Chapter 193: Both Dreams and Fantasy 1
"What exactly do you want to do?"

Shi Tianjue narrowed his eyes slightly, staring dangerously at a corner of the passage, his tone was light and there was an invisible arrogance, which made the woman who was laughing wildly froze suddenly as if someone was strangling her neck sound.

When Shi Tianjue was confronting the mysterious woman, Luo Ziyue had already fallen into a deep quagmire, unable to extricate herself.

Her head was dizzy as if she had been hypnotized, her legs seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, and she couldn't move her legs. The upper and lower eyelids kept fighting, and her body seemed to be bound by something, making her unable to move. , even if it is struggling with all its strength, it can only be in vain.

The sharp nails dug deep into the palm of her hand, and the slight tingling sensation woke her up a lot. When she looked around, what she saw was a piece of gold, and the scorching temperature made her feel as if she had been trapped She was sore from being stabbed like a barbecue on the stove.

"Is anyone there?" A hoarse and terrifying voice came out of her throat.

"Heavenly Jue? Are you there?"

"Yunhuang, are you there?"

What responded to her was silence, silent.

After being dazed for a while, Luo Ziyue quickly accepted the situation in front of her. It seems that she and Shi Tianjue have completely separated. If she wants to get out alive, she can only rely on herself. okay?

She squinted her eyes slightly, her body relaxed little by little, and the invisible spiritual power spread around like an octopus, trying to find out the surrounding environment clearly, but soon she was shocked to find that her The power of the spirit is being devoured little by little, making the extent of the power of the spirit extending outward extremely small.

"Hahaha... How does it feel to be roasted on the fire?"

A ghostly voice suddenly sounded in her ears, the slightly neutral voice made it hard to tell whether she was a man or a woman.

"Who are you?" Luo Ziyue's nerves tensed instantly, and she asked vigilantly.

"Enjoy well, the feast we specially prepared for you!" The person hiding in the dark dropped such a sentence, and instantly regained his composure. No matter what Luo Ziyue asked again, the response to her was silence.

Luo Ziyue struggled hard, as if she was struggling with the ropes tied to her body, but the more she struggled, the tighter the ropes became, her heavy eyelids kept fighting, and her body gradually lost strength, making her slightly Decadently closing his eyes, he quietly listened to everything around him.

Feeling the pain when the flames below her penetrated into her body, the fragile meridians were destroyed little by little under the burning of those golden flames, the pain made all the blood on her face disappear, her white teeth clenched the cherry Thin lips were as ruddy and alluring, with traces of blood dripping from between her lips and teeth.

In order to relieve the pain in her body, she worked hard to mobilize the spiritual power in her body. As time passed, her consciousness became more and more blurred, and the only thing that seemed to be tense in her mind was that she could not sleep, could not sleep.

The surging spiritual power in her body was constantly being stimulated by her to restore her damaged meridians, and the extra fragments of golden elements in her body devoured and assimilated the spiritual power in her body little by little.


When she woke up in a daze, Shi Tianjue was sitting beside her nervously, his ruby-like eyes were full of worry and distress, "Girl, do you have any discomfort?"

"Me, what's the matter? Are you hurt?"

Luo Ziyue tried hard to raise her arm to touch his face, but when her limp arm was raised halfway, it fell down feebly.

"I'm not hurt, it's just that you suffered, girl..."

As if afraid that she would think too much, Shi Tianjue grabbed her hand, and very gently pulled back the broken hair on her face behind her ears.

"What's wrong with me?" Luo Ziyue had already noticed the discomfort in her body, "Why can't I feel the spiritual power in my body?"

"Your body was injured, and you haven't recovered yet..."

Before Shi Tianjue could speak, suddenly, a delicate female voice sounded outside the door, "Tianjue, is sister Yue awake?"

"She, is she?" Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue in astonishment, with a touch of surprise in her eyes, she was a little confused as to where this woman appeared out of nowhere, but her doubts didn't last long , The door of the room creaked and was pushed open from the outside, and the dazzling sunlight shone in through the crack of the door.

The seemingly warm sunshine made Luo Ziyue feel chills inexplicably.

Looking at the abnormally silent Shi Tianjue, she felt a trace of abnormality very keenly, and she couldn't help frowning.

There was no trace of warmth on the pale face, and there was a trace of wariness in the indifferent eyes.

The hand that was tightly held by Shi Tianjue was gently pulled away, and his eyes looked directly at the woman who was slowly walking towards her.A slightly confused voice sounded, "Are you..."

"Sister Yue, you've woken up. You don't know that during your coma, Tianjue almost arrested all the famous doctors in the world to treat you..."

A face that was very similar to hers appeared in Luo Ziyue's eyes, and she took Shi Tianjue's arm as a matter of course, and leaned her head lightly on his shoulder. Luo Ziyue's voice was a little more charming, and her delicate voice sounded in the quiet room.

Luo Ziyue suddenly couldn't turn the corner, her clear eyes were filled with astonishment, surprise, shock, and confusion after several changes, and finally settled down completely, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"Sister Yue, you have been in a coma for more than half a year. If Tianjue hadn't been by your side to take care of you, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to wake up so soon!" Before Shi Tianjue could speak, the woman beside him had already answered.

"Really? Thank you for your hard work. By the way, what do you call girl? You and the sky..."

Luo Ziyue smiled faintly, her eyes swept across Shi Tianjue's slightly stiff face, and fell directly on the little birdy woman beside him, and asked in a very calm voice.

"You can just call me Yunniang..." Yunniang said with shyness flashing across her face, she shyly glanced at Shi Tianjue next to her, "Tianjue and I got married half a year ago. Wait for my sister to wake up before holding the ceremony, but Tianjue just won't listen to me...Sister, you don't mind, do you?"

"Half a year ago?" Luo Ziyue's eyes showed deep thought, and she looked at Shi Tianjue sitting beside her bed with a half-smile, "Of course I don't mind, Yuniang, can you tell me what's wrong with my body?" Is it? I feel like my body is a little..."

"It may be that my sister was injured too badly before, and her body was greatly damaged. If I want to restore my sister's condition before the injury, I am afraid that I will have to recuperate for another year or so!"

(End of this chapter)

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