Chapter 201 Distress 5
"Hahaha... Captain, don't worry, we are afraid of everything, except suffering!"

"That's right, Captain, you underestimate us too much. Brothers still understand the principle of bitterness before sweetness!"

"Captain, you are afraid of wool, when did you learn to be like a bitch, timid and timid, grinding and chirping endlessly!"

"Brothers, if you were afraid of suffering and getting hurt, you would have run away long ago. Why wait until now, but don't say it, this kind of joyful feeling of strength growth still makes people feel comfortable physically and mentally! Suffering is bitter, but it's worth it!"


Hearing everyone's chattering voices, Peng Wu's face showed a gratified expression, the faint worry in his heart was swept away, and he was filled with infinite pride, and there was a look of expectation in his eyes. It can be seen that he is looking forward to the next training. .

After a full day of drinking and eating, the exhausted people fell asleep. Just when they were about to fall asleep, Luo Ziyue and the others, who had disappeared for a long time, came out again. Countless things like sandbags fell from the sky and fell on their sides, arousing their excitement. There was a cloud of dust.

"These are all prepared for you, tie them to your legs like him, and don't take them off whether you're eating or sleeping!"

While speaking, Luo Ziyue quickly picked up two sandbags from the ground and tied them to her legs.

The moment the heavy sandbags were on her legs, she felt that her legs were much heavier.

Others also imitated her actions, picked up the sandbags on the ground and tied them to their legs. The weight of the sandbags was obviously heavier than they had imagined for a long time. Looking at Luo Ziyue, he didn't understand her intention.

"I will carry out this training with you. During this period of time, I will make good use of the power of Eudemons to improve your strength. Of course, it may be very hard. Those who are afraid, those who want to quit, Give you a chance, stand up now, and I will let you go."

Luo Ziyue put her hands behind her body, but an invisible air of majesty rose from her seemingly weak body.

The aura of the superior person arises spontaneously, making people awe-inspiring.

Everyone looked at each other, and what responded to her was firm eyes.

At Shi Tianjue's request, Yun Ling also joined Luo Ziyue's training, standing quietly beside Peng Wu, looking at Luo Ziyue in awe.

He could be said to be the one who watched Luo Ziyue come all the way, and he admired her speed of promotion from the bottom of his heart.

"Okay, since no one has applied for withdrawal, our training will begin."

Luo Ziyue's serious face showed a sinister arc, and just as she finished speaking, wolf howls sounded from behind them, "Aw!"

"Listen to my password, start from here, and run twelve laps. No one is allowed to use spiritual power. Anyone who is found to secretly use spiritual power to run, King Ning will give him a big gift. Of course, if he runs slowly , the silver wolves behind will bite mercilessly!"

Luo Ziyue took the lead and ran in front, adjusting her breathing all the way, while Yun Ling and Peng Wu followed closely behind.

The other people followed them fiercely. The moment they set off, the silver wolves behind them immediately rushed towards them. The speed was so fast that they had to step up and run, not daring to have any trace of it. slack.

Shi Tianjue hid in the dark and followed them all the way. Anyone who found out that he was secretly using spiritual power was thrown into the wolves to fight with the wolves. After the previous fight, everyone was already exhausted. It hasn't been completely repaired yet, but Luo Ziyue didn't expect Luo Ziyue to do such a thing to them.

This made them anxious and annoyed, but they had no choice but to grit their teeth and run hard as they looked at the weak figure running in front of them all the time.

Their legs have long been numb and unconscious, but there are wolves chasing after them. In order not to fall into the mouth of wolves, they can only hold on with all their strength. The sweat on their foreheads is dripping from their heads bit by bit. In the world of ice and snow, it still made them feel extremely hot and stuffy.

The circle in front of them was much bigger than they imagined, and when they ran to the tenth circle, some people fell to the ground exhausted, but looking at the silver wolf with its fangs, with the help of the friends around, He got up quickly and continued to run.

Looking at Luo Ziyue who was running at the initial speed, many people had doubts in their eyes, and they all accelerated and chased after her, wanting to see if she really used her all the time The speed itself, not the spiritual power is running.

"Miss Luo, you haven't slowed down all this time. Isn't this physical strength really good?"

"Who said it wasn't? You can see that the captain's speed has slowed down, but Miss Luo has never changed. This, this is really abnormal!"

"Our majestic seven-foot man is actually no match for a weak woman. Isn't it too ridiculous to say it?"

"That's right, everyone, come on! Don't let Miss Luo compete, otherwise, it will make people laugh!"


Hearing the discussion behind her, a slight smile appeared on Luo Ziyue's face, and Yun Ling quietly ran to her side, "Miss Luo, now you have completely become their benchmark! But, Miss Luo , are you really not tired?"

Luo Ziyue squinted, "Are you tired? If you're not tired, I'm sure I'm not tired either."

"Uh...Actually, I'm fine, not too tired!" Yun Ling scratched his head shyly, looked at Luo Ziyue in embarrassment and said.

"Really? Since you are not tired, then I am not tired, but I want to compare with you, who has better physical strength!"

Yun Ling looked in astonishment at Luo Ziyue, who left such a sentence, and immediately ran towards the front at a faster speed, was stunned for a while, and immediately accelerated to catch up.

"Miss Luo, are you sure you want to compare with me? I am a man and you are a woman. If you really want to compare, it seems that it is not fair to you!"

"Yunling, are you looking down on us girls? Although your men are born stronger than us women, but in terms of running alone, you really may not be able to outrun me!" Luo Ziyue thoughtfully Looking at Yun Ling who was very embarrassed, "If you don't believe me, let's compare?"

"Just compare, I still don't believe it, I am a handsome seven-foot man, and I am a little follower to receive all kinds of training by the master's side, but I can't compare to Miss Luo, you weak woman!"

Perhaps agitated by Luo Ziyue's eyes, Yunling hesitated for a while, and then decisively agreed to Luo Ziyue's challenge.

(End of this chapter)

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