Chapter 143 Could it be my family?

"Girl, are you planning to murder your husband?"

Shi Tianjue glanced at the door, didn't make any expression, just grabbed Luo Ziyue with his arms and imprisoned him in his arms, "It's over, I'm deaf, I was called deaf by the girl, and I became disabled!"

"Can you be more childish?" Luo Ziyue rolled her eyes at him, but obediently stretched out her hand to rub his ear, "Is it better?"

"No, just kiss me, it might be enough! Otherwise, you'll really be deaf and disabled!" Shi Tianjue looked at Luo Ziyue with an aggrieved expression.

"Don't worry, even if you really become disabled, I want you, not to mention, I'm still a doctor..."

While speaking, Luo Ziyue had more pills in her hands, and stuffed them into Shi Tianjue's mouth without thinking.

Shi Tianjue didn't even ask what kind of pill she was feeding, he just opened his mouth and ate it.

It melts in the mouth, sweet and delicious, as sweet as eating candy, looking at Luo Ziyue's smiling eyes in surprise, "Why is it so sweet?"

"Well, this is a elixir for boosting mental power. I often eat it as candy, specially refined, is it like candy?" Luo Ziyue dangled the white jade bottle in her hand, and stuffed it into Shi Tianjue's hand, Among them, I did not forget to put one in my mouth, "This thing has no after-effects, it doesn't matter if you eat more, it is more nutritious than candy!"

"You can't be too lazy to buy candy, so you can refine this pill?" Shi Tianjue asked in a dubious voice.

A flash of embarrassment flashed across Luo Ziyue's face, "You can't know it well, don't expose it? I had a bitter taste in my mouth for a while, so I specially refined this thing, and it's even harder to put The one that tastes slowly in your mouth, do you want to try it?"

Before Shi Tianjue could speak, she quickly stuffed a pill into their mouths, but this time the pill was not big, it was really about the size of candy, "Is it delicious?"

"It's not as delicious as you!" Shi Tianjue savored the sweet and refreshing taste from his lips and teeth, squinted his eyes slightly, and seemed to enjoy it.

At this time, the door of the box opened with a bang, and a very energetic old man came in with Bai Liuyan, Bai Zimo, and Bai Zifeng.

"What good did you do?" Luo Ziyue was startled for a moment, then slowly turned her eyes away from them, looked at Shi Tianjue and asked.

Shi Tianjue took the white jade bottle from her mouth, and lazily said: "I'm afraid the door will be broken. I haven't seen Patriarch Bai for a long time, but he's still in good spirits. Let's all sit down!"

When the old man heard Shi Tianjue's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and a look of embarrassment flashed across his face, but he sat down in the box under Shi Tianjue's playful gaze, "Long time no see, King Ning, the beauty is not shallow... "

"Thank you, Patriarch Bai! If Patriarch Bai hadn't educated the younger generation of the Bai family well, the girl and I wouldn't have had the chance to taste what it's like to reunite after a long absence!"

Shi Tianjue looked at the old man with a smile that was not a smile. He knew the purpose of their visit this time, but, does he look like a living Bodhisattva?

The old man Bai smiled awkwardly, but he was angry for a while: "King Ning was joking. I came here today mainly to ask whether Peier is in a dead or alive situation. I hope King Ning can give an accurate answer."

"I don't know what kind of accurate words Patriarch Bai wants?"

Shi Tianjue's downcast eyes and indifferent voice made it impossible to hear his emotions at the moment. Luo Ziyue, who was nestled in his arms, did not speak, but had a sneering smile on her mouth.

For a while, the old man Bai was a little embarrassed to come down.

Before he could speak, he heard Bai Liuyan's resentful voice, and said quietly: "Brother Jue, no matter how much Pei'er has, after so many years of acquaintance, do you want to kill me?" Do you want your elder brother to become a loner? For you to offend all your relatives and friends, aren't you afraid that others will say you, say you..."

"What are you talking about?" Luo Ziyue looked at Bai Liuyan's soft and weak face playfully, and smiled sarcastically: "Are you calling me a beauty? Or am I jealous?"

"I didn't say that..."

Bai Liuyan was slightly taken aback, when she met Luo Ziyue's smiling eyes, resentment welled up in her heart, but there was still a weak smile on her face.

"I didn't know that you became a loner without me? It seems that I have committed a heinous crime. You should leave me as soon as possible!" Luo Ziyue glanced at Bai Liuyan contemptuously, then turned her head to watch the play Shi Tianjue, who was watching with relish, said solemnly.

Shi Tianjue pinched her face, and scraped her cheeks with warm hands, caressing the scars on her face, "What nonsense are you talking? With you, I have the whole world!"

"Cut, I don't want to be a confidante. I think you should find someone else! Although my market is not as good as yours, it shouldn't be difficult to find another man to start over!"

Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, thinking a little, as if muttering.

"Girl, if you talk nonsense again, I'm really going to get angry!"

Shi Tianjue's stern eyes flashed across Bai Liuyan's body like a millennium's ice, causing her body to tremble slightly, and she almost fell to the ground. , Only then did he stabilize his figure.

Luo Ziyue snorted coldly, didn't speak, but she didn't look back at Bai Liuyan and the others, she just quietly nestled her head in his arms.

Looking at the cuddling figures in front of him, Bai Liuyan seemed to hear the sound of her heart breaking.

Tears that were not falling yet filled his eyes, and he looked at Shi Tianjue's expressionless face hazily.

Looking at the moment when he lowered his head, when he looked at the woman in his arms, his gentle and doting eyes, jealousy is like a weed that regenerates in the spring breeze, growing crazily in his heart, and is about to drown her whole body and entangle her.

"Brother Jue, how am I inferior to her?" A voice of despair resounded in the private room, which slightly surprised the people in the private room, and looked at her in astonishment, except for one of the two parties involved.

Luo Ziyue pulled a smile from the corner of her mouth, and her quiet eyes shone with curiosity.

"That's right! How is she inferior to me? Speaking of which, I'm really curious?"

Shi Tianjue patted her on the head pretending to be angry, and reprimanded softly: "Stop playing, are you someone that others can easily compare to?"

"Anyone else?" Bai Liuyan smiled sadly, "Brother Jue, am I also someone else you mentioned?"

"Could it be my family?" Shi Tianjue asked curiously as his calm eyes fell on Bai Liuyan.

Bai Liuyan's figure was unstable, and she counted down steps abruptly. Fortunately, Bai Zifeng was supporting her, otherwise she would have fallen to the ground.

The update on the 23rd ~ 24 is a bit late, the 08th will be updated earlier, starting around 30:11 in the evening, and ending around 55:[-], four shifts, [-].

(End of this chapter)

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