Chapter 187 Crisis 10
After taking the elixir, Peng Wu and others practiced cross-legged on the spot, recovering the spiritual power in their bodies.

Luo Ziyue quietly nestled in Shi Tianjue's arms, her eyes were deep, like a deep pool of mystery, making it impossible for people to see through her thoughts.

Shi Tianjue lowered his eyes slightly, and gazed at the delicate little woman in his arms lovingly and tenderly, as if she was the only one in the world, and everything around her was illusory.

People around lowered their heads and quietly guessed their identities, the guard in their eyes was very obvious.

Chen Hu of the Cheetah Mercenary Group has always reported his flaws, and he is famous for his violent temper.

He loves his only son, Chen Lie, to the point of lawlessness.

Once, Chen Lie fell in love with a beautiful woman by accident, but unfortunately, that woman had already been married.

In order to satisfy his son's wish, Chen Hu brutally killed the woman's husband, and used his family as a bargaining chip to threaten the defenseless woman.

In order to protect the safety of her family, the woman had no choice but to endure her grief and succumbed to Chen Lie.

Tortured day after day.

Finally one day, the woman couldn't bear the humiliation day after day, and was determined to die with Chen Lie, but she was still defeated by Chen Lie.

Chen Hu discovered that Chen Lie was not only seriously injured, but also almost lost his children and grandchildren.

In anger, he even killed her closest relatives and loved ones in front of the woman's eyes one by one.

No matter how much the woman begged for mercy and admitted her mistakes, she couldn't save her relatives' lives.

The means are extremely cruel and cold.

Even letting the blood stain the ground red and the sound of sharp curses piercing the sky didn't make him change his mind.

However, now the person in front of him actually killed his only son in front of everyone, and there was no bones left. He actually just let his mercenaries and a group of useless mercenaries fight in a simple fight, and even killed him. I didn't get it out, it was too thunderous and raindrops were small.

However, with Chen Hu's shrewdness, he must have discovered something from these two people to give up the revenge of killing his son so easily.

"Do these two look familiar to you?" Suddenly, someone seemed to have discovered something, and cautiously said to the people around him.

"It seems so familiar, but I can't remember where I saw them!"

The eyes of the people around fell on Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue, their brows were furrowed, their faces were slightly tilted as they were thinking about something, their faces were deep in thought.

"Hey, the couple we met before didn't seem to be in the crowd, do you think they ran away?"

Just as Du Hongbo was digging his brain hard to remember where he had seen them.

Suddenly Du Yulong who was beside him sounded a slightly nervous voice.

You know, the mysterious exercises that Du's family used before are inevitable.

Although according to the woman, it is very likely that the person who made the contract before was a member of the Demon Race.

However, there is still a trace of doubt and distrust in their hearts.

You know, no one knows if it's true or not except them.

What's more, people from the Demon Race are so easy to meet when they meet.

Du Hongbo patted his forehead, and excitedly grabbed Du Yulong beside him and said, "Second brother, do you think this couple is very similar to the couple we met before, although there is a little difference in appearance? , but who knows if they have changed their appearance? What's more, there is no sign of that couple in the crowd!"

"If you don't tell me, I haven't discovered it yet. Hearing what you said, I will feel that there is really such a thing!"

Du Yulong's eyes showed deep thought, and he looked at Luo Ziyue and the others carefully, as if he wanted to see something from them.

"We seem to have been discovered!" Luo Ziyue raised her head suddenly, looked at those burning eyes, and when she saw their deep thinking faces, she turned her head slightly and said to Shi Tianjue.

Shi Tianjue rubbed her head, and his indifferent eyes swept across the faces of Du Yulong brothers. The coldness and coldness in the eyes made the two brothers not only shudder, but withdraw their eyes in a panic, and turned their backs to them.

But even so, he still couldn't stop the piercing cold gaze projected from Shi Tianjue's body.

"It's just a few fleas, don't worry about it!"

The corner of Shi Tianjue's mouth turned up slightly, and he lazily withdrew his eyes, looking towards the center of the golden light.

A red light flashed in the depths of his eyes as deep as ink, and it was so fast that no one noticed.

"Did you find anything?" Seeing his sinister smile, Luo Ziyue couldn't help asking curiously.

"No!" Shi Tianjue shook his head, slowly withdrew his gaze from the golden glow, looked at Luo Ziyue very seriously and confessed: "Follow me closely in a while, don't get lost!"

"For a while?" Luo Ziyue looked at him in surprise, and turned her eyes to where Jin Mang was, "You mean, after a while, Jin Mang might be about to...?"

Shi Tianjue looked at her with a smile without answering, all the answers were silent, "Do you know what's inside?"

I don't know what method Shi Tianjue used to block all the conversations between him and Luo Ziyue, so that outsiders can't see what they are communicating, and the two are extremely shrewd people. There is no way for them to tell what they are talking about.

Shi Jueming looked at the couple not far away with cloudy eyes. For some reason, he had a vague feeling that this unsightly couple might be the younger brother and younger sibling that he hated so much.

However, in the battle between Shi Tianjue and Luo Ziyue that night, after they disappeared, they never showed up again.

After thinking it over and over again, he still decided to rush forward to test it out, otherwise, his heart would be very disturbed.

With the existence of that unsightly couple, the strange treasure in front of him knows without thinking, that they will not benefit at all.

"Looking at the two of you is very familiar, I wonder where you are from?"

Shi Jueming smiled very gently, just like that, he looked like a gentle and modest gentleman.

Hearing his question, Luo Ziyue, whose back was turned to him, had a flash of surprise in her eyes, the corners of her mouth were turned up, revealing a smile of unknown meaning. Killing Jue Ming looked over.

"Is something wrong?" Looking at Shi Jueming in front of him, Shi Tianjue's face remained unchanged, he looked at him extremely indifferently, and asked in a very blunt and cold voice.

Shi Jueming didn't expect that they would be so merciless to him, his face was a little ugly and he couldn't get off the stage, but under the gaze of everyone, he had to hide his inner emotions and face them with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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