Chapter 225 The Dispute Begins

"Ji Hongyang? Isn't he the head of the Ji family? Who is this person? So annoying?"

"It is estimated that the identities of these two people are not simple, otherwise, Mr. Feng would never choose to stand by."

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't care about our affairs, don't worry about it, be careful of getting into trouble!"

"It seems that this time, the girl from the Ji family really kicked the iron board!"

"There's a good show to watch!"


Qin Shengyu and Jiang Molin on the second floor looked at each other, and they both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes. After hesitating for a while, the two got up tacitly, and walked downstairs slowly. When passing by Qin Ning, Jiang Molin pretended to be surprised He asked, "Qin Ning, why are you here? Are they your guests?"

Qin Ning glanced helplessly at Qin Shengyu, who was silent beside him, and saw a trace of concern in his eyes, "Well, they are my guests, but Brother Jiang, don't worry, we'll be fine!"

"Well, it's good if you have nothing to do. If you have something to say, you will never refuse to help us." Jiang Molin didn't show any surprise or understanding on his face, and his peaceful attitude was like a very ordinary dispute. He didn't ask too much about the identities of Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue, but he didn't rush to leave either.

Instead, she quietly stood beside Qin Ning, with the attitude of a waiter, which made Luo Ziyue a little curious. She glanced indifferently at Ji Xiaoqi, who was trembling on the stage, but forced herself to be calm. On Qin Ning's body.

To be precise, Qin Shengyu and Jiang Molin beside Qin Ning, the corners of their mouths were slightly hooked, and a dark light flashed in their eyes, "Qin Ning, who are they?"

Embarrassment flashed across Qin Ning's face, his eyes swept over Qin Shengyu and Jiang Molin, and he said awkwardly: "He, they are my friends, this is Jiang Molin, the young master of the Jiang family, this is..."

When introducing Qin Shengyu, Qin Ning was a little hesitant and embarrassed, as if he didn't know how to introduce him, and looked at Luo Ziyue and Qin Shengyu in a daze.

It was Qin Shengyu who took the initiative to step forward, his tone was a little stiff, but he introduced him in a friendly way: "I am Qin Shengyu, Qin Ning's, fourth brother..."

"Fourth brother?" Luo Ziyue looked at Qin Ning with a light smile, with a trace of understanding in her eyes, but she didn't get entangled in them any more. Instead, she turned to look at Shi Tianjue and said, "Should we sit down and wait for Ji Hongyang or Go out for a walk?"

A trace of sternness flashed across Shi Tianjue's deep pupils, and Ji Xiaoqi, who was biting her red lips while watching the stage coldly, finally realized that she was afraid, and under everyone's attention, her cold voice blew through everyone's hearts like a cold current. Guo: "Since the disaster in front of us is caused by us, naturally we have to deal with it before leaving, so as not to cause trouble to Fengzheng. Anyway, we are not in a hurry, you say, right? Qin Ning?"

Qin Ning was stunned for a moment, his body tensed slightly, his back was stiff, and he quickly responded: "Yes, Miss Luo, I'm not in a hurry, don't worry, my mother's illness is not a matter of a day or two, no In a hurry."

"Miss Luo, this matter happened because of me. You still have things to do, why don't you go get busy! I believe that I can handle it well!" Feng Zheng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said to Luo Ziyue.

Luo Ziyue looked at him with a half-smile, "It's said that beauty is a disaster, now, it seems that you are not bad, Feng Zheng, tell me, does today's matter count..."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Feng Zheng's face, and he looked at Luo Ziyue with a wry smile: "Miss Luo, don't make fun of me, this, this is purely accidental accident. I don't want to, unfortunately, this stinky bag was given by my parents , I have no choice."

"Okay, don't make a bitter face, we don't mean to blame you, just sit down and wait for Patriarch Ji!" Luo Ziyue patted Feng Zheng's shoulder, naturally knowing what the bitterness in his eyes was for, He couldn't help comforting him, and at the same time, he looked at Qin Ning and the others: "Don't stand there, come and sit together!"

Jiang Molin and Qin Shengyu looked at each other, but they were not polite, "Then, thank you Miss Luo, I hope you will forgive me for the disturbance."

"You're welcome, Qin Ning hasten to ask your brother to sit down."

Luo Ziyue gently bumped her elbow against Shi Tianjue who was not well-faced, her big black eyes blinked innocently as if she was saying something, and Shi Tianjue rubbed her helplessly He didn't refuse her proposal and arrangement, and helped her to sit down, and issued a coherent instruction, "Yunling, catch her for me, before Ji Hongyang comes, watch her, don't Let her run away! As for those servants, Fengzheng arranges for your people to take them down, don't stick them here and block your eyes."

Feng Zheng glanced at Shi Tianjue, clapped his hands lightly, and ordered with infinite coldness and alienation in his always warm voice: "Do as King Ning said, bring these all down, look after me, without me order, no one is allowed to run!"

Feng Zheng's moderate voice just solved the confusion in everyone's hearts. They all opened their mouths wide and looked dully at Shi Tianjue, who looked like 24 filial and good husbands. They couldn't believe it, especially Qin Shengyu who had just walked over and The shock in the eyes of Jiang Merlin and the two became even worse.

Seeing their shock, Luo Ziyue chuckled softly: "Why are you all standing there in a daze? Sit down!"

Qin Shengyu and Jiang Molin looked at Qin Ning who was not in any shock, knowing that he must have known the identity of Luo Ziyue and the others before, so they were so indifferent and calm.

Ji Xiaoqi on the stage stood there dumbfounded as if struck by a thunderbolt, the horror and fear in her eyes made her body tremble slightly.

"No, no, no, King Ning, I, I didn't mean it. I really know her, she is..." Ji Xiaoqi tried hard to explain something, but the words she said were extremely pale.

There was a look of begging in his always arrogant eyes, and he looked at Fengzheng pitifully, "Mr. Feng, I really didn't mean to, I, I don't want to die, please help me..."

"I have reminded you before that your ignorance has caused you to repeatedly provoke people who should not be provoked." Feng Zheng glanced at Ji Xiaoqi indifferently, and his cold voice was like a knife. It stabbed into Ji Xiaoqi's heart, and in an instant, she lost all blood.

"Everything I do is for you. If you are so cruel and indifferent, if it wasn't for you, how could I do it?" Ji Xiaoqi shouted at Feng Zheng uncontrollably, her face extremely distorted and ferocious, "What the hell are you doing?" Do you have a heart? You are so capable..."

"Enough!" Feng Zheng interrupted impatiently before she finished speaking, and looked at Ji Xiaoqi with a sarcasm, "If I remember correctly, we don't know each other at all, I'm even Miss Lian. Nothing is clear."

(End of this chapter)

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