The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 144 I would rather tear down a temple than destroy a marriage

Chapter 144 I would rather demolish ten temples than destroy a marriage
His pale face and his big eyes were full of disbelief.

"Brother Jue..." The desolate voice made those who heard it very distressed.

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, and asked softly: "Hey, tell me honestly, what did you do to the little girl while I was away?"

"I just want to do something to you, Yue'er, and I don't want to do anything to other people." Shi Tianjue smiled evilly, and whispered in Luo Ziyue's ear.

The sound was not too loud, but it was just enough for everyone in the box to hear clearly.

Luo Ziyue rolled her eyes helplessly, holding his face and looking left and right.

"Yue'er, what are you doing?" Shi Tianjue looked at her in astonishment, letting her play with her face.

Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue jokingly, "I want to see what makes your face so thick, you're not ashamed at all!"

"Ahem..." Before Shi Tianjue could speak, he heard a cough coming from the old man's mouth.

Luo Ziyue raised her brows slightly, and with her back to them, she smirked at Shi Tianjue, her glazed black eyes were full of complacency, cunning and mischievous.

Shi Tianjue smiled without saying a word, looked at her dotingly, and the love in his eyes was undisguised in front of everyone, which shocked the people of the Bai family slightly.

Especially the old man Bai, he always believed that Luo Ziyue was just playing for fun at most, but he didn't expect that his doting on her would reach such a degree.

He can be regarded as growing up watching Shi Tianjue, this child has always disliked physical contact with others, let alone others touching his face.

However, all of this was broken here by Luo Ziyue!

He sighed helplessly, glanced at Bai Liuyan beside him, and had no choice but to cheekily say to Shi Tianjue: "Tianjue, this old man can be regarded as watching you grow up, look, can Peier's matter..."

"Hehehe..." A sneer came out of Shi Tianjue's mouth, and the moment he raised his eyes, there was no other emotion in his eyes except for the dazzling coldness, "It's hard for you to still have the existence of this king in your eyes, but, This king is a little curious, Patriarch Bai, do you think I look like a living Bodhisattva?"

A look of embarrassment flashed across Patriarch Bai's face, "Hehe, King Ning is joking!"

"You're joking? Who told you that this king is joking with you again?" Shi Tianjue's voice sank suddenly, his eyes were gloomy as if he was about to kill someone, and he was vicious, "Don't tell this king that Bai Zifeng tried to sneak attack on my house outside the auction You don't know about the girl!"

Patriarch Bai was slightly taken aback, then glared at Bai Zifeng, "This, this..."

Under Bai Zimo's suggestion, Bai Zifeng lowered his head slightly, took a step forward, and respectfully said to Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue: "What happened before was my fault, please be more generous, Mrs. Luo, don't follow me!" We don't know much about it, but the Patriarch really doesn't know about it, I secretly planned it behind his back!"

"I can testify to this point. If I hadn't been worried, he might not have been able to hide my brother who followed me quietly all the way!"

Bai Zimo chimed in, his eyes stayed on Luo Ziyue, who was downcast and playing with the white hair of Shi Tianjue, as if he really wanted her to help with a word, but unfortunately, Luo Ziyue turned a blind eye to his gaze. Just ignore it.

"Patriarch Bai, what do you say?" The corners of Shi Tianjue's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a playful arc, and he stroked Luo Ziyue's head with both hands.

"Brother Jue, even if there is nothing wrong with Pei Er, but her love for you is true, how can you put her to death for someone else?"

"Pfft..." Hearing Bai Liuyan's words, Luo Ziyue couldn't hold back a puff and laughed out loud.

"You, you, what are you laughing at?" Bai Liuyan blushed, glaring angrily at Luo Ziyue who was quietly staying in Shi Tianjue's arms with lowered eyes, seeing her face like a little woman, burning with anger , his head froze, and he yelled at her without thinking.

It's a pity that Luo Ziyue ignored her at all, and just pulled the hand that was playing with Shi Tianjue's hair abruptly, which also made Shi Tianjue's face suddenly become extremely eerie, "Others? I don't know what you said Who is this other person referring to? I don’t like repeating the same thing a second time!”

"Brother Jue, have you forgotten our past? You said that you will marry me!" Bai Liuyan ignored the warning gaze from Patriarch Bai, and stared at Shi Tianjue as if she was going all out. road.

Luo Ziyue didn't speak or express her position, as if she didn't hear her words, she still quietly snuggled into Shi Tianjue's arms, playing with his white hair.

However, Shi Tianjue knew that she was a little upset, so he gently rubbed her little head.

Luo Ziyue raised her head and smiled at him, glanced at Bai Liuyan who was staring at her with indifferent eyes, the corners of her tightly pursed lips were slightly raised, the smile on her face gradually widened, and Bai Liuyan, who was so weak by her laughter, Yan suddenly took a step forward, "You, what are you laughing at? I'm telling the truth, if you don't believe me, ask the Patriarch..."

Bai Liuyan repeatedly emphasized for fear that Luo Ziyue would not believe it, and did not forget to drag Patriarch Bai into the water while speaking.

Just when she was at a loss, Luo Ziyue's extremely calm voice sounded in the box.

"Even if it's true, so what? Don't worry, as long as he says he wants to marry you into the house, I will never object. You don't need to emphasize to me that I'm not deaf~!"

"Hehe, Miss Luo is still reasonable!" The old man next to old man Bai looked at Luo Ziyue with a look of relief and sighed.

Luo Ziyue smiled slightly and did not speak, but at the moment when she raised her eyes, she looked at Shi Tianjue as if unintentionally, lowered her eyes, and said lightly: "It is better to demolish ten temples than destroy a single marriage." The reason, this girl still understands!"

"Hehehe..." A burst of embarrassing laughter emerged from the old man's mouth.

Before everyone understood what Tai Chi they were doing, suddenly, a huge explosion came from behind them, making everyone tremble in fright, and subconsciously tried to run away, but under Shi Tianjue's gaze, They had to stand bravely, and transparent circles of light emerged from their bodies, blocking all the debris for them.

Shi Tianjue chuckled, "It seems that you are all very concerned about this king's life-long events!"

"It means you're very attractive!" Luo Ziyue muttered softly with her lips curled up.

"It seems that you have made my girl unhappy again. How can this be good?"

Shi Tianjue's distressed voice sounded, and his cold eyes swept over the old man beside Patriarch Bai.

He didn't see any action, and a miserable scream came out of the old man's mouth.

With a soft bang, the old man's body turned into a bloody mist under everyone's horrified eyes, and was smashed into pieces, leaving a pool of bright red flowing slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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