Chapter 139 Auction 5
"This is from the Bai family?" Luo Ziyue looked at him in surprise, but suddenly smiled, "It seems that Miss Bai doesn't want you to give me this hairpin!"

"I'm going to order this hairpin. Even if she is an old prince, don't try to snatch her away from labor and management. Isn't it just money! What you have is money!"

Shi Tianjue gave a cold snort of disdain.

Obviously he didn't like this Miss Bai family.

No matter what stage the outside bidding reached, he clapped his hands and said, "100 million!"

"Brother Absolutely!"

A weak female voice resounded in the hall, causing the people in the hall to show gossipy expressions, and they all straightened up unconsciously, waiting for Shi Tianjue's reaction.

Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue whose face darkened all of a sudden with a smile, but didn't speak.

"Miss Bai, please respect yourself. My daughter-in-law will be jealous if you call me king like that!"

Shi Tianjue's extremely serious voice was transmitted to everyone's ears through the bidding device, and before everyone had time to digest his words, they heard a slightly cold voice asking him: "Who is your little daughter-in-law?" ?”

"Of course it's you, girl! Besides you, who else is qualified to be my little wife!"

Shi Tianjue looked at Luo Ziyue's astonished expression with a smile on his face, before she could speak, he clicked and turned off the auctioneer.

Luo Ziyue glared at him for a while, and said helplessly: "You, you, you old fox, after being made such a fuss by you, this girl will probably hate me for the rest of her life!"

"If you hate it, hate it! When you see her upset someday, just kill her directly! What are you afraid of!" Shi Tianjue raised his eyebrows rather indifferently.

Suddenly, a teasing voice said: "200 million!"

Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment by the familiar voice, and before she could ask, she heard the man say: "I'm afraid that Fengmou is going to steal people's favor today!"

"Feng Sha?" Luo Ziyue asked with a somewhat uncertain voice, looking at Shi Tianjue.

Shi Tian never spoke, but his ugly face said everything.

"Look at you, you're worthless! It's just a mermaid, what's so worthy of your attention!"

Luo Ziyue turned on the auction device with a chuckle. She hadn't forgotten that she was almost killed by the wind brake before. How could she be willing to let go of such a good opportunity now!
"Hehe! So it's a madman! Who am I! Actually, I don't really want this hairpin too much, but it's all Tianjue's wish, so I can't refuse it!" Luo Ziyue smiled. The sound came to everyone's ears through the auction device, and the chuckling sound obviously sounded very gentle, but they didn't know why it made everyone's spines shudder.

"But I didn't want to say that my little daughter-in-law would offend Mr. Feng. It seems that Mr. Feng still has no hope of giving up on our Tianjue! Although Mr. Feng, you do look like a woman, but you are not a woman after all. Please don't think about it in the future." Save me, every time I think of my man being caught by another man, I feel uncomfortable and get goosebumps all over my body!"

"Damn it! Damn you, what are you talking about?" Feng Sha looked at the people chattering endlessly in the hall, his face turning green and turning pale, and an angry voice came from the bidding machine.


It sounded like a guilty conscience after the truth was exposed to everyone's ears.

"It's as if you were not born by a stinky bitch, but you're just telling the truth, why don't you want to listen? Don't tell me you only need to do it, and people need to talk about it!?"

Luo Ziyue glared at Shi Tianjue who was laughing away in the room, her cool voice was like a breeze, unconsciously convincing people.

"300 million!" Before everyone could respond, Luo Ziyue's voice sounded again, "Mr. Feng, where is there no grass in the world? Why do you have to love my man alone, don't worry, I'm here, you I'm afraid there will be no chance in this life!"

Nan Lian's eyes flickered with playfulness. It seemed that the Seventh Miss of the Luo family was indeed an interesting person, "300 million, is there anyone else bidding?"

Everyone was still indulging in the bomb that Luo Ziyue threw casually, and they didn't remember it. There was no such thing as air traffic control bidding.

Bai Zimo listened to Luo Ziyue seeming to be pointing at Sang Huai, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he looked up and saw Bai Liuyan's crying face, he smiled, but didn't say anything.

Before everyone could react, this hairpin was quietly captured by Luo Ziyue and the others.

Looking at the hairpin sent by the waiter at the auction, Luo Ziyue smiled proudly, "Hmph! Compete with sister, they are still a little tender!"

After acknowledging the owner with blood dripping very refreshingly, he said to Shi Tianjue who was leaning forward and backward with laughter: "Hurry up and put it on for me!"

"Girl, Feng Sha hates being said that he is a woman the most. You even said that he has a habit of breaking sleeves. I think he will be mad." Shi Tianjue took the hairpin she handed over with a smile, and walked away. Go behind her and gently insert her on the head, "Your revenge is really cruel, it hits people's hearts!"

"Nonsense! Then don't look at who the old lady is. This bastard almost killed both of us before. If we don't show him some color, we are really sorry for ourselves!"

Luo Ziyue is in a very happy mood now, and before tomorrow, the rumor that Fengsha is as good as Longyang will surely be spread to the world.

"Are you sure, these words of yours are just to Feng Sha, why do I sound like you are jealous, and deliberately want to shock everyone and declare your sovereignty?"

"Is there? It's not. You heard it wrong, you think too much!" Luo Ziyue blinked innocently, and vetoed Shi Tianjue's guess.

Shi Tianjue smiled silently, thinking to himself, he also had to find a time to declare his sovereignty, so as to save his girl from being missed by other men.

After taking the hairpin, the next few items didn't arouse their interest at all, "Heavenly Jue, you gave me the hairpin, what should I give you?"

"Clean yourself up and give it to me."

Shi Tianjue lay lazily on the soft couch, lying on Luo Ziyue's neck as if he had no bones, looking at her scratched face, a look of pain flashed across his eyes.

Luo Ziyue patted his head angrily, looked at the white hair between her fingers, and said: "You stinky rascal, you want to eat my tofu all day long, and you don't even look at my current age. As for the soybean seedlings, they haven't finished growing yet!"

"When you finish growing, I should be suffocated!" Shi Tianjue's aggrieved voice sounded.

Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, then smiled hoarsely, "Then I'll kick you and find another one, anyway, where is there no grass in the world?"

After finishing speaking, he laughed, and whispered something in Shi Tianjue's ear in a very low voice, which made Shi Tianjue's face change from cloudy to sunny.

(End of this chapter)

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