The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 223 Is there anything wrong with this medicine?

Chapter 223 Is there anything wrong with this medicine?

"Uh, we seem to have been spotted, why don't we go down and say hello?"

Qin Shengyu let out a long sigh of relief when Shi Tianjue looked away. The feeling of being pinched by someone's neck and being out of breath is really uncomfortable.

"What about you?" Luo Ziyue looked at Shi Tianjue curiously and asked.

"Just take a look, come, taste the fish made by their family, and see if it suits your appetite!" Shi Tianjue took a chopstick of fish, put it on the plate in front of him, and carefully took all the fish for Luo Ziyue. Picked out the fishbone, put it in her bowl, and said softly.

Luo Ziyue looked at the extra fish in the bowl out of thin air, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, and looked at Shi Tianjue pitifully, before she could utter the words of begging, he had coaxed her into eating a mouthful of fish.

Seeing that Shi Tianjue still wanted to continue serving her food, he quickly reached out and grabbed his hand, "I'm really full, I can't eat any more!"

Shi Tianjue raised his eyebrows slightly, an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes, and asked softly in a clear voice: "Are you full after eating this little?"

"Can we stop talking nonsense? Most of the food on the table went into my stomach. You three men didn't eat much at all, okay?" Luo Ziyue stared at Shi Tianjue angrily. , pointing to the leftovers on the table, said.

Shi Tianjue slowly put down the chopsticks in his hand, and glanced at Luo Ziyue with his deep eyes, "You said just now, who opened their eyes and told nonsense? Me?"

"No, I'm talking about Feng Zheng, he always likes to open his eyes and talk nonsense." Luo Ziyue looked at Feng Zheng apologetically, decisively rejected Shi Tianjue's words, and said with an innocent smile .

Feng Zheng, who was also shot while lying down, expressed his innocence.

"I don't know when you know him so well? You can even know that he always likes to open his eyes and talk nonsense."

Shi Tianjue leaned back on the chair lazily, looking at Luo Ziyue who had an ugly smile.

Luo Ziyue secretly groaned in her heart, it's over, she played too much this time.

King Ning of his family is going to be angry, woo woo, if I knew she would not talk to Feng Zheng, I would save his man from being jealous.

Jealous men are the most unlovable.

"No, I don't know him, I don't know him at all. I just said casually that I don't know or be familiar with other men except you. You know!" Luo Ziyue rushed Tianjue cast a wink, and didn't pay attention to the other two men on the table at all, flirting with Shi Tianjue as if nothing had happened.

Don't look at the calm expression on her face, but she has already secretly complained in her heart.

Shi Tianjue glanced at her lightly, but did not speak.

The other two people on the table looked at each other, silently acting as an invisible background wall, automatically blocking all outside sounds, firmly adhering to the principle of not seeing what should not be seen, and not listening to what should not be heard.

"I've eaten and drank enough, it's time to go out for a walk!" Luo Ziyue lay lazily on the back of the chair with a satisfied expression on her face.

After eating wild game for several months, it can be regarded as a change of taste.

"Feng Zheng, do you want to continue with us later?"

"Why is Miss Luo not welcome?"

"I'm not worried that I will cause trouble for you. Forget it. Let's go to Qin Ning's house for a while! Didn't you say that your mother is sick? Just take advantage of this time to see a doctor for your mother first, and the rest Let's wait until your mother sees the doctor."

Qin Ning did not expect that Luo Ziyue would transfer the topic to him so quickly, let alone that she would attach so much importance to his mother's illness.

For a moment, I had mixed feelings, and my gratitude was beyond words.

"Then, then I won't refuse. Miss Lau Luo will have everything..." Thinking of her mother lying on the bed, Qin Ning was not polite to Luo Ziyue, and accepted her help calmly, but secretly in her heart She began to think about how to repay her great kindness.

"It's okay, you don't have to be polite, it's just a matter of raising your hands. I still understand the principle of filial piety first!"

Seeing Qin Ning like this, she remembered that she had gone to beg Luo Haoran to save her dying mother, but she didn't expect that half of her life would be beaten by them halfway, so that her mother died innocently, which also made her change. Became an orphan today.

If she hadn't met Shi Tianjue, she wouldn't know where to beg for survival now!

Shi Tianjue seemed to see what she was thinking, and gently held her hand on the table, "Don't think about the past, everything is mine."

"En, I know." Luo Ziyue raised her head, concealed all the emotions in her eyes, looked at Shi Tianjue with a smile, and said in a deep voice.

Looking at the interaction between Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue, Feng Zheng on the side obviously thought of something, took a deep look at Luo Ziyue, but didn't speak.

Only Qin Ning cast a curious look, as if he didn't understand what happened just now.

Luo Ziyue looked at his curious face, and explained with a light smile: "I have experienced these things that happened to you before. Fortunately, I met him, and he gave me a lot of help."

"Uh..." Qin Ning was at a loss for words, and didn't know what to say, "I will follow Miss Luo as an example and work hard!"

"Hehe, don't follow me as an example, be careful that I will take you into the ditch." Luo Ziyue stood up suddenly, stretched her waist, and just hit Feng Zheng in the face who was about to stand up in a circle, "Bump !"

Feng Zheng covered his eyes, looked at Luo Ziyue with an aggrieved face, and asked, "Miss Luo, how dissatisfied are you with me? After it's over, give me a punch!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It was purely an accident, really an accident." Luo Ziyue looked apologetically at Feng Zheng who was almost beaten into panda eyes, and quickly took out a pill and handed it to him, "Here , a panacea for reducing swelling and relieving pain, I guarantee that you will be cured after taking the medicine!"

Feng Zheng glanced at the pill in her hand, and the faint scent of the medicine floated to his nose. After hesitating for a while, he took it from his mouth decisively. A voice came from the side, "Don't eat!"

Luo Ziyue looked in the direction of the voice in surprise, and when she realized that she was an old acquaintance again, there was a flash of coldness in her eyes.

"Is there something wrong with this pill? Why can't I eat it?" Feng Zheng looked at the pill in his hand in astonishment, and asked Luo Ziyue in puzzlement.

Luo Ziyue shrugged her shoulders, and said innocently: "How do I know? If you are not afraid of death, try eating it, and you will know!"

"Mr. Feng, how can you just eat the other pills handed over? What if she tampers with the pills?" Ji Xiaoqi strode towards Feng Zheng and the others, and said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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