Chapter 230 A Little Uneasy
After all, for Hou Guixiang, servile thoughts have been engraved in her blood, and it is difficult to completely get rid of them for a while.

Hou Guixiang looked at Qin Ning's small face, which was [-]% to [-]% similar to his father, and his eyes were in a daze. Something seemed to come to his mind, and the hand holding Qin Ning was tightened suddenly, and the sharp nails were deep. Falling into his palm, I still don't know it.

The pain in the palm made Qin Ning raise his head in astonishment, looking at Hou Guixiang's dazed state, his clear eyes were slightly darkened, and he lowered his head silently, letting Hou Guixiang hold his hand, warming it. The blood oozed from his palm, staining Hou Guixiang's nails red.

The wet warmth brought her back to her senses.Qin Ning, whose palms were full of blood in horror, asked in a panic and fear: "Ning'er, yes, I'm sorry, mother didn't mean it, I, I just got distracted for a while..."

Looking at Hou Guixiang who seemed to be in a great fright, Qin Ning grabbed her shoulders suddenly, and looked into the depths of her eyes with dark eyes: "Mother, the past is over. Don't worry about it again." Blindly addicted to the past and refused to wake up, that man... don't worry about it anymore."

"I, I didn't, I just..." Hou Guixiang wanted to explain something embarrassingly, but was interrupted by Qin Ning.

"Mother, I just don't want you to live such a hard life. For mother, the most important thing now is to take care of my health. Even if I beg mother to accompany me for another journey, don't leave me so quickly , I can provide my mother with a better life."

Qin Ning begged, looked at Hou Guixiang pitifully, made Hou Guixiang's heart skip a beat, hugged him in his arms, and said in a choked voice, "All these years, mother sees that in order to support this Mother, I have had such a hard life, mother is really uncomfortable here! Mother is useless, she can't let my Ning'er live a good life, and she has to suffer and suffer with me!"

"Mom, I really don't work hard at all, and I'm not tired at all. Just like Miss Luo said, the road to being a strong man must be full of hardships, and all these are for me to stand on the top in the near future!" Qin Ning stretched out his hand to hold Hou Guixiang in his arms, and said with a smile.

Seeing that she was silent, she paused for a while, thought for a while, and said cautiously: "Mother, I actually want to thank you for not leaving me in the Qin family. You see, these current disciples of the Qin family can eat, drink, whore and gamble. What else can I do? It won’t be a big weapon at first glance, and it won’t pose any threat in the future, mother, in the near future, you will definitely see them kneeling down and begging me.”

"Ning, Ning'er, what do you want to do?" Hou Guixiang looked at Qin Ning in horror, fearing that he would suffer in their hands.

The corners of Qin Ning's mouth turned up slightly, revealing an indifferent smile, "Mother, seeing how frightened you are, what can I do? Let's live a down-to-earth life, but these juniors of the Qin family are really inferior to each other, I don't think there is any need to Whatever I do, they're likely to kill themselves."

Hearing what Qin Ning said, Hou Guixiang often breathed a sigh of relief: "Ning'er, half of what you said needs to be corrected, and my mother was almost scared to death by you. You! Just listen to my mother's persuasion, don't Take the Qin family too seriously, let's live our own lives, don't provoke them, it's not worth it."

"Mom, you still don't understand me? Look at when I have troubled them, I don't bother to fight with those idiots! If I have time, I might as well spend more time with my bridesmaids at home." Qin Ning hugged Hou Guixiang , put his head on her body, and said in a rather disdainful tone.

Seeing Qin Ning like this, Hou Guixiang felt relieved, but didn't say anything more.

Anyway, her son has always had his own opinion, much better than her mother.

She was very relieved of him.

Shi Tianjue held Luo Ziyue in his arms and flew all the way to the tallest building in Degal City, then lightly patted Luo Ziyue on the back, reminding her: "We are here, look up at you Above the top of your head, do you feel that we are very small, and forget about those unpleasant pasts! Your mother must hope that you can be happy every day. Just like me."

"Pfft!" Luo Ziyue knew that he said that to make her happy, but when she heard what he said, she still couldn't help laughing: "Are you still the same? You think you are my mother."

"I can't give birth to a girl as big as you. However, you are a daughter-in-law and a girl to me. From this point of view, I can also be your mother. Next time you miss your mother, just watch Me! Let me relieve your lovesickness."

What Shi Tianjue said was very natural, making Luo Ziyue dumbfounded.

She put her head in her hands, and lay down lazily beside Shi Tianjue, looking at the sky dotted with stars above her head, quietly enjoying the tranquility at this moment, "I never thought that we could have such a leisurely time." I can watch the stars and blow the night breeze with you side by side."

"Don't we often look at the stars and blow the night breeze together?" Shi Tianjue squinted at her.

"How can it be the same? At least now we don't have to worry about being disturbed, let alone beware of sneak attacks. During this time, I am really happy, a happiness that I have never had before, and I hope we can always be so happy go on!"

It may be that these days are too happy, Luo Ziyue always feels like being in a dream.

"Yes, we will always be so happy. Don't think too much, just enjoy it with an open heart."

Shi Tianjue turned his head to look at Luo Ziyue and said seriously.

A dark light flashed in the depths of the obsidian-like gorgeous and deep eyes, and the speed was so fast that Luo Ziyue did not notice anything strange.

Luo Ziyue didn't speak, but quietly rested her head on Shi Tianjue's body.

After getting along for a long time, we can understand many things tacitly without having to mention them.

"If one day I get lost and can't find my way home, remember to find me and take me home!"

Suddenly, Shi Tianjue uttered such a sentence, which startled Luo Ziyue.

She couldn't help but turned her head to look at him, only to find that he didn't look at her at all, but quietly looked at the night sky above his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Luo Ziyue looked at him quietly for a long time, then reached out and hugged him: "Don't worry, no matter where you are, I will find you and bring you home. I will depend on you for the rest of my life!"

"Remember what you said! In case I really get lost one day, you remember to take me home, and I will wait for you to find me."

"Did something happen?"

(End of this chapter)

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