Chapter 161

"What activity itinerary?"

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, and squinted at the shameless guy who was circling around her and eating two mouthfuls of tofu from time to time.

After clapping his restless hand away with a crisp palm, he quickly straightened his clothes and walked out of the room side by side with him.

"Why is it so quiet outside?" Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue with a cold face beside her in surprise.

Shi Tianjue muttered, looking like a little daughter-in-law, raised his hand like a complaint, and brought it in front of Luo Ziyue, "You hit me just now, look, my hands are all red from you!"

"Is there? Let me see!"

A hint of cunning flashed deep in Luo Ziyue's dark pupils, she raised her right hand high as if to hit his hand again, but she didn't want to tighten her waist.

Shi Tianjue was unrestrained, and an unusually evil and charming voice sounded in her ears, "Girl, believe it or not, if you slap me like this, I promise you won't be able to get out of bed or leave the room for three days!"

"You, you, you stinky rascal!"

Luo Ziyue's face froze, and she fiercely attacked Shi Tianjue with her left hand and elbow, but he dodged it with quick eyesight and quick hands, and attacked him fiercely with a heartless stomp. Show mercy.

"I think you have excess energy. If I don't teach you a lesson today, I won't be called Luo Ziyue!"

"If you want to use my surname, just say so! Why are you so tactful and shy! In fact, I really don't mind if you take my surname, Shi Ziyue or Shi Luo Ziyue!"

Shi Tianjue quickly dodged Luo Ziyue's attack, and flirted with her calmly.

Seeing her cold and arrogant little face full of exasperation, great satisfaction rose in her heart.

"Stop! Don't move! Don't hide! Otherwise, you won't be allowed to share the same bed with me for the next three days!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Ziyue was stunned for an instant. Hearing the laughter from the dark place, a shy blush rose on her face, and she glared at Shi Tianjue who was smiling brightly, and she flung her sleeves and turned away , made a gesture and walked towards the room.

But she was secretly annoyed in her heart, saying that she had been pregnant for three years and she was not pregnant yet!

Why did he suddenly get stuck in his head and say such a nonsensical, shameless and shameless sentence!

Shi Tianjue gave a blank smile, and reacted instantly, seeing the blush on her face, a burst of pleasant low laughter came out of her mouth.

His eyes were unusually sharp and cold, and he swept towards the laughter coming from the dark.

Counting until the spiritual power shot out from the palm, the sharp piercing sound exploded in mid-air.

The face of the dark guard in the dark froze, and when the muffled groan came out, the slight smell of blood wafted in the air.

"Girl, I promise, this time I will absolutely stand still and not hide, let you beat and scold to vent!" Shi Tianjue grabbed Luo Ziyue's wrist, looked at her very seriously, and promised.

Luo Ziyue squinted at him for a while, jumped up suddenly, hooked his neck with both hands, and bit his clean chin fiercely.

Originally, she wanted to bite him on the face, but unfortunately, he wore a mask on his face, and only his clean chin was exposed!

A slight cry of pain came out of his mouth, but his hands still wrapped around Luo Ziyue's waist, bending his body slightly, allowing her to vent.

After biting for a while, Luo Ziyue suddenly felt that these were too girly, and Luo Ziyue, who had lost her style, let go of him suddenly.

He pinched his chin with his right hand, and warned sharply: "In the future, you must obey me obediently. I tell you to go east and you can't go west. I tell you to squat down and you can't stand up. Anyway, whatever I tell you to do, you must do it. ,otherwise……"

Shi Tianjue raised his right hand as if swearing to the sky, and said: "Yes! From now on, I guarantee that I will only listen to my wife's words, listen to my wife's words, and have meat to eat!"

"Eat your sister!" Luo Ziyue was quite helpless to him who was full of dirty jokes, and grabbed his ear suddenly, "Don't say dirty jokes in the future!"

Shi Tianjue pretended to look at her weakly, and asked innocently: "Daughter-in-law, you can't deprive me of the right to eat meat! Eating a vegetarian diet every day will cause malnutrition, physical weakness and other serious consequences!"

"Are you a pig? You know how to eat and eat all day..."

How could Luo Ziyue fail to hear the meaning behind his words, her almond-shaped eyes were wide open, and the black eyes were full of burning flames.

"Daughter-in-law, you misunderstood me...I have only eaten meat for two days, not every day!"

Shi Tianjue looked at her innocently, his ruby-like pupils were full of innocence and romance, so pure that he could see the bottom of it.

It almost made Luo Ziyue mistakenly think that she was killing the young seedlings of the motherland.

But when he thought of this man's black belly, after a short period of sluggishness, he regained his senses in an instant, gritted his teeth and said, "Do you still want to eat?"

"Eat, of course I have to eat, what if my wife is so hungry?" Shi Tianjue replied very seriously with a serious expression on his face.

The smile that was about to overflow from his eyes betrayed his current mood.

Looking at him like a child, although Luo Ziyue felt helpless, she also felt boundless love. She knew that both he and she were children who lacked love.

After drinking and eating, Luo Ziyue lazily leaned against the back of the chair, squinted her eyes slightly, and looked at the man beside her who was just watching her eating alone, "Aren't you hungry? Why? You just watch me eat, don't you eat?"

"I was already full before, you know, I don't want to eat these!" Shi Tianjue said to her with a wicked smile on his face.

Luo Ziyue rolled her eyes at him, didn't bother to pay attention to him, squinted her eyes, and was eating, but she didn't want to be hugged by his waist suddenly, so scared that she quickly put her arms around his neck tightly, "What are you doing? ?”

"My Lord will take you there, and I will help you digest your food!" Shi Tianjue smiled sinisterly, his eyes could not hide the sternness, and the corners of his slightly curved mouth showed a cold arc, obviously thinking of something .

Luo Ziyue was slightly taken aback, and instantly thought of what happened last night.

Based on what she knew about him, this meeting would definitely take her to kill the weeds.

The four eyes met, the corners of the mouth slightly hooked, and said softly: "Okay!"

With a flash of figure, the two of them flew across the air like a bolt of lightning, so fast that Luo Ziyue felt the wind blowing on her face, which was a bit stinging.

Leaning his head slightly on his chest, he looked towards Moyang City below.

He suddenly found that Moyang City was heavily guarded, and officers and soldiers in armor could be seen in the city at any time.

After hesitating for a while, he looked at the man's hard side face and asked softly, "Did the Holy One also intervene in yesterday's matter?"

"No, but he acquiesced, otherwise, do you think we didn't want the guardian to show up after we made such a big commotion last night?"

Shi Tianjue's body stiffened slightly, and said in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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