Chapter 219 Insinuation
"Hehe... It seems that King Ning is very sure of defeating us!"

Feng Zheng's gentle eyes showed a hint of sarcasm and sarcasm, and he looked at Shi Tianjue and Luo Ziyue with a sneer.

"What do you think?" Shi Tianjue easily kicked back his question without giving a direct answer.

Luo Ziyue smiled and snuggled up beside Shi Tianjue, looked at the two people who were facing each other, and broke the deadlock with a light smile: "Feng Zheng, do you still want to take us to see the courtyard? If you don't take us, we But let’s go, don’t worry, we will stay in Degal City during this time, and you are welcome to come to us for revenge at any time, anyway, for us, one more enemy is not many, and one less enemy is not many.”

"Since Ms. Luo said so, if I don't take you to see the courtyard, it would seem petty of me. However, I admire the boldness of King Ning and Ms. Luo very much."

This is the first time Fengzheng has dealt with Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue. He didn't expect that they would be so different from what he imagined, and he didn't know whether they were too confident or really didn't care. The performance is so calm.

Qin Ning looked at Luo Ziyue who always had a faint smile on her face with complicated eyes, as if she was troubled by some problem.

"Qin Ning, what's on my face that made you look at me so intently?" Luo Ziyue suddenly turned around, looked at Qin Ning beside her, and asked in confusion.

Ever since she told their real identities, this little guy has been staring at her with fiery eyes, making her hair stand on end.

"Miss Luo, why can you admit your identities so frankly? If you don't tell me, no one here will know your real identities!" Qin Ning glanced at Luo Ziyue hesitantly, and slowly asked the question in his heart come out.

Luo Ziyue looked at him strangely, "It's not that Tianjue and I are shameless, why can't we say it? What's more, with my face, anyone with a little brain can know our identity if we go back and check Huh? What’s the difference between saying it sooner and saying it later?”

"Aren't you worried that Mr. Feng will be unfavorable to you?"

Qin Ning still couldn't figure it out, usually in this situation, don't everyone run away and try not to cause trouble for themselves?

Why is Miss Luo still making trouble for herself?

"There is nothing to worry about. The water is covered by the earth, and the soldiers come to block. It's just killing two more people. For us, it's just a little more effort, and it will take some time to solve it. What's more, if Feng Zheng really wants to give Feng Zheng If Sha takes revenge, sooner or later there will be a day of confrontation, escape is not the solution!"

Luo Ziyue patted Qin Ning's shoulder earnestly, and comforted her: "Don't worry, Tian and I are definitely not the kind of people who kill innocent people indiscriminately. As long as others don't take the initiative to trouble us, we will not take the initiative to cause trouble." What about seeing a doctor for your mother! Don’t worry about me going back on my word, as long as it’s something I promised, I’ll definitely do it!”

"Then there is Miss Luo Luo!" Upon hearing that Luo Ziyue would see his mother, Qin Ning's immature face suddenly showed a bright smile,
Feng Zheng, who was walking in front, heard the conversation between Luo Ziyue and Qin Ning, and his mood was very complicated. On the one hand, he really wanted to make friends with Luo Ziyue and the others, and on the other hand, he felt the hatred of his brother Feng Sha being killed, and had dual emotions. Under the superimposition, his face was very ugly, and he walked in front silently.

The voice of Shi Tianjue and Luo Ziyue talking from behind came from time to time.

"Prince Ning, Miss Luo, we are here, please see if this courtyard is to your liking, this is the best courtyard on our side!" Feng Zheng stopped in front of a secluded courtyard, and opened the closed door casually. At the gate of the courtyard, looking sideways at Luo Ziyue and the others, they said.

Luo Ziyue took a step forward, and stood quietly in front of the courtyard. The courtyard she looked at was obviously much larger than the previous one. The environment inside was very delicately arranged, and the garden was full of flowers, and the fragrance was tangy.

"It seems a bit big for me and him to live in this yard?"

"Can it be bigger than King Ning's Mansion?" Feng Zheng looked at Luo Ziyue and said calmly.

Luo Ziyue turned her head and glanced at him, "It's a completely different matter, there is no comparison, that is our home, this is a restaurant, and they charge money!"

"I think, King Ning should not be short of such a little money!"

"There is no shortage of money, but no matter how much money there is, we can't spend it openly. Didn't you see that after the destruction of Prince Ning's Mansion, we didn't rebuild it at all?"

"Miss Luo, what do you mean...?"

"It's nothing interesting, I'm just sighing casually."

Luo Ziyue scratched her head and looked at Shi Tianjue behind her and asked, "How do you feel? If you are satisfied, we can just stay here. If you are not satisfied, as you said, why don't we buy it ourselves?" A yard is ready."

"I can do whatever I want, you can make a decision by watching it, as long as you like it, don't worry about money, our family is not short of money."

Shi Tianjue looked at Luo Ziyue fondly, with a slight smile in his usually indifferent eyes.

Luo Ziyue looked at him very tangled, "If you are not tired, we might as well go shopping elsewhere before making a decision! I'm afraid, if we live here, beware of Feng Zheng bringing a crowd of horses in the middle of the night Kill like before Fengsha."

Hearing Luo Ziyue's joking voice, the corners of Feng Zheng's mouth twitched slightly, "Miss Luo, don't worry, even if you stay with me, I won't do such a shameless thing, I'm not my brother!"

"That's not necessarily true. I didn't think Feng Sha would do such a bad thing before? You don't know the kind of people who sleep in the middle of the night, and suddenly the roof slams, and someone smashes a hole, and the gravel is flying all over the sky. The sour feeling of the beams collapsing and falling all over your face, if Tianjue and I hadn’t reacted quickly enough, the person standing in front of you would definitely be short of arms or legs. Fortunately, we knew it well at the beginning. Choose there to enter the bridal chamber, otherwise, you will have to be exposed in embarrassment."

Luo Ziyue was too lazy to look at Feng Zheng's face!
The joking voice was soft to him, far from the original scene.

Thinking about it now, she still thinks that Feng Sha is very wicked. You said, if they hadn't reacted in time, but were like everyone else, having a lively bridal chamber, the scene after that was unimaginable.

The corner of Feng Zheng's mouth twitched slightly, and the scene of two disheveled men and women fleeing the room hastily appeared in his mind. I have to say that Feng Cha's idea is really...

Uh, if it were an ordinary person, his idea might be successful...

(End of this chapter)

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