Chapter 190 Crisis 13
"Yeah! The luck of this group of people is really fucking good. They were chosen by King Ning and Princess Ning. It's just fucking luck!"

"Paralysis, if we had known that they were King Ning and Princess Ning, we wouldn't have..."

"Hey, what is it about these two people that you value so much? As for that? There are many people who are more powerful than them, and your vision is too..." Some people who don't understand are very puzzled. Looking at the restless crowd around him, he asked in confusion.

Those who knew Shi Tianjue and Luo Ziyue's past looked at those who were confused with contempt.

"You don't know anything. The important thing is not how strong they are, but how much they can do with their current strength."

"It's useless to talk to these ignorant people, they won't understand!"

"That's right, let me tell you that Princess Ning is not only beautiful, but also has great strength. The most important thing is her style of handling things. We like it very much!"

"Those who can be friends with Concubine Ning must be extremely happy, but it's a pity that ordinary people may not be able to meet her vision."

"Tch, if it's really as powerful as you say, why doesn't she show her real face? If you ask me, she must be a girl without salt..."

Hearing the men around her praise Luo Ziyue so highly, it was obvious that the women in the crowd were a little unhappy.

Unbearable, he finally couldn't stand it any longer, jumped out, and stared contemptuously at Luo Ziyue, who looked like a small bird not far away, with a slightly shrill voice, which could be clearly heard even among the chattering crowd. When it reached Luo Ziyue's ears, Shi Tianjue, who was hugging her, narrowed his eyes slightly, and the cold light flashed from the depths of his eyes, like a sharp edge piercing his back, making the girl who spoke couldn't help but straighten her back.

There was a touch of jealousy and anger in Shui Ling's eyes, how could a woman who dare not show her true colors be admired by so many men, and be protected by a man who loved her so much.

She is a majestic genius girl from the Ji family. If she wants to have good looks, a family background, and strength, can she not compare to her? ?

Ji Xiaoqi's eyes showed a look of indignation, "Hmph, what's there to be proud of, she's just a salt-free girl who dare not show her true face, not to mention, I haven't seen how strong she is, you are just spreading rumors !"

As soon as the words fell, she suddenly felt a gaze fall on her body, making her feel like a thorn on her back. She turned her head slightly with disdain, deliberately ignoring that chilling gaze, which was very provocative She looked at Luo Ziyue who looked very petite and lovely against the background of Shi Tianjue.

Before Ji Xiaoqi could feel complacent, a stern voice came from her side, "Shut up!"

Ji Boni's face was very ugly, and he stared gloomyly at the ignorant younger sister beside him, feeling helpless in his heart, "If you dare to talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will send someone to send you back right now, And tell grandpa that you are causing trouble outside again, let him put you in confinement!"

"Why? Am I wrong? They haven't seen her face at all, and they still praise her so highly. If she is really as powerful as they say, why bother to pretend to be so ordinary! "

Ji Xiaoqi's face turned red, she stared at Ji Boni in disbelief, and shouted at him.

"Brother, you actually murdered me because of an outsider! You still want grandpa to put me in confinement! What kind of charm does she have to make you, a person who has never met her, treat your own sister like this!"

"Xiaoqi, don't talk about it, the young master is also for your own good!" The young man standing beside Ji Xiaoqi seemed to be quite different from her age. Seeing the instant war between her and Ji Boni, there was a hint of anger in his eyes. Worried, he whispered in her ear.

"Hmph! For my own good? Who are you lying to!" Ji Xiaoqi threw off his hand impatiently, "He knows that I hate being locked up the most, and he still wants grandpa to lock me up. What did I do wrong? Let him do this to me!"

Ji Boni's handsome face was so gloomy that water dripped out, his eyes turned cold for a moment, and he looked at the younger sister who was losing his temper without any warmth, "You don't even know what you did wrong until now. ? How did your mother educate you on weekdays? Is that how you educated me? "

"How mother educated me, I don't know! I would like to ask how father taught you on weekdays? Could it be that, as a dignified young master, he only knows how to reprimand others regardless of right and wrong? For an irrelevant person, I would rather When so many people reprimand your own sister!"

Ji Xiaoqi snorted coldly, and glared at Ji Boni who was exuding the cold air while concealing her contempt.

He didn't take his threats seriously at all, and blatantly followed him against him!

"I really can't see it. You pretended to be sorry for the audience, but you can still confuse my brother and let him defend you unconditionally. It seems that you are not small! No wonder he protects you so much. !"

Unwilling, Ji Xiaoqi muttered in a low voice, saying that it was a low voice, but in fact, the voice was not too loud or too small for the people around to hear it clearly!

When Shi Tianjue heard her accusing Sang Huai, his face turned cold in an instant, his gloomy eyes fixed on her, and a huge coercion suddenly pressed towards Ji Xiaoqi, making her bend over unsuspecting , almost knelt on the ground, fortunately, Ji Wenxuan beside her quickly helped her up.

"Prince Ning, Xiaoqi is young and ignorant, so please forgive her if she offends her!"

Ji Wenxuan held Ji Xiaoqi in his arms, trying hard to hold up a piece of sky for her, a steady stream of cold sweat slipped from his forehead, and his back slowly bent like a heavy boulder .

With a pale face, he still tried his best to raise his head, despairing towards Luo Ziyue and Shi Tian, ​​and with great difficulty squeezed out words to intercede for Ji Xiaoqi.

"Isn't she quite sharp-tongued?" Shi Tianjue's indifferent voice without a trace of warmth sounded, and a sharp palm wind flew from his hand, lightly lifted Ji Wenxuan out, and slammed Ji Wenxuan hard on the ground. Behind him, on the rest of the Ji family.


Without Ji Wenxuan's protection, Ji Xiaoqi slammed and knelt on the ground, her expression distorted and ferocious due to the pain.

"Prince Ning, what my sister said just now is indeed a bit excessive. I apologize to Princess Wang on her behalf, and I hope that Prince Ning and Concubine Ning can spare her life!"

After all, Ji Boni still couldn't bear to watch his sister suffer, so after a little patience, he resolutely approached Shi Tianjue's coercion, protected Ji Xiaoqi in his arms, and begged for mercy.

(End of this chapter)

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