able to agree, it still depends on fate, if there is no fate, you can't force it, right?"

"Since Ms. Luo said so, then Bai is naturally not in such a hurry, I believe time will see you!" The smile on Bai Zimo's face was a little stiff, but he didn't say anything, just stood up briskly , Leaving such a sentence behind, strode out of the box.

"I thought Yue'er wanted to keep him here for tea?"

It was obvious that Luo Ziyue's handling method was very heartbreaking, and the smile on her face never stopped for a moment.

Luo Ziyue glanced at him lightly, "You already have a smile on your face, aren't you afraid that your cheeks will hurt?"

"If it really hurts, it won't hurt if you rub it for me. By the way, Yue'er confessed to you so loudly, why didn't you react at all?" Shi Tianjue asked as if he was deliberately trying to tease her.

Luo Ziyue frowned slightly when she heard the sound of auctions coming from the hall, "Who told you that he confessed his love to me? Tell me, are you vulgar or not?"

"Yue'er, don't you seem too happy?" Shi Tianjue looked at her frowning and asked softly.

"Not at all, I just feel that such days don't seem to be long!"

Luo Ziyue really likes the ordinary days during this period, there are no such troubles, quietly guarding the people she loves up and down together, it feels so good to relax, but as soon as she walks out of that room and waits for their eternity It's all kinds of troubles that can't be solved.

"Hey! Our girl has grown up, and she has learned to worry about others, and she is sad!" The smile on Shi Tianjue's face froze, and he quickly covered it up, jokingly said.

Luo Ziyue ignored him, but after a long time, she suddenly said, "Tell me, why did he have to recognize me in this way?"

"..." Shi Tian never knew how to answer her.

He knew what answer she wanted, but he couldn't give it to her. Family affection was the same for both of them, and it was very strange.

"I'm still thinking about it when I'm with you. It seems that my charm has declined!" Before Shi Tianjue could finish his sentence, suddenly, seeing the hairpin in Nan Lian's hand, she appeared on Luo Ziyue's face with a swipe. In front of him, "Girl, I want to send it to you!"

Luo Ziyue didn't react, she looked in the direction Shi Tianjue was pointing at, and suddenly said, "Why are you giving me a woman?"

"Bah! Who wants to give you a woman? If you want to give it to me, it's also to me! I want you to see the hairpin on her hand!" Killing Tianjue knocked on Luo Ziyue's forehead, as if to make her As if returning to her soul, she pointed to the pure white hairpin in Nan Lian's hand.

Luo Ziyue looked in the direction of his fingers. The white jade hairpin looked very simple, and it looked no different from other hairpins. However, she knew that it would not be easy to get it to be auctioned here.

Sure enough, Nan Lian introduced in the next second: "Everyone, don't look at this hairpin as inconspicuous. It has a short-term invisibility function, and it can be gradually extended according to the master's strength..."

Looking at the people in the hall with full eyes, seeing the astonishment on their faces, the smile on their faces deepened, and when they were gearing up, her very charming voice sounded again, "The most important thing is that it Equipped with a self-defense function, it can resist a full-strength blow from a star spirit king. The starting price is [-] gold coins, and the minimum price increase should not be less than [-] gold coins."

"This thing is really good, but is it a bit more expensive?"

Luo Ziyue is very interested in its stealth function, especially the promotion function, but is it too expensive?

"Expensive? Girl, you underestimate this thing too much. The reserve price of [-] is already the lowest. Basically, it can't be bought in the market with functions like it!"

Shi Tianjue's eyes were full of certainty, he knew that his girl was the best match for this thing, and it would be a waste if it fell into other people's hands.

"Well, it's really rare!" Luo Ziyue nodded in approval.

"50 gold coins!" As soon as the words fell, Tianjue's voice sounded from the room and directly into the hall, which discouraged many people in the hall who were eager to try. They slumped on the stools and shook their heads. Unbearably shocked, King Ning actually made a move. It seems that Miss Luo Qi really holds a lot of weight in King Ning's heart.

In the other box, the moment Bai Liuyan heard Shi Tianjue's voice, she slammed the quilt on the ground with a bang, with an extremely complicated expression on her face, her watery gaze fell on the majestic expression on the head seat of the box. on the old man's body, begging: "Grandpa, I also want hairpins!"

The old man's majestic eyes fell on Bai Liuyan, and he saw her hands clenched into fists, her knuckles were faintly white, "Does Yan'er want a hairpin or does she not want her hairpin to be auctioned off by Tianjue?"

Bai Zimo, who had been silent since returning to the private room, raised his head and glanced at Bai Liuyan, and when he lowered his eyes, there was a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. He kept silent and didn't speak. It's not like these juniors can intervene in this kind of time!

"Grandpa, please help me!" Bai Liuyan did not directly answer the old man's question, but lowered her head and said in a very earnest tone.

"Haha... It's really a girl who doesn't want to stay!" The old man smiled heartily, and no one would know how much emotion was hidden in his laughter.

He waved his hand from the man next to the auction device. The man nodded slightly, and said in a low voice to the auction device, "60 gold coins!"

Hearing the quotations outside, Shi Tianjue sneered, and said in a voice without warmth: "The Bai family..."

(End of this chapter)

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