The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 231 I have no ambition, I owe a fight

Chapter 231 I have no ambition, I owe a fight
Hearing Shi Tianjue's words, Luo Ziyue suddenly became very uneasy, turned over suddenly, pressed on Shi Tianjue's body, and faced him face to face.

He held his face and looked at it carefully for a while, "I feel that you have something to hide from me."

"Then what do you think I'm hiding from you?"

Shi Tianjue put his arms around her waist, his eyes shining like stars were full of smiles, his clear voice blew on Luo Ziyue's heart like a breeze, inexplicably made her feel a little distressed, watching The words that seemed to be joking made her feel a little uneasy.

"No matter what happens, I don't want you to carry it alone. I'm not as fragile as you imagined. Instead of worrying me in the days to come, it's better to share and bear with me at this moment."

"Well, I know. However, I really have nothing to hide from you. You don't need to worry too much about me. I just have a vague feeling that you may have a hard time in the future, maybe because of For me, and maybe for yourself."

Looking at Luo Ziyue's worried little face, Shi Tianjue gently kissed her forehead, "It will be straight when the boat arrives at the bridge, our task now is to enjoy the time in front of us, cherish every day we are together, and what will happen in the future , let’s talk about it in the future.”

"I'm not afraid of anything, but I'm afraid that something will happen to you."

To Luo Ziyue, Shi Tianjue's body will always be a ticking time bomb in her heart.

It's just that he didn't say anything, and she didn't want to deliberately ask.

With his personality, as long as he didn't want to talk about it, even if she asked her facelessly, there would be no result.

"You just need to protect yourself. Nothing will happen to me. Your man's life is very hard. Without your permission, how dare you lose your life at will."

"I know you are comforting me and don't want me to worry about you. I'm still too weak to help you much."

"Don't underestimate yourself. You see, I'm fine now. I don't need your help. According to what you say, I'm useless?"

"Where are you useless?"

"Look, I can't help you much, what is it if I am useless?"

"You, you... hate it!"

Luo Ziyue clenched her small hands into fists, beat Shi Tianjue's chest non-stop, and acted coquettishly to him, the tense mood in her heart was inexplicably relieved.


In the future, let’s talk about it in the future.

The most important thing right now is to take every step well and cherish every moment you are experiencing.


The next day, Qin Ning got up early in the morning. She was in a good mood and punched a group in the yard. After preparing the lunch she needed for Hou Guixiang, she went to Fengya Pavilion to find Luo Ziyue and the others.

Maybe it was too hard during this time, Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue slept until noon, and then lazily climbed out of bed.

The bored Qin Ning lay on the counter of Fengyage and watched the store for the shopkeeper, chatting without saying a word.

The moment he saw Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue appearing, his eyes lit up instantly, and the decadence in his body was swept away. Before the shopkeeper beside him finished talking to him, he had already He hurriedly ran towards Luo Ziyue and the others.

The shopkeeper looked at his jumping figure, shook his head helplessly, lowered his head and continued to count the books in his hand.

"Miss Luo, are you up?"

Luo Ziyue watched with a smile as Pidianpidian ran past Qin Ning towards them, and took out the prescription she had prepared, "This is the prescription for your mother and your reward..."

Qin Ning looked at the things Luo Ziyue handed over in astonishment, and said embarrassingly: "Miss Luo, I can't accept this reward. If you promise to see a doctor for my mother, I'm already very embarrassed. I'm really sorry for this reward." I can't accept it!"

"Take it! There's nothing to be embarrassed about. You deserve it. As for treating your mother, it's just a matter of effort. You don't have to take it to heart." Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, and the smile in her eyes gradually faded He restrained himself, looked at Qin Ning very seriously, and said, "Okay, you don't need to say anything else. I'll give it to you, and you just keep it. These things are nothing to me, but, What it means to you, I think you know better than me."

"But..." Qin Ning lowered his head and looked at the things in his hands, his eyes turned red instantly.

"There are not so many buts. Don't take things that are easy to do, let alone have any burden."

Luo Ziyue patted Qin Ning's shoulder: "Hurry up and buy medicine for your mother! After we finish lunch, I'll teach you how to make medicine. By the way, have you eaten yet? If you haven't eaten, just follow me Together we will."

"No, no need." Qin Ning shook his head in fear, and rejected Luo Ziyue's kindness, "I'll just go back and eat!"

"Okay, stop rambling. Listen to me, eat first, and then bring your mother something to eat when you're done."

Luo Ziyue didn't care what was going on in Qin Ning's little brain, and directly pulled him to sit down on the side seat, seeing his fidgeting face, reprimanded him very politely: "We don't eat Man, why are you nervous? After dinner, we will go buy medicine with you, just in time, I can check it out for you!"

"Miss Luo, you are so kind to me, I don't even know how to repay you!"

Qin Ning lowered his head and said in a very low voice.

"Do I want you to repay me? You take good care of your mother. In the future, you can make some famous things in the mainland, which is the greatest repayment to me. Maybe I will ask you again at that time! Fengshui turns , I'm investing in advance." Luo Ziyue smiled inscrutablely.

Qin Ning looked at her in astonishment, his head suddenly seemed to be stuck, and asked, "Then, what if I'm still as worthless in the future as I am now?"


Luo Ziyue raised her hand and slapped him on the head, "Where's your ambition? Have you been eaten by dogs?"

"Didn't I assume this?" Qin Ning said weakly.


Another slap on the head.

"Remember, how can you be so unambitious with Luo Ziyue and me? If you can't tell, wouldn't you have lost my face? It's fine if you lose my face, and it will also implicate my family Tianjue It is absolutely unbearable to lose face along with you. Xiao Ning'er, remember, we can't lose our ambition even if we lose anything!"

"Say what you say, don't touch your hands, his brain is not flexible enough, if you make him even more stupid, he will really be ashamed!" Shi Tianjue grabbed Luo Ziyue's evil hand, The seemingly clear voice still made Qin Ning hear a hint of a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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