Chapter 162

"Uh, you...!"

Luo Ziyue's lively eyes showed a trace of worry, looking at Shi Tianjue with an unusually cold face, he hesitated to speak.

Shi Tianjue looked down and saw the worry in her eyes, and a warm current passed through his heart.

The big thick hands gently pinched her pretty face, and reprimanded softly: "Is your man such a fragile person? He hasn't seen anything in so many years, so how can he be troubled by such a small matter!"

"Pfft!" Seeing the indifference and arrogance deep in his deep pupils, Luo Ziyue burst out laughing, and nodded in approval: "That's right, if you are so fragile, I wouldn't dare to take it! "

"Hahahaha... let's go, my master will take you to kill all directions, and go back in a cool way!"

A burst of joyful laughter overflowed from the sexy, deep, wine-like charming voice, and the undisguised arrogance and rebelliousness in the words made Luo Ziyue's face reveal a faint smile, which was unusually charming, pure and pure With a trace of charm, Shi Tianjue couldn't help but make Shi Tianjue's heart beat a little faster.

Looking fondly at the little woman in his arms, his hoarse voice exclaimed helplessly: "You tormenting little fairy!"

"Hey hey..." Luo Ziyue chuckled, lying quietly in his arms, not daring to move a bit, from his eyes flashing some inexplicable emotion, she had already guessed something sensitively, In order to avoid being put on the spot by him—ahem, it's safer for her to stay in his arms obediently.

In the blink of an eye, they were far away from Moyang City.

The speed gradually slowed down not far from Moyang City, and finally stood on a certain mountain range.

A surging aura suddenly rose from Shi Tianjue, which was extremely frightening.

Shi Tianjue, who stood still in mid-air, waved his hands in the air strangely, and black aura slowly overflowed from his palms.

Condensed into a hemisphere and drifted towards the mountain not far away.

Under Luo Ziyue's astonished gaze, it expanded little by little, slowly covering the entire mountain in darkness.

It's like watching the coming unstoppable.


Tianzongmen, the meeting hall.

Acting head Qi Kai, with rough facial features, vaguely resembles the deceased Qi Yi.

There was an unconcealable exhaustion in the deep eyes, looking at the elders who were arguing extremely fieryly below, he rubbed his temples with some headaches.

He is Qi Yi's eldest son, and he has been traveling for a few years. After Qi Yi and Qi Yiyun had accidents, he was called back and hastily took over Tianzongmen indirectly.

It's not that he doesn't know about the grievances between Tianzongmen and the seventh lady of the Luo family, Luo Ziyue, but because of King Ning's reputation as a murderer, he has always disapproved of yesterday's siege and ambush, and he has also spoken out to comfort the Tianzongmen elders. The ancestors should not step into this muddy water again to avoid further casualties. It is a pity that others are soft-spoken and can barely persuade the ancestors of the Tianzongmen who were blinded by hatred and insisted on going their own way. As a result, a large number of Tianzongmen elites were taken away Go, did not return all night, lost the news.

In fact, they all know that the ancestors and their line of business are probably more ominous than good.

Looking at the people below who were arguing over whether to seek revenge from King Ning and Luo Ziyue, emotions such as helplessness and disgust flashed across his tired eyes, but he had to cheer up to deal with it.

"Ahem, I understand the opinions of the elders, but I would like to ask, who do you think is as powerful as the ancestor, even he is gone forever, we will send someone to fight King Ning is against you, how sure are you of winning?"

"Could it be that this revenge will not be avenged?"

"That's right~! The sect master and the others are so resentful, if it were Luo Ziyue, that stinky girl who started the trouble, why would we have suffered such a big loss?"

"I can't do it anymore. King Ning and Luo Ziyue's stinky girl never separated. In my opinion, let's pick a time when they are separated, and quietly kill that stinky girl to pay homage to the ancestors and their spirits in heaven!"


As soon as Qi Kai said this, it seemed to ignite the fuse of anger and hatred in everyone's hearts. The elders in the hall blushed and roared at him with grinning teeth. He tore into pieces like a ruthless, terrifying!
Suddenly, a dangerous aura hit him, causing his face to change instantly, as if he suddenly thought of something, there was a look of fear in his eyes.

"Not good! A strong enemy is coming!"

I didn't have time to pay attention to the stunned people in the hall, so I hurriedly dropped this sentence.

His figure quickly burst out of the hall, and the bell resounding through the sky woke up the scattered disciples of Tianzongmen.

Let him look awe-inspiring, and they all gathered towards the square in front of Tianzongmen.

Before they had time to react, a powerful and terrifying aura came over.

A semicircular black sphere enveloped their heads, and the invisible coercion made many disciples with low strength turn pale, and their legs trembled violently.

In their horrified eyes, the black sphere slowly expanded like a golden bell cover, gradually covering the entire Human Tianzong Mountain Range.

It is like dark clouds covering the sun, blocking all the moonlight above the head.

With both feet on the ground, Qi Kai rose into the air, looked at the disciples under the door with a serious expression, and the voice with hidden spiritual power echoed in the square, "All disciples obey the order, form a formation, and open the protective barrier!"

"Yes! Sect Leader!" A uniform voice resounded through the sky, and the disciples in the uniform white Tianzongmen squirmed quickly, holding a sharp sword in their hands, merging their hands in front of their chests, and the spiritual power in their bodies slowly and continuously flowed along their hands. Hearts converge towards Qi Kai.

Qi Kai crossed his legs, closed his eyes tightly, the sound of whimpering wind rang in his ears, and the blue aura in the palm of his hand spread to the surroundings in ripples. Bombing on the huge pillar above the square, boom!

The Tanabata mask rose from their heads, and the invisible majesty on their bodies seemed to have eased a lot in an instant, which made many young disciples secretly lose their breath.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

A wild laughter suddenly came from above their heads. When they looked up, they were stunned in place for an instant, and many people showed appreciation and praise in their eyes.

Wearing a purple brocade robe, he hugged Luo Ziyue tightly with both hands, matching the purple and white, as if he was descended from heaven.

Black silk as black as ink and silver hair as white as snow intertwined and danced in the air.

The skull mask on his face strangely covered his entire handsome face as if it had come alive, leaving only a pair of indifferent eyes that looked like thousands of years of ice shining in the dark, extremely mysterious and noble.

Like a king sneaking into the darkness, his gestures are naturally domineering.

Even Luo Ziyue, who was used to seeing his various appearances, couldn't help being a little dazed.

There was a cynical expression on the beautiful face, which slowly converged and disappeared under the gaze of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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