Chapter 207 Distress 11
"Little thing, speak as you speak, don't try to take the opportunity to eat my wife's tofu, don't think that you are her savior, I will show mercy!" Shi Tianjue slightly pulled a stiff arc from the corner of his mouth, staring at him with sharp eyes. Stupid, warned sharply.

Benben squinted his eyes, glanced at him, and mercilessly slapped his hand off with his little paws.

"Barbarian, speak as you speak, don't touch your feet!"

"Huh? Say what you just said again, I didn't hear you clearly!" Shi Tianjue snorted coldly, and looked at Benben with a strange smile.

Seeing a man and a beast quarreling again, Luo Ziyue couldn't help stretching out her hand to snatch the dumb from Shi Tianjue's hand, and looked at him amusedly: "Don't quarrel, wait until I arrange things clearly, by the way, Stupid, the barbarian you speak of is my husband, I will not allow you to speak of him like that in the future..."

Clumsy lips parted slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but, looking at the crowd staring at him, he finally crawled into Luo Ziyue's neck with an aggrieved face, facing everyone with his buttocks, looking at its childish behavior, Luo Ziyue Zi Yue shook her head helplessly, but didn't say anything more.

During this time, enough time has been spent here, they can't delay any longer!
"Queen Bee, if you really don't want to be separated from me, you can arrange for your little brother to follow Peng Wu and the others so that they can pass on any news to me through you. When their strength is not strong enough, my suggestion is to consolidate the existing ones so that they can be independent, and then you can expand the number of people on a large scale. After recruiting people, the basic training will be based on the period of time Training mode, make good use of the geographical location close to the World of Warcraft Forest..."

"Well, okay, Miss Luo, don't worry, we will definitely do what you asked!" Peng Wu nodded seriously.

"Other things, I have nothing to explain. After we leave the World of Warcraft Forest, I will go to you as I told you before, and discuss some details with you."

Hearing what Luo Ziyue said, Peng Wu's heart was completely relieved. However, this also meant that after leaving the world of fantasy beasts, their real challenge officially came.

"In the future, everyone will hang out with your captain. I hope that when I see you next time, there will still be a lot of thirty people!"

"Miss Luo, are you leaving now?"

"Can you not be in such a hurry? We all want to spend more time with you!"

"Yes! Miss Luo, we are reluctant to let you go, or you can take us with you!"

"Don't make trouble for Miss Luo, bringing us will only cause them trouble, but even so, Miss Luo, I still want to ask, when will we be able to follow Miss Luo and travel the world with you? "

"When you have enough strength to fight against the strong, you will be qualified to stand by her side and fight the world with her!"

Before Luo Ziyue could speak, Killing Heaven had already happened first, and the cold voice revealed infinite majesty, instantly making everyone fall into silence.

The atmosphere seemed to suddenly become dignified, and dignified expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

"Okay, everyone, don't listen to his nonsense, we will have plenty of time to spend together in the future, so don't be in a hurry!" Seeing that the atmosphere became serious, Luo Ziyue broke the current silence with a faint smile.

"Miss Luo, don't worry, we will work hard to be able to stand by your side as soon as possible!" Peng Wu smiled slightly, "Brothers, tell me, don't you?"

"Yes! Miss Luo, you are waiting for us!"

The voice of lofty ambition pierced the sky, and the firm eyes of everyone revealed the determination in their hearts, which made Luo Ziyue very pleased. While everyone was in awe, Luo Ziyue and the others quietly disappeared into the world of magical beasts .

"Miss Luo, are you really not worried about leaving them inside like this?" Luo Ziyue and the others were walking in the monster forest, and Yun Ling couldn't help asking curiously.

Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, "Yun Ling, have you ever heard a saying that it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish? I will teach them what I should teach them, and the rest depends on their luck." , we can't always be their bodyguards and escort them!"

"This question is really incompetent. If someone asks who you are, don't say it's mine. You can save my face by saying it!" Shi Tianjue squinted at Yunling, The indifferent voice explained.

This made Yunling scratch his head innocently, "I'm just asking out of curiosity! After all, Miss Luo still takes them very seriously, I thought Miss Luo would save them from getting injured or dying! "

"Am I really as sentimental and kind as you said?" Luo Ziyue raised her eyebrows slightly, "I am interested in their future, of course, even if I accept them, I am naturally responsible for them and help them improve their strength, but , you remember, what I'm looking for is never a milk doll who hasn't been weaned off, what I'm looking for is a strong person, someone who can stand on his own, and they have only passed the first level so far. There are several tests to pass, but when did you become so stupid, Yun Ling? You still ask me such simple questions, you really are getting better and better.”

Yun Ling pouted, but did not speak.

"Benben, let me introduce you to a little friend!" Luo Ziyue felt angry when she saw that Benben hadn't spoken for a long time, so she couldn't help but reached out and patted its buttocks.

Benben twisted her butt very dissatisfied, and her arrogant voice sounded from her neck: "I don't need your introduction, I already knew him, isn't it Luo Yunhuang!"

"Hey, how do you know Yunhuang? He seems to have appeared after you fell asleep!" Luo Ziyue asked curiously.

Benben snorted coldly, "Hmph! You don't care when I met, anyway, I just knew each other, who made you partial? After finally waking up, you still scold him for a stinky man. You really have no love." .”

"When did I scold you? And my man smells so good, he doesn't stink at all, no, go and ask!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Luo Ziyue's mouth, and she raised her head to look at Shi Tianjue with eyes full of helplessness.

"Hmph! Even if he is fragrant, it can't hide the fact that he is a stinky man!" Benben groaned and twisted his body, completely ignoring the piercing gaze, and said very confidently.


(End of this chapter)

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