Chapter 224
"What's none of your business?" Feng Zheng glanced at Ji Xiaoqi strangely, and casually stuffed the pill that Luo Ziyue handed over into his mouth.

Under Ji Xiaoqi's inconceivable gaze, she said slowly: "Even if there is a problem with this pill, I'm happy with it. What does it have to do with you? Do we know each other well?"

To be honest, Feng Zheng really doesn't like women like Ji Xiaoqi who habitually carry the aura of the protagonist and feel extremely good about themselves.

What's more, she still spoke to him in an aggressive tone when she came up, which made him even more unhappy.

When it comes to speaking, there is no usual gentleness.

On the contrary, it sounds a little ruthless.

Luo Ziyue looked at Ji Xiaoqi whose face suddenly became extremely ugly with a smile, and did not express anything about the scene in front of her, but turned around and glanced at Shi Tianjue, "Tianjue, let's go ! After eating and drinking, it is suitable for walking to digest food, and it is not easy to sit for a long time."

"En." Shi Tianjue glanced at Qin Ning who was sitting next to him.

Qin Ning understood it instantly, stood up from the chair very quickly, turned around and walked towards the gate, Luo Ziyue followed closely behind, who would have thought that just as she took a step, she was grabbed by Ji Xiaoqi who rushed up suddenly raised his arm, "Don't go!"

"Release!" Luo Ziyue's face turned cold for a moment, staring at the slender fingers tightly clutching her arm with extremely sharp eyes, and said sharply.

"You are not allowed to leave unless you apologize to Mr. Feng. I know that you punched Mr. Feng on purpose just now." Ji Xiaoqi directly ignored the cold and arrogant look in her eyes, acting as a hostess for Feng Zheng Ask for an apology.

The corners of Feng Zheng's eyes twitched slightly, and his heart was frantic for a while, where did such a woman with big breasts and no brains come out?

"Miss, as I said just now, I'm not familiar with you, and I don't need you to take care of my affairs."

"No, she can't leave unless she apologizes to you!" Ji Xiaoqi looked at Fengzheng very aggrieved, but held Luo Ziyue's hand tightly,

After walking for a while, Qin Ning suddenly realized that Luo Ziyue and the others hadn't followed. Turning around, she saw Miss Luo who always smiled at her. Impatient, she looked at the woman who was holding her arm tightly, her voice seemed to be squeezed out of her teeth, and she said word by word: "I have always disliked physical contact with strangers the most. By three, if you don't let go, I will take your hand!"

"Miss Ben has always said one thing, don't think that you can send me away with a few threats. Let me tell you, don't say that you count to three, that is, you count from one to one hundred. As long as you don't apologize to Mr. Feng, you will be fine." Don't try to let me go." Ji Xiaoqi glanced at Luo Ziyue contemptuously, her delicate face was full of disdain, and she said to her triumphantly.

Shi Tianjue glanced extremely indifferently, and Feng Zheng, who had an extremely ugly face beside him, had a very obvious warning in his eyes.

How can I say that Feng Zheng is also a person who has seen the big world, and has seen many strong people in the hidden world, but when Shi Tianjue's eyes fell on him, he still had a chilling feeling, that kind of feeling like a god of death The feeling of suffocation that came made his Junxiu face slightly stiff, and his eyes when he looked at Ji Xiaoqi instantly darkened, and he said sharply: "Miss, I have already said that my affairs have nothing to do with you. I don't know you , can you stop using my banner to do unrighteous things and push me into an unrighteous situation? What kind of enmity do I have with you? I am friends with Miss Luo, no matter what she does to me I don't mind anything, let alone an unintentional punch?? Since you are a guest of my restaurant, I kindly remind you that you'd better let go of Miss Luo's hand, Don't make us all look very ugly then!"

"Mr. Feng, how can you be so unprincipled in your life? She just has a face that seduces men, and she makes you throw away the most basic principles of life?" Ji Xiaoqi stared, with a very serious look With a look of reluctance, he angrily reprimanded Feng Zheng.

The corners of Feng Zheng's mouth twitched slightly. He, who was always accustomed to value peace, suddenly had the urge to slap the woman who looked at her away with a slap.

In fact, before he could take any action, Tianjue, whose face was already gloomy like ink, waved his hand casually, and instantly sent the triumphant Ji Xiaoqi flying, her tender body flew across the air, He fell heavily on the empty stage not far away.

"Ah..." The terrified scream completely broke the tranquility of the restaurant.

Many people stood up one after another, tiptoeing and looking in the direction of Luo Ziyue and the others.

Luo Ziyue's beautiful face was full of indifference, and she watched the servants of the Ji family staring at them with extremely cold eyes. At the same time, Ji Xiaoqi, who was thrown off the stage unexpectedly by Shi Tianjue, showed a look Unsightly, he angrily wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and stood up with the support of his servants.He sternly said, "Who are you? Do you know who this lady is? You dare to attack this lady in public, don't you want your life?"

Shi Tianjue glanced at her indifferently, "Why would Ji Hongyang let you, an idiot, out?"

"Compared to Ji Hongyang, I'm more curious about who you are, lady? Why don't we dare to do anything to you in public? Let me tell you, beating you is because we look down on you, and we don't bother to do it to ordinary people. "Luo Ziyue looked at the self-righteous Ji Xiaoqi with a sneer, and said sarcastically.

"I'll give you 5 minutes to inform Ji Hongyang to come here to lead someone, otherwise, after 5 minutes, what he will see will be a tattered corpse!" Shi Tianjue didn't even bother with a woman with big breasts and no brains. As he spoke, his cold and stern eyes fell directly on the servants of the Ji family who were staring at them covetously, and he said in an extremely calm tone.

At the same time, that look at Ji Xiaoqi looked very much like looking at a corpse that had long since lost its breath.

Dressed in black, he and Luo Ziyue, who was dressed in a white dress, stood side by side. From a distance, they looked very much like a couple of gods and immortals, but the aura they exuded at this moment was more like the devil king of hell, as if they could take people's lives with just a snap of their fingers .

As one of the parties involved, Feng Zheng stood obediently behind them, acting as an invisible person, and did not express any opinions on the situation in front of him. The indifference and indifference on his face gave people a commonplace feeling. Feel.

This made the people present even more curious about the identities of Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue.

(End of this chapter)

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