Chapter 163 The blatant provocation

The rosy and attractive lips are slightly upturned, evoking a sinister arc.

There was a cold light shining in the deep eyes, Shengxue in white clothes, nestled in his arms, stood quietly in mid-air, and looked indifferently at the panicked crowd below.

The combination of handsome men and beautiful women is extremely conspicuous no matter where they are.

Qi Kai's face was slightly stiff, and he recognized the identities of the predecessors in an instant, and quickly darted in front of them, and said flatteringly: "I don't know that King Ning and Princess Ning are here, and I am disappointed to welcome you. Damn it!"

Shi Tianjue stared coldly at Qi Kai in front of him with red eyes like blood.

The cold eyes are like standing naked in the ice and snow, which makes people feel chills down the spine.

The kingly aura emanating from the invisible made people unconsciously seem to be a lot shorter in front of him, and those small thoughts that were just about to move in his heart disappeared in an instant.


With a quiet and dignified breath, Qi Kai could only hear his slightly panting breathing, and the cold sweat on his forehead kept slipping off his head, as if it had been as long as a century, and the clothes on his back were already drenched in cold sweat , He lowered his head and didn't say a word. Years of experience in traveling the mainland told him that the two people in front of him were extremely dangerous. Don't offend them easily unless you have to, otherwise you won't even know how you died.

Nothing is more important than life, but he thinks so, but the people behind him don't think so.

"Prince Ning, Concubine Ning, our head is talking to you! Didn't you hear me?"

The Great Elder, who had long been displeased with them, took a step forward, with a serious expression, and said to Shi Tianjue and Luo Ziyue with a little dissatisfaction.

The corner of Luo Ziyue's mouth deepened a little, and she turned her head to look at Shi Tianjue behind her.

I saw that he was as deep as a black hole, and murderous intent suddenly appeared in his unpredictable eyes.

The corners of the mouth are slightly upturned.

His gaze fell on the head elder of the Tianzong sect like a substance, and in an instant, the head elder seemed to be piercing his back with a sharp edge.

"Go back, do you have something to say here?"

Looking at the killing intent in Shi Tianjue's eyes, Qi Kai was anxious, cold sweat rolled down his forehead, and without thinking, he turned his head and roared at the elder.

The First Elder raised his head in astonishment, looked at Qi Kai in shock, his face flashed with embarrassment, as if he couldn't believe that Qi Kai would yell at him in front of many disciples, his lips moved slightly, just about to say something What, but when he saw Qi Kai quietly handing over his eyes, he died down.

"It's the old man who took the liberty, please blame the head!"

The Great Elder bowed his head respectfully, took a step back obediently, and hid himself among the crowd of elders.

Due to the injustice in his heart, he deliberately ignored the existence of Shi Tianjue and Luo Ziyue, and only apologized to Qi Kai.

This made Qi Kai quite distressed, his brows were frowned unconsciously, forming a shape of a river, and he secretly scolded the old guy for being blind and stubborn.

"Are you the new head of Tianzong Sect? The son of that old fellow Qi Yi? What's his name?"

Seeing that Shi Tian had no intention of speaking, Luo Ziyue had no choice but to turn around and ask Qi Kai curiously.

There was a curious gleam in her crystal-clear eyes like glazed glass. If it weren't for her famous name, it would be really difficult for Qi Kai to associate the girl in front of him with the fiercely famous Miss Luo Qi.

"Back to Concubine Ning, Qi Kai is the eldest son of the previous head, and also the elder brother of the deceased Mrs. Luo!"

Qi Yi didn't dare to underestimate the beautiful girl in front of him, with delicate facial features that are not like a mortal, and answered her questions in a very calm tone.

"Really? You deliberately mentioned Qi Yiyun to remind me of something?" The corners of Luo Ziyue's mouth revealed a playful arc, and she looked at Qi Kai playfully, "I killed your father, your sister, and the girl from last night. What ancestor, you can still talk to me so calmly, tsk tsk, it's not easy!"

While speaking, there was disdain in her clever eyes, and she didn't wait for Qi Kai to speak as if she thought of something, and said provocatively again: "By the way, do you want to know how Qi Yiyun died?"

Qi Kai hid his hands in his sleeves, his knuckles turned white from excessive use of clenching, and the veins on his forehead popped up, but he still tried to keep calm, "Thank you Princess Ning for the compliment, but the past is over, and I don't know anymore It is necessary."

"She was cut into countless pieces by me with a knife, and the miserable blood filled the whole room. The blood flowed into a river for a while, and the screams of pain resounded through the sky, but I was still hanging by me with the precious medicine. If you die, you can only watch me peel off the meat from her body and roast it into a fragrant barbecue for the servants of our family to eat every bite!"

Luo Ziyue smiled innocently, casually recalling the scene Qi Yiyun watched before she died.

Looking at Qi Yi's protruding blue veins in front of him, the corners of his mouth deepened a bit.

The Tianzong sect disciple's face was pale, and he looked at Luo Ziyue who was dressed in white like a fairy descending from the mortal world in horror, his body trembling violently.

Many people sat on the ground with limp legs when she looked over.

Standing behind Qi Kai is a row of elders who are used to relying on their elders to sell their elders. Their eyes were full of anger, and their bloodshot eyes were extremely frightening, but they couldn't shake Luo Ziyue. Put it in your eyes.

"Before she died, she kept calling daddy, save me! Brother, save me, but no one could save her. She just watched in despair as I bit her Ling Chi, and her bowels flowed. Damn, oh yes, when it comes to barbecue, she ate a lot of meat by herself..."

"You, you, you witch! I'm going to kill you, and you give me back Yun'er!"

Before Luo Ziyue could speak, suddenly, a middle-aged man rushed out from the square below, with a distorted expression, staring at her fiercely, holding a sharp sword in his hand, the sharp piercing sound resounded through the sky, and his murderous aura rushed towards her. Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue attacked.

Luo Ziyue looked coldly at the middle-aged man who was gradually attacking him. Wearing a white dress, she disappeared strangely in place, and appeared behind the middle-aged man like a ghost, pinching his crotch with both hands. Neck, smiled innocently and asked in his ear: "This uncle, what is your relationship with Qi Yiyun? You actually acted more angry than her own elder brother!"

Looking at the sweetly smiling face in front of him, the middle-aged man's eyes flickered, and he reacted instantly, "Demon girl, I'm going to kill you!"

Holding a sharp sword in his hand, he stabbed at his back.

Suddenly, a strange fragrance came, his hands softened, and with a bang, the sharp sword in his hand hit the ground. The strength in his body seemed to disappear in an instant, leaving him completely powerless to resist.

The middle-aged man stared at Luo Ziyue in astonishment, "You, you..."

"Uncle, if you don't answer me obediently again, I will be angry!"

(End of this chapter)

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