Chapter 188 Crisis 11
"I just looked at the two familiar faces, and wanted to ask where you are from?"

Shi Jueming smiled very calmly, looked at Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue with gentle eyes, obviously showing a cheeky face, which made Shi Tianjue want to test his bottom line.

Luo Ziyue nestled obediently in Shi Tianjue's arms, looked at the two confronting each other with a smile, and had no intention of intervening.

"What does our familiarity have to do with your familiarity? Or, where do you think we are from? Or, who do you think we are?"

"Hehe... I don't think it matters what you are, what matters is that you can't deny your identities, can you?"

Shi Jueming looked at Shi Tianjue in a little surprise, smiled slightly, and looked at them with a very clear expression.

"Then tell me, what are our identities?" Shi Tianjue looked at Shi Jueming indifferently with a calm expression.

"I never imagined that His Royal Highness Ning Wang would play this kind of word-heavy game." Jue Ming smiled slightly, and his voice was just enough to be heard by most of the people present. It was very straightforward. The name of Shi Tianjue and their identities.

There was no expression on Shi Tianjue's face, but Luo Ziyue in his arms showed a faint sarcasm smile, looking at Shi Jueming with a half-smile.

"After that night, you and Luo Ziyue disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. My father took pictures of countless people to inquire about you, but they couldn't find any clues. Unexpectedly, you both disguised yourself like this. It really opened my eyes!"

"Second brother, they are actually King Ning and his wife!"

Du Hongbo looked at the indifferent Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue with a look of shock, feeling uneasy in his heart, and looked anxiously at Du Yunlong beside him.

It's not that Du Yunlong has never guessed their identities, but after their identities were actually confirmed, there was still a touch of shock on his face, "If it was them, it would not be a surprise, and things that don't belong to us should not be delusional, otherwise, when the time comes I don't know how I died!"

"Three days after farewell, you really impressed me for a while!"

Shi Tianjue gently stroked his face with his arm, revealing his real face. The familiar red eyes reappeared in everyone's eyes. The hideous mask on his face added a touch of mystery and domineering, sexy The thin lips were slightly raised, and the cold voice rang in everyone's ears like an ancient bell.

"Hey, Tianjue and I originally wanted to come here in a low-key way to join in the fun this time, but we didn't expect His Royal Highness's eyesight to become so sharp all of a sudden, which really surprised us!"

Luo Ziyue's clear voice sounded regretful, and she shook her head helplessly, but she didn't show her true face like Shi Tianjue, and her crystal-clear eyes, like the sun, could not help illuminating her The whole ordinary cheek.

"Your siblings are joking, but aren't your younger siblings planning to show off your alluring appearance like Tianjue?"

There was a faint smile on Shi Jueming's face, sharp eyes fell on her ordinary face, and her brows were unconsciously frowned.

"Although His Royal Highness smashed my idea of ​​keeping a low profile to the end, I didn't intend to show that stinky skin in front of so many seniors. After all, for a person like me who has always been used to keeping a low profile, all of a sudden, the red —I would still be very shy if I was exposed naked in front of everyone..."

Luo Ziyue is not stupid. In addition to the people from Dongmo Kingdom, there are also many powerful people from other countries who are here today. If the real face is exposed to everyone in this way, it may not take two days *It became famous far and near.

There will be trouble in the future.

"I thought that younger brothers and sisters have always been fearless! Unexpectedly, they are so timid when entering, they only dare to pretend to be fake!"

Killing Jueming sneered, he didn't know what was going on, when he knew that Luo Ziyue didn't want to show his true face, he felt displeasure in his heart, and when he spoke, he became very sharp and piercing .

"I've always been timid and afraid of getting into trouble. Doesn't His Royal Highness know about it? What's more, you want me to show my true face so much, what is your intention?"

Luo Ziyue didn't pay attention to his provocative methods at all, the indifferent expression on her face didn't change a bit, she looked at her calmly, and fought back slowly.

"How can you say that younger brothers and sisters are considered to be the most famous people on this continent. I think everyone is already curious about you, so why don't you satisfy everyone's wishes!"

Killing Jueming's eyes flicked across the crowd, seeing a hint of curiosity in their eyes, he couldn't help but smile slightly, and shifted the topic to them.

"Actually, I personally don't have any opinion on His Highness the Crown Prince's opinion. It's just that, although it pleases everyone, it makes my man unhappy. No matter how you look at it, this business is not worthwhile. After all, Family happiness is the first priority, isn't it?"

Luo Ziyue smiled lightly, turned her head to look at the man behind her, her clever eyes were full of smiles, she held his face in her hands, and smiled happily.

A look of helplessness flashed in Shi Tianjue's ruby-like pupils, and he put his arms around her waist, allowing her to do evil on his face.

"What do you think of my wife? Or, what do you think of my wife, Prince?"

There was a touch of sharpness in the indifferent voice, and a fierce light appeared from slightly squinted eyes, sweeping across everyone's body, and finally landed on Shi Jueming's body.

When his eyes fell on Shi Jueming, his back straightened unconsciously, and he smelled a dangerous breath in his heart, which made him look at him defensively, and took a small step back , Said with a sarcastic smile: "Hasn't it been a long time since I haven't seen my siblings?"

"This king doesn't think there is any need for you to meet!"

Shi Tianjue's cold and merciless words made Shi Jueming show a trace of embarrassment on his face, and smiled embarrassingly, but his heart was already overwhelmed, but because of the eyes of everyone, he had to be cheeky and continue response.

"Did you only bring one person with you this time? Or, you come with us, so that everyone can take care of each other!"

Shi Jueming looked around for a week, and found that they came out with only one person behind them this time. No need to guess, this person must be Yun Ling, Shi Tianjue's personal bodyguard who never leaves his body, so he couldn't help but pretend to be kind.

"No need, we have already agreed to join their team before, so there is no reason to go back on our word. We, husband and wife, appreciate the Prince's kindness."

(End of this chapter)

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