Chapter 189 Crisis 12
Luo Ziyue smiled slightly, and Qianqian pointed at Peng Wu and the others who were already stunned and unable to close their mouths.

"They?" Jue Ming looked in the direction of Luo Ziyue's finger, with a look of disdain in his eyes, "Aren't younger brothers and sisters afraid that they will be dragged down by them? This strength is simply not enough!"

When Peng Wu and the others heard what Shi Jueming said, their faces flushed red, and there was a hint of anger in their eyes. They wanted to say something, but they didn't know what to say. They knew what Shi Jueming said was right, as far as their Strength is simply not enough in front of Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue.

It's just that under the watchful eyes of everyone, speaking so bluntly still made them feel very embarrassed, their faces were ashamed as if they were on fire, but Luo Ziyue looked very calm, with the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"That's not to say, Tianjue and I came here this time just to join in the fun and gain knowledge. There is no other purpose. As for their strength! It's not that important. The important thing is that at least we don't have to worry about it. When will they suddenly stab us in the back?"

"I don't want to listen to what my brother and sister say. Could it be that my brother and sister are beating around the bush and saying that I am a man with a knife behind my back?" Kill Jueming's face froze, his voice became cold instantly, and the atmosphere became more and more serious. dignified.

Looking at the two people who were at war, Peng Wu opened his lips slightly as if he wanted to say something, but he remained silent after all.

He just looked at the team members around him fiercely, warning them not to talk nonsense at this time, and just quietly decorate their backs.

"I didn't say that. I just gave an example. After all, when Tianjue killed the only son of Captain Chen Hu by mistake, they stood up to help us. They didn't abandon us just because we offended a powerful force. We are not, from this point alone, it is impossible for us to abandon them, as for where they can go, it depends on their fortune!"

Luo Ziyue smiled slyly, her cold eyes fell on Chen Hu who was staring at them in the crowd, and she simply erased the previous grievances with the wrong hand, "However, Captain Chen also You don't have to stare at us so fiercely. If you really want to avenge your son, my man and I will be there at any time, but if you push these grievances to innocent people, we won't be so easy to talk to! "

Chen Hu didn't expect that Luo Ziyue would directly pierce the little Jiujiu in his heart, and the posture of showing that he wanted to cover Peng Wu and the others made him dare not say anything, so he had to carefully restrain the unwillingness on his face With hatred, he smiled and said: "Princess, what are you talking about. To blame, I can only blame my son for not taking good care of him. He offended King Ning and Princess Ning recklessly. He really deserves to die, he really deserves to die!"

I don't know why the woman in front of me obviously doesn't look very imposing, but she makes cold sweat overflow from his forehead, and he smiles with a cowardly face.

"Head Chen, in fact, you should be glad that my man wants to play low-key with me today, otherwise, since your son called himself his father, you and your so-called Cheetah Mercenary Group may no longer exist. Tsk tsk... Thinking about it, I really admire your son's courage. He dares to call me Lao Tzu so confidently with my man. He is No.1. If you don't believe me, ask the prince?"

"Yes, yes, yes... Thank you King Ning and Princess Ning for your mercy!"

Hearing Luo Ziyue's plausible explanation, Chen Hu was startled, and laughed repeatedly.

"Hahaha... Captain Chen's son is really brave. You know, my father and king have never called me a father in front of my brother..." Jue Jueming chuckled, looking at the cold sweat on his forehead with a playful look. Chen Hu, who was constantly venturing out, said narrowly.

"Since Brother Wang and siblings have their own arrangements and plans, I will not spare you!"

Seeing the flash of impatience in Shi Tianjue's eyes, Shi Jueming quickly bid farewell to them with great interest, and led the ordinary people to hide away.

Looking at the back of him fleeing in a hurry, Luo Ziyue showed a playful smile on her face, she tilted her head slightly to look at the man behind him who was venting cold air, and said curiously: "Is he scared by you? "

Shi Tianjue snorted coldly, and leaned over her body, "He talks too much, you're tired! I'm tired too!"

"Hahaha..." Luo Ziyue's silver bell-like laughter emerged from her cherry-like rosy mouth. She tiptoed and lightly pecked Shi Tianjue's mouth. Before he could react, she quickly ran away. Open, looking towards Peng Wu and the others who didn't know how to react.

"You don't need to be nervous, everything is still the same as before..."

"This, this..." Peng Wu seemed to want to say something, but when Luo Ziyue's smiling eyes fell on his face, he had a faint feeling in his heart that Princess Ning in front of him didn't want to talk about what happened before. Inform the world, let alone let everyone know about them and recognize them as masters.

"No need for this or that. Since we didn't appear as King Ning and Concubine Ning, we must not want others to treat us as King Ning and Concubine Ning. As the captain, you can arrange what we should do, you guys Not our subordinates, don't be so afraid of us!"

Luo Ziyue saw through Peng Wu's thoughts at a glance.

After the guess in Peng Wu's heart was confirmed by Luo Ziyue's side, the expression on his face quickly calmed down, calmed down, and a calm voice sounded: "Since Princess Ning said so, then we can't say anything more, and we will offend you later. I hope King Ning and Princess Ning will forgive me a lot."

"Well, we know what's in our hearts, just be yourself boldly!" Luo Ziyue nodded slightly, "You can call me Miss Luo, don't come here, the princess will go!"

"Okay, Miss Luo!" Peng Wu nodded resolutely, turned around to look at the other team members, and waved slightly, only to see a group of people forming a circle, gesturing carefully, Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue stood quietly behind them, watching them quietly.

"I didn't expect them to be the famous King Ning and Princess Ning!"

Everyone looked at Luo Ziyue and the others carefully, and many of them were like Peng Wu's team and strength, and cast envious glances at Peng Wu and the others.

Being able to be favored by King Ning and Princess Ning, presumably the reasoning in the future will be much smoother than later. People like them who want background but no background, and strength but no strength, can be selected by such amazing talents. It is like being hit by a pie falling from the sky, it is also a dream and an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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