Chapter 194: Both Dreams and Fantasy 2
Yunniang gently held Luo Ziyue's hand, as if she had diagnosed her, with obvious distress and sympathy on her face, which made Luo Ziyue feel very uncomfortable, but due to her current situation , all she could do was turn her head slightly, not to meet her gaze.

"I want to be quiet, can you go out first..."

Luo Ziyue forced a smile from her face, and said to the two people beside the bed who looked at her worriedly.

"This, this..." Yunniang seemed to want to say something, but before she could say anything, Shi Tianjue stood up suddenly, looked at her coldly, and said sharply: "I have something to say to Yue'er Say, you go out first..."

"I don't, unless you go out with me, otherwise, I will take it with you and not go anywhere. Besides, I can't listen to what you have to say." Yun Niang's face froze, very ugly Staring at Shi Tianjue who was covered in cold air, he was not afraid of death and sang against him.

"You all go out, I just woke up, my mind is still not clear, and I don't want to say anything for the time being..." Luo Ziyue frowned, her pale face seemed to be a little more ugly, and she stared at the deadlocked person beside her with great effort. The two of them, seeing that they didn't say anything, just stared at her blankly, couldn't help but flashed a touch of impatience, "Yunniang, please pull him out, I want to be alone, don't hurt me because of me." To the feelings between you!"

"Sister, are you really alright? I think your complexion doesn't look very good..." Yun Niang glared at Shi Tianjue angrily, looked at Shi Tianjue worriedly, and asked softly.

Luo Ziyue reluctantly shook her head, "I'm fine, I just woke up, my head is still confused, I'm not used to it for a while!"

"It's good that you're fine, then we'll go out first, if you have anything to do, just call us!" Yun Niang stared at Luo Ziyue for a while, as if she really confirmed that she had nothing to do, then she just gave it a go He pulled Shi Tianjue who was standing still and walked out.

Killing Tianjue's red eyes stared at Luo Ziyue aggressively, and there were emotions she couldn't understand in the deep pupils.

Luo Ziyue turned her head away, not looking at the look in his eyes, her heart hurt like someone had stabbed her hard, the pain made her a little breathless, so her face was very ugly.

"What are you doing? You don't know, she just woke up and couldn't stand the stimulation? Why did you tell her about our relationship? "

As soon as he walked out of Luo Ziyue's room, Shi Tianjue threw off Yunniang's arm impatiently, and questioned her in a cold voice.

Yun Niang lowered her head, her clear eyes glowed with a brilliance that he couldn't understand, and there was a trace of grievance on her face.

"You have done so much for her these years. Have I said anything? I just want to stand by your side in an upright manner and let everyone know that I, Yunniang, is your woman who kills the heavens. Is there something wrong with that? Wrong?"

"It's wrong, the wrong thing is that you took advantage of the situation, if you didn't use small tricks, do you think I would marry you? Don't think that you can really replace her in the world because you have a face similar to hers. The position in my heart... Let me tell you, in my heart, there will always be only girl!"

Shi Tianjue snorted coldly, stared at the woman in front of him contemptuously, his cold words pierced Yunniang's heart fiercely like a sharp knife, making her thin body tremble slightly, and looked at the woman in front of her with despair and sorrow. The man's cold face.

"I thought that staying by your side for so many years was not credit but hard work, but I didn't expect that I would always be so unbearable in your heart!" Yun Niang smiled desolately, her body took a few steps back suddenly, her eyes He stared at Shi Tianjue extremely angrily.

"You said I sneaked in? Well, let me ask you, were you the one who broke into my room to destroy my innocence while I was asleep? Did I give you any medicine or any hints? My innocent girl was inexplicably ruined by someone, do you think you shouldn't be responsible for me?"

"I drank too much that time, and thought you were Yue'er..." Shi Tianjue said softly.

"Drink too much? Do you think drinking too much can bring everything back to the original point?" Yun Niang sneered, "I tell you, I, Yun Niang, have been at odds with you all my life. The person who provoked me was You, not me!! If you want to use me up and get rid of me, that is a dream!"

"How can you let us go? You know that Yue'er and I have a very good relationship, and you also know that it is impossible for her to accept the fact that she shares her father-in-law with other women!"

There was a touch of helplessness and pain in Shi Tianjue's words, and his red eyes quietly stared at Yunniang's face that was very similar to Luo Ziyue.

"The raw rice has been cooked, she has to accept it, and accept it if she doesn't accept it. If she wanted to go to the so-called master at the beginning, you wouldn't be in the current situation. Everyone has to be responsible for their own behavior." Paying the bill, she is no exception, not to mention sacrificing the children between you for the sake of an illusory master, I really don't know what you like about her!"

Yun Niang looked at Shi Tianjue sarcastically, and mercilessly stepped on the most vulnerable part of his heart, he made her hurt, and she made him hurt even more!

Luo Ziyue, who was lying in the room, listened to the conversation coming from outside, with a look of shock on her face. She remembered that she and Shi Tianjue were waiting for the birth of the strange treasure in the World of Warcraft Forest. Later, they met each other in order to find the strange treasure. lost.

When did she go to the so-called master?
Children don't even have shadows, so, what the hell is going on?

Also, where did this Yun Niang come from?How could Tianjue run to her room drunk and sleep with her as himself?
Based on his understanding of Tianjue, the probability of this kind of thing happening is basically zero. Could it be that...

There are a hundred thousand reasons in Luo Ziyue's mind that she wants to ask, but at the moment her body obviously doesn't support her like this, and she has already fallen asleep in a daze past.

When I woke up from the dream again, it was already dark outside.

"Cough cough cough..."

Her throat was itchy, and she arched her body and coughed suddenly. Suddenly, a pair of gentle big hands hugged her gently in her arms, and kept breathing for her. The warm spiritual power pierced through her back. Entering her body, soothing the pain in her body.

"Girl, how are you? Are you feeling better? Come and rinse your mouth with saliva first!"

Shi Tianjue's distressed voice rang in her ears, making her slightly startled, and the familiar scene instantly made her eyes blush.

(End of this chapter)

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