Chapter 157 What a Big Gift

A pair of red eyes are as bright as the dazzling stars, but they also contain infinite killing intent, looking at the scene in front of them coldly.

His left hand strangely drew a mysterious symbol in the air, and following his cold words, he pressed down on everyone bit by bit, like a mountain pressing down on them, making them unable to straighten their backs, "I said, you all have to die today !"

"Ah! Prince Ning, spare your life!"

"Prince Ning, spare your life! Don't!"


Shi Tianjue looked indifferently at the crowd who kept crying.

A huge skull loomed above their heads, and the black font exuded a faint green light.

The cries, shouts, and roars in the ears were illuminated by the fonts, revealing their true colors.

His feet were suspended in the air, his face was blurred and bloody, and there were two huge blood holes in his eyes, which emitted a coquettish green light.

At this moment, he was looking at them ferociously, his mouth was wide open, and his sharp fangs were rubbing against their necks.

From time to time, there was a sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

He was so frightened that his legs gave way and he fell to the ground completely, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

For people who fainted, the moment their consciousness drifted away, the spirit in their body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, their vitality was weak, and their cheeks were sunken a little bit, which was terrifying like a demon.


Shouts of horror came out of their mouths, and the regret in their hearts drowned them like a tide.

As early as the beginning, they had heard of King Ning's fierce reputation, but they did not expect him to be so vicious.

The Demon King is also the King of Hades who is in charge of the Palace of Hades.

When they waved their hands, they were surrounded by all kinds of vicious and terrifying monsters and ghosts.

Inhale all their essence and vitality in minutes.

Skeletons were left all over the place, and there were many white bones.

"You, you, who the hell are you!"

Feng Sha's feminine face was full of astonishment and fear, he looked at the indifferent Shi Tianjue with wary eyes, and took a few steps back abruptly.

The hands hidden in the sleeves trembled slightly, completely losing their usual calmness.

The emperor, who was hidden in the palace and kept an eye on the situation here, was keenly aware of the abnormality here.

Frowning tightly, she stared intently at the place where Prince Ning's Mansion was located.

In his eyes, everything seemed to have returned to calm.

The darkness and quietness made people feel frightened. All the people seemed to disappear in an instant, leaving only the lingering smell of blood in the air.

"Go, find out what's going on over there!"

Swinging out his right hand, the emperor's finger pointed towards the place where Shi Tianjue and the others were.


Behind the empty person, a hoarse voice came out.

The air fluctuated slightly, and a black voice flew towards the place where King Ning's Mansion was located.

But not long after, the dark guard in black knelt down on one knee and landed not far from the emperor.

A look of astonishment flashed across his ordinary face.

"My lord, the one-kilometer area around Prince Ning's Mansion seems to be deliberately shielded by someone. We can't get close to it. It's so dark that we can't see anything. Things are beyond our control and ability!"

"Trash, it's a bunch of trash!"

The emperor's face was full of prey, and he swung his hands together, and the body of the hidden guard was thrown away, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and he hit the ground heavily.

Pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back, his expression was restless, and the uneasiness in his heart expanded little by little.

Suddenly, he turned around abruptly, stared fiercely at the hidden guard not far away, and said sharply: "No matter what method you think of, how many people you sacrifice, you must find out what happened inside. There are still those alive!"


The dark guard's eyes changed slightly, and he knelt down on one knee. After receiving the emperor's order, his figure disappeared before his eyes.

Seeing the disappearing figure of the hidden guard, the emperor pursed his thin lips tightly, his eyes were solemn, his hands behind his back were clenched into fists, his knuckles turned white, and he silently looked in the direction of Prince Ning's Mansion, with an unpredictable expression, wondering what he was thinking something.

"You, you, what do you want to do?"

For the first time, Feng Sha realized that the man in front of him who had been fighting with him for several years was so strange to him. He even faintly felt that he had never really figured out his identity. The lore of the place, the great irony made him calm down instead.

A suction force emerged from Shi Tianjue's hand, and Feng Sha's body flew towards him uncontrollably.

A pair of slender white hands, carrying a trace of coolness, pinched his neck tightly, his five fingers gradually retracted, and his feminine face instantly swelled into a reddish purple, and the evil and charming Danfeng's eyes flashed with astonishment and horror, Both hands tightly grasped Shi Tianjue's hand, as if wanting to break his hand away.

"Tell me, what do I want to do? I originally wanted to let you die, but I didn't know that you were so eager to die. If I don't fulfill you, it will be my fault!"

The corners of Shi Tianjue's mouth turned up slightly, his bright eyes suddenly emitted a strange brilliance, and he glanced over Luo Ziyue's quiet face.

When it shot towards Fengsha, it suddenly became cold.

The coldness was as piercing as the millennium ice, making Fengsha's back break out in cold sweat.

Sweat trickled down his forehead drop by drop.

Subconsciously, she reached out towards Luo Ziyue.

A silver light flashed across his wrist and palm, and it was split into two halves, blood spattering.


The pain of cutting his wrist made Feng Cha's face pale, his face was completely devoid of blood, his expression was extremely distorted, and his eyes were full of fear and hatred.

Yun Ling held the sword in both hands, and stood behind Shi Tianjue with indifferent eyes.

Watching him tormenting Feng Sha bit by bit, his lips were so pale that there was no trace of blood.

There was no trace of surprise or fear on his face, as if he was already familiar with the scene in front of him.

Unusually calmly, he watched one person after another fall, leaving behind a dry skeleton.

There was a light click.

Feng Sha lowered his head slightly, his eyes fixed on Shi Tianjue's direction, but his voice had long since disappeared.

"Go and catch Luo Haoran!"

The moment Shi Tianjue turned his head, an extremely secretive blue smoke quietly emerged from Feng Sha's body, and fell into the bones that had already been strewn all over the ground. Everything was going on so quietly that no one noticed it.

"Yes!" Yunling's figure flashed, and he quickly swept towards a certain ruined wall, and pulled out Luo Haoran, who was hiding in it, trembling body, pale face, and frightened eyes, and appeared in Shitian In front of Jue, pinching Luo Haoran's chin with his fingers, he raised his drooping head.

"Luo Haoran, Prime Minister Luo, do you know that today is my happy day with Yue'er?"

Shi Tianjue slowly walked in front of Luo Haoran, brushed his slightly cold fingers across Luo Ziyue's face, and looked at Luo Haoran who was curled up into a ball with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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