Chapter 220

It's a pity that this time he met a wonderful couple who didn't even enter the bridal chamber on their wedding night.

Either King Ning didn't do it, or King Ning was already on guard.

Facts have proved that King Ning has long been aware of Feng Sha's actions, so he can escape the siege in time and smoothly.

And kill all the participants, leaving no one alive.

"Miss Luo, the deceased has passed away. Let's let the past go!" Feng Zheng knew that they had dealt with the one who hadn't been reasonable in this matter. He said vigorously: "You and King Ning can live in this courtyard as long as you want, and I will never charge you a penny. Look, how about this?"

"That's not necessary. After all, we are not short of such a small amount of money. Don't make it seem like we deliberately want to eat the overlord's meal and take advantage of you!"

Luo Ziyue waved her hand indifferently, and readily rejected Feng Zheng's proposal.

Qin Ning on the side secretly sweated for Feng Zheng. King Ning and Princess Ning were indeed as difficult to deal with as the rumors said.

The seemingly false dialogue makes it difficult to guess their real purpose.

Just like Luo Ziyue who has been talking about things with Fengsha at the moment, people can't figure out what she wants to do.

With a bitter expression on Feng Zheng's face, he said to Luo Ziyue in a rather helpless voice: "I beg Miss Luo and King Ning to live in this yard, and I beg you to take advantage of me. I hope you can have a lot of adults. Don't blame the Feng family for what happened to Feng Sha."

"Feng Zheng, don't worry, as long as your Feng family stops being so blind to our guns, we won't do anything to take our anger out on the innocent. After all, there is a wrong and a debt."

Luo Ziyue patted Feng Zheng on the shoulder, and what she said seemed to be such a thing, but it was a pity that it was not credible, after all, the matter of the entire Tianzong sect being destroyed overnight was in front of it, so what could not be said? To vent her anger on the innocent is definitely just her casual perfunctory.

"Okay, let's live with them for the time being! When we find suitable houses later, it's not too late to buy them and move them in!"

Shi Tianjue saw a trace of exhaustion on Luo Ziyue's face, so he stood up decisively and made the final decision.

"But..." Luo Ziyue wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Shi Tianjue.

"No, but you haven't had time to take a good rest in the rush these few days. The most important thing right now is to let you take a good rest. It's not too late to discuss other things after you have rested!"

In fact, Luo Ziyue wanted to say that she was really not tired at all.

It's a pity, seeing Shi Tianjue's serious expression, she resolutely swallowed the words that came to her mouth.

Feng Zheng saw that Shi Tianjue had issued the order to evict guests, so he said to Luo Ziyue with a wink, "Well, since this is the case, Miss Luo, you rest first, Qin Ning and I will not bother you."

"Walk slowly, don't send!"

Luo Ziyue nodded, waved at them, turned around and led Shi Tianjue into the courtyard.


"You said, did the matter of Feng Sha really end like this? The Feng family really doesn't intend to avenge him? How can Feng Sha..." Luo Ziyue lay lazily on the bed, watching the girl who was changing her clothes. Shi Tianjue asked curiously.

"The Feng family is a big family no matter what, and they will not easily oppose any talented and promising future star. What's more, this is a personal grievance between me and Feng Sha. Once they intervene, they will come back later It is also difficult to escape the relationship. In this case, there are only two roads before the Feng family. One is to kill us completely to avoid future troubles. The other is to wait to be wiped out by us. No matter which of these two roads you choose, They will all become very thankless, especially under the premise of not knowing our details, they dare not act rashly."

Shi Tianjue patiently analyzed the current situation for Luo Ziyue, and didn't mind at all whether he would be heard by Feng Zheng's people.

"It's true to say that, but, would you really let them go so kindly? You know, you left the Bai family alone. On the one hand, you have some connections in the past, on the other hand, you have come here temporarily. Said, they don't pose any threat to us, and it's hard to make a difference in a short period of time, but the Feng family is completely different. If they really plan to avenge Feng Sha, we will have certain troubles! "

Compared to these, Luo Ziyue wanted to know more about what kind of conflicts Feng Cha and Shi Tianjue had in the past, which made Feng Cha want to kill him everywhere.

Most of the time, Shi Tianjue is more like in a defensive position, neither actively attacking, nor easily letting go of those who attack him.

"Soldiers are coming to cover up the water and the earth. The most important thing for us right now is to rest. You can leave these trivial matters to me to deal with."

Shi Tianjue hugged Luo Ziyue in his arms, and blocked all her questions.

Luo Ziyue saw that he didn't want to talk, so she didn't continue to ask, "We finally bid farewell to the savage life and returned to the real society. Such a comfortable big bed is really nostalgic!"

Hearing Luo Ziyue's indistinct exclamation, Shi Tianjue showed a faint smile on his face, and looked sideways at her who was gradually falling into a deep sleep, with a look of contentment in his eyes, for him, the greatest thing in life Happiness is being able to hold her to sleep every day, and the first time you open your eyes, you can see her sleeping face.

Other things are not that important to him, but it is not easy for them to obtain such a simple happiness right now, those people hidden in the dark are always in their hearts A piece of heart disease, not completely eliminated, it is difficult to feel at ease.

After Luo Ziyue fell asleep, Shi Tianjue quietly crawled out of the bed.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Yun Ling who had already been waiting outside the door, "Master!"

"What happened to the matter I asked you to investigate? Is there any result?"

During this period of time, the most important reason why Yunling wasn't by their side was that Shi Tianjue sent him a new mission.

Shi Tianjue didn't intend to let Luo Ziyue know what kind of task it was, nor did he want her to worry about such trivial matters.

"No, we sent a lot of people out to search, but there is still no news of him, as if he disappeared completely in this world in an instant."

"Well, I see." For Yunling's answer, Shi Tianjue didn't seem too surprised, as if he had expected it, "You remember to tell them, no matter what they find out, don't act rashly, just report it truthfully Just give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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