Chapter 208 Distress 12
"It's like you are a mother!" Shi Tianjue squinted at Benben coldly, reached out and grabbed it from Luo Ziyue's neck, making a gesture to break its legs and look at its body In a private place, carefully observe whether it is a male or a female, so frightened that Benben let out a piercing scream.

Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling consciously moved slightly to the side, showing that they didn't care about it, and screamed in anger.

"What do you want, you stinky man? Are you molesting?" A shrill scream came from his clumsy mouth, and his dark eyes looked at Luo Ziyue for help.

Luo Ziyue shrugged her shoulders innocently: "Stupid, don't worry, he won't molest you when I'm here, the most important thing is to observe your dick. See if you are male or female!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The white smoke was gone, and he stared at Shi Tianjue fiercely.

"This is a battle between you guys. It's not convenient for me as a weak woman to participate. What's more, you and Tian are extremely important people to me. No matter who is sacrificed, I will not bear it!"

Luo Ziyue blinked innocently, she would never tell Benben, but in fact, she really wanted to see his dick.

"You, you have changed your mind and don't love me anymore!" Benben stammered accusing Luo Ziyue.

Luo Ziyue looked at it very aggrieved, "I really love you, you don't even know how much I worried about you when you were sleeping, but what you don't know is that when you are sleeping , I’m married to the stinky man you mentioned, and he’s also my family now, stupid, you have to understand me, I’m caught between the two of you with an extremely heavy and worried heart, now, Tianjue is interested in being with you Cultivate a relationship, how can I have the nerve to destroy it?"

"Cut, it's all an excuse. You just couldn't bear to scold your man, so you used me as a sacrifice. Well, you don't need to say, I understand. I want to be friends with you!" Benben snorted coldly, his eyes contemptuous Looking at Shi Tianjue, his black eyes rolled wildly, and he raised an argument at Luo Ziyue very unreasonably.

"Hiding behind a woman's back is nothing! If you have the ability, you conquer me!" Shi Tianjue gave Luo Ziyue a comforting look, signaling that she can leave it to him to deal with without worrying too much.

How could Luo Ziyue not know what Shi Tianjue was thinking, she nodded slightly, pulled Yun Ling aside and sat down.

Quietly waiting for the next interesting performance of one person and one beast, without any intention of persuading.

Seeing that it was hopeless to ask for foreign aid, Benben also calmed down. His limbs and claws struggled hard against Shi Tianjue's hands. Shi Tianjue was quite speechless, and his heart became more and more determined to get the idea of ​​the little guy in his hand.

The big thick hand firmly grasped it, and the other hand grabbed its hind paw, looking towards its private parts.

Although Benben's strength is not too bad, but compared with Shi Tianjue, he still has to plug in a lot. After a while of tossing, Benben was finally defeated, and his private parts were undoubtedly exposed in Shi Tianjue's eyes. His face was full of shyness, his petite ears were blushing slightly, and he was lying stiffly in Shi Tianjue's hands, pretending to be dead, and finally had no intention of struggling, with a touch at his disposal. Seeing that, Luo Ziyue's head was full of black lines slipping down.

With a flash of figure, he rescued it from Shi Tianjue's grasp, "Okay, okay, Benben admit defeat!"

"Huh!" Shi Tianjue snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and flicked the stupid little jj very viciously, which made the stupid body tremble slightly, and the whole body curled up even more fiercely. Buried deeply into the body, he looked ashamed to see others.

Luo Ziyue suppressed her smile, took it from Shi Tianjue's hand, hugged it in her arms, and comforted her softly: "Remember, don't fight against him next time, otherwise, no one will It can save you. You know, apart from me, few people who oppose him can end well."

"Hmph! If it wasn't for your lack of knowledge, would I have lost face? Huh, huh... I have lost my face, and I will never go back to see my parents and folks at home!" Ben Ben's whimpering voice came from The slightly trembling body came from the body, which made Luo Ziyue feel distressed, but even if the incident happened again, she still would not lend a helping hand to him, and would not let him know how powerful Shi Tianjue is. If you annoy it, the consequences will be very serious.

"Okay, don't cry, it's a big deal, I'll bully you back another day!" Luo Ziyue patted her stupid body lightly, and looked at Shi Tianjue helplessly, "You too, it's all like this He's grown up, yet he still cares about a child!"

"Is it a child? It's already old, and it knows no less than you. Don't underestimate it, it's just acting!" Shi Tianjue coldly glanced at the stupid in his arms, and raised his eyebrows. Wrinkled in extreme displeasure: "I'll give you five seconds to get out of Yue'er's arms, otherwise, I'll immediately find a female beast to fuck you!"

Hearing Shi Tianjue's words, Benben's body trembled slightly, he raised his head aggrieved, his eyes were flushed, his little paws were waving wildly in the air, and he shouted: "When I become an adult, I will definitely bully you back!"

"Then you must come of age soon, don't make me wait!" Shi Tianjue glanced at it lazily, picked it up and threw it to Yun Ling who was at the side, and put his arms around Luo Ziyue, She said coquettishly, "I haven't penetrated your place yet, so how can you let someone else do it first? Your embrace can only be mine, mine alone, and other things cannot occupy my territory!"

"You, you..." Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue speechlessly, and she knew that he must be jealous, so no matter how stupidly he asked again and again, he would not help him, if she really If Benben helps it as Benben wishes, the result will only be that both of them will be punished for the first time!
"It's just a monster, and it's not a human being. Why should you have the same knowledge as it?"

"As long as it's male, it doesn't matter. Of course, it doesn't matter if it's female. It's not like you don't know that when their strength reaches a certain stage, they will transform into human beings, and then they will become men. Then you Or was it eaten tofu by other men..."

Shi Tianjue emphasized in her ear very seriously.


(End of this chapter)

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