Chapter 156

The colorful petals between the eyebrows flicker.

The enchantment below him flickered slightly.

Her body suddenly entered Moyang City, and shot in the direction of Shi Tianjue with lightning speed.

A series of sharp lightning bolts fell from the sky like the size of a bowl,

Unlimited murderous intent.

Straight towards the foreheads of the Patriarchs of the Bai Family and the Patriarchs of the Tianzong Sect.

The Patriarchs of the Bai Family and the Patriarchs of the Tianzong Sect, who were unable to dodge in time, froze.

Luo Ziyue, who was dressed in white clothes that surpassed the snow, rushed onto Shi Tianjue's body with lightning speed.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, afterimages were left in the air.

A look of panic appeared on Shi Tianjue's indifferent face.

Subconsciously, he wanted to hold her in his arms.

The patriarchs of the Bai family and the Tianzong sect had already rushed towards them.

The sharp sound of piercing the sky streaked across the sky, and the space was abnormally distorted.

The color in the eyes of Shi Tianjue, who was pressed down by Luo Ziyue Sisi, suddenly lost color.

In the eyes was the blood mist sprayed out by her.

The red eyes are like blood, alluring and confusing.

The skull mask on the face is like the heart-shattering cry of resurrection at this moment.

It resounded through the sky, and green light glowed in the ferocious eyes, like a wolf like a tiger.

A streak of ghostly black energy emerged from his body, as if Satan descended.

Let everyone subconsciously freeze in place.

He took a few steps back abruptly, staring at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

In the sky like daytime, there were dark clouds and dense clouds for a while, black clouds covered the sun, and the sound of crying ghosts and wolves came from their sides.

It made their hairs stand on end, their legs trembled unconsciously, and they subconsciously wanted to escape, but their legs went limp and they collapsed to the ground.

The corner of Luo Ziyue's mouth curled up into a slight smile, she stretched out her hand to gently wipe off the blood on his face, and comforted him with a weak voice: "Don't worry, I'm fine..."

As soon as the words fell, a mouthful of blood spilled from his clenched teeth.

The patriarchs of the Bai family and the Tianzong sect didn't show any mercy when they struck. This palm used nearly [-]% of their skills. How can Luo Ziyue, a small two-star spiritual master, be able to resist it? , If you don't die with this palm, you will lose half your life.

"With me here, don't worry, sleep well, and everything will be over when you wake up!"

A trace of distress flashed in Shi Tianjue's cold pupils.

The cold palm gently brushed her restored face.

Luo Ziyue's obsidian-like bright eyes had lost their brilliance at this moment.

The increasingly heavy eyelids made it too late for her to say anything, and she had already fainted on Shi Tianjue's shoulder.

Looking at her who has passed out, there is still unconcealable worry on her face.

Shi Tianjue's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a hint of cold air floated in the sky above Moyang City, "Whoever hurts her, die!"

The gloomy tone was like a devil descending.

Holding Luo Ziyue tightly with her right hand, a trace of warmth flashed across her cold eyes the moment she lowered her head, and gently wiped the blood stains from the corners of her mouth.

The cold mouth corner is a killing intent that makes people tremble.

The deep eyes suddenly lifted up, and when they landed on the ancestors of the Bai family and the Tianzong sect, the corners of the mouth slowly turned up.

Before they had time to react, a surge of suction came from Shi Tianjue's palm, and the spiritual power in their bodies made them plunge towards Shi Tianjue's palm at a frightening speed.

"Ah, no……"

Their bodies were struggling violently in the air, their eyes were terrified, the calm masks on their faces had long since vanished into nothingness, their legs were slightly bent, and their bodies were getting shorter little by little, as if a huge boulder weighing a thousand catties was pressing on top of their heads. Make them immobile.

"You forced me!"

Shi Tianjue's left hand was grasping like an elbow, and slowly drew it in line with his shoulder.

In their horrified eyes, they suddenly and with an irresistible momentum pressed fiercely on the heads of the ancestors of the Bai family and the ancestors of the Tianzong sect.

In an instant, their bodies turned into two skeletons, and their clothes fell from the sky.

Two shrill screams lingered in the sky above Moyang City, drifting along the wind to the distant sky, making the people below tremble physically and mentally.

Those who are timid want to run away.

"Want to run?" Shi Tianjue suddenly turned his head to look, two sharp lights shot out from his cold eyes, and shot on their backs, and after a scream, their bodies fell to the ground with a bang, their terrified eyes widened , looking in the direction where Shi Tianjue was.

"Do you think my Prince Ning's Mansion is a vegetable garden? Come if you want, leave if you want, kill if you want, you all have to stay today!"

As soon as the indifferent words fell, one after another weeping sounded from their sides, a cold breath came from their shoulders, and each of them seemed to have a pair of cold hands gently stroking their chests.

Many timid people have trembling legs, stiff bodies, pale faces, and slightly raised their heads, looking at the man in mid-air who looks like a god descending, his red eyes are like the cold-blooded Hades in the dark night, the mysterious purple The brocade robe rises without wind, with a domineering arrogance of self-importance, looking down at the world coldly and arrogantly.

"King Ning, we were wrong. We shouldn't have listened to the thieves' instigation and ruined your wedding day. I beg you to give us a way out!" Some timid people finally couldn't stand the oppression of this terrifying atmosphere, and both of them His legs softened, and he fell to his knees on the ground.

"That's right! We were also forced. If we don't obey the command of their four big demons, we will die!"

"Prince Ning, if you want to look for it, go to Fengsha. He and Prime Minister Luo murdered together, colluded and partnered to strike when you lowered your security on the wedding night of your bridal chamber!"


"You, you, are you crazy? Do you think that if you do this, he will let you go? Let me tell you, that's impossible! You hurt his women, and there is absolutely no other way than to kill them in partnership. There is a second way to survive!"

Feng Sha took a few steps back abruptly, looking in disbelief at the weeping men in black below, watching in astonishment as they told Shi Tianjue everything they knew like beans, and just begged him to Can let them a way out.

"Mr. Feng, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, we have to try to fight for it. We are not alone like you. We are all old and young waiting for us to support!"

"If you hadn't played tricks on the Patriarch and conspired with you, how could we have come to where we are today!"

"If you want to die, go die yourself, don't pull us to court death with you!"


A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and everyone's already tense emotions were completely disconnected in the words of Feng Sha's reprimand, and they all recklessly attacked him and the Patriarch of the Bai family.

Looking at the pair of eyes with cracking eyes, he took a few steps back suddenly, his face turned blue and white, and he who was always eloquent seemed to lose all his words in an instant, "You, you, you..."

"Hahahaha..." A burst of evil laughter overflowed from Shi Tianjue's thin lips.

(End of this chapter)

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