Chapter 202 Distress 6
"I'll be your referee!"

Shi Tianjue appeared in front of them strangely, and stared at Yunling with a strange smile, making Yunling's spine shiver.

"Master, don't look at me like that, be careful!"

Yun Ling smiled sheepishly, and thought to himself, master, looking at it like this, he would think that the master was planning to vent his anger on his wife.

But, hasn't the game started yet?Is it really okay for the master to protect Miss Luo like this?
For the sake of the happiness of the rest of his life, he still planned to ask clearly before the game, so as to save him from dying unclearly.

"'d better win Yue'er, if you lose, know!"

How could Shi Tianjue not know what Yunling was thinking, and told him with a strange smile.

"This subordinate thought that the master would say, if I win against Miss Luo, it will make my subordinates look good? Now listening to the master's words, the subordinates..."

Shi Tianjue squinted, looked lazily at the nonchalant Yunling and said, "I want to say this, but the premise is that you have to win Yue'er? Do you really think that her strength has been developed over the years?" ?”

"Master, is it really okay for you to look down on your subordinates so much?"

Hearing Shi Tianjue's undisguised words of contempt, Yun Ling immediately felt extremely bitter, and his face was silently filled with guilt, but in his heart he made up his mind to win Luo Ziyue if he fought this old life, otherwise, he would Really ashamed to see folks and elders.

When the other people heard their conversation, there was a hint of curiosity and excitement in their eyes. They swept away the previous decadence and looked at the three people in front with great interest. He shouted at Yunling: "Brother Yun, don't underestimate Miss Luo, so many of our brothers are cheering for you! I just hope you will get rid of your shame!"

"Hahaha..." Peng Wu smiled heartily, looked at Yunling with unusually heavy eyes, and said earnestly: "As a brother, I remind you, don't underestimate Miss Luo, look at her running down these few laps, Without even taking a breath, I knew she was pretending to be a pig eating a tiger before!"

"That's right! From my point of view, Miss Luo is very used to pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. Brother Yun, you must not relax!"

Listening to what they said, Luo Ziyue pretended to be angry and said: "Are you so disrespectful to Yunling? You know, his strength should not be underestimated! Or, in your eyes, I am really so How powerful is it?"

"Miss Luo, don't be joking! You see, after these ten laps, we seem to have lost half of our lives, but you are still radiant and your breath is the same as before. We don't admit that you are amazing. ah!"

Seeing that Luo Ziyue was more approachable than expected, everyone became bolder in an instant, not to mention the facts were before them, and they couldn't accept it.

"Haha, don't think that if you flatter me, I will let you go. I will compete with Yunling, so don't try to be lazy."

Luo Ziyue smiled heartily, and patted Yunling on the shoulder: "1, 2, 3, let's go!"

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Luo Ziyue turned into a phantom like an arrow feather shot out quickly, leaving them far behind, and Yun Ling followed closely behind, and the others saw that the The speed was too fast, and he tried his best to chase them.

Shi Tianjue looked at the chasing pink figure of Yunling and Yunling with a smile in his eyes, the indulgence in his eyes made people addicted.

At that time, the little girl who was still under his protection had grown up quietly and could hold up a world by herself.

The girl he guarded wholeheartedly is heading in his direction, chasing after her little by little. Those who could easily step on her before have already been left behind by her. Just when he was engrossed in his thoughts, suddenly , a pair of green and tender hands appeared on the shoulders, "What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about it?"

Luo Ziyue coiled around him like an octopus, panting heavily in his ear, grabbed her with her backhand, and hugged her in her arms, "Miss you! Are you finished?"

"No! Didn't you see that they were all lying on the ground completely, unable to move?"

Luo Ziyue pouted and pointed towards the open space beside her. Sure enough, a group of elders were lying on the ground in a big character shape, panting heavily.

"Just after running, you can't rest right away, you have to do stretching exercises!"

Shi Tianjue stretched out his hand and was about to grab her off his body, but he didn't want her to hold her tightly, "I know, I have already taken them to do stretching exercises, but just after exercising, they will be very sleepy! It's like sleeping on top of you."

"Sleep if you want! I'm here!"

Shi Tianjue patted her on the shoulder, and the soft voice made Luo Ziyue fall into a dream easily like a lullaby, and the appointment had already started early.

For the next half month, Peng Wu and the others will basically continue to fight against monsters, or do some basic physical training. Except that Luo Ziyue will not participate in the fight against monsters, other physical training will basically be done with him. They fought side by side.

With her participation in the seemingly arduous devil training, the elders present did not dare to cry out.

In just one month, the strength of all the people has improved a lot compared to before,

Everyone wanted to come back from Africa. They were tanned, and their bodies were much stronger. The bloodthirsty aura on their bodies was very obvious.

"Miss Luo, during this period of time, under your leadership, the brothers have changed a lot!" Peng Wu stood quietly beside Luo Ziyue, looking at the team members playing not far away, and sighed. Said.

"Well, through the baptism of blood during this period, you are more like mercenaries than before. However, in the next period of time, I will arrange some monsters whose strength is much higher than yours to improve your team combat capabilities , after this, even if you meet an enemy stronger than you later, you will still be useless in a single battle."

Luo Ziyue took a deep look at Peng Wu, "The next training is the real baptism of life and death. If you don't pay attention, someone may die. You'd better remind them to do a certain job. Mentally prepare! I want the best of the best."

"Yes, I will remind them later. At the same time, carefully plan the battle plan and arrange the right people in the right positions!"

The smile on Peng Wu's face suddenly subsided, and his eyes showed seriousness. He knew that the time for the real test had come.

"If there are too many sacrifices, don't blame me for being cold-blooded and cruel."

A cruel smile appeared on Luo Ziyue's face, and her cold voice was like a cold wind blowing through his heart, making his hairs stand on end, and the alarm sounded in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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