Chapter 235 The First Heresy 2
"Then what is the relationship between the Qin family boy and you, so that our dignified protector Wu lord repeatedly reminded us not to offend Luo Ziyue and the others?"

"The subordinate just reminded him kindly for the sake of taking care of his business too much, and didn't think much about it."


The gloomy laughter resounded throughout the room, and those who heard it shuddered.

Wu Chou stood quietly in front of the white wall without saying a word, letting the cold sweat on his forehead drip down to the ground continuously.

"As long as you do things for me honestly, everything else is up to you."

Hearing this, Wu Chou's heart that was hanging in the air was relieved immediately, and he forced a smile on his ugly face, "Thank you, master."

"Well, back off!"

After walking out of the room, Wu Chou stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, heaved a long sigh of relief, and thought to himself, this master is becoming more and more elusive. One day it will die in his hands.

After getting the Nourishing Pill, Qin Tianhao obviously had a smile on his face, and walked briskly towards the Qin family.

He couldn't wait to take back the pill in his hand and present it to his mother.

Seeing the smile on his mother's face during this period of time, he felt indescribably depressed.

You know, what he likes to see most in his life is the smile on his mother's face. Suddenly, he is not used to seeing his mother without a smile.

"Mother, mother, mother..." Qin Tianhao's excited voice came from outside the gate before anyone stepped into the yard.

When the woman in the room heard his brisk cry, a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face, and a tender voice sounded, "Hao'er, what makes you so happy? Tell your mother about it." .”

Looking at Qin Tianhao who was sweating profusely from running, the woman in a white gauze dress took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the sweat on his forehead, her tone was doting and gentle, don't look at her as a child Damn it, her face is still very young, she speaks and does things with the gentleness unique to women in Jiangnan water towns, her facial features are unusually soft, and she looks very petite and exquisite.

"Mother, guess what good things I brought back for you?" Qin Tianhao looked at Shui Tianrou mysteriously.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Shui Tianrou's mouth, and he looked at Qin Tianhao tenderly and asked, "I don't know what it is, but Haoer, you are so excited. It seems that you have put a lot of thought into it."

"Dangdangdangdang..." Qin Tianhao took out the Nourishing Pill from the interspatial ring, placed it on the stone table in the courtyard with embarrassment, looked at Shui Tianrou with a smile and said: "Mother, this is my flower. It took a lot of effort to get back the Nourishing Pill, with it, mother, you can stay young forever."

When Shui Tianrou saw the complicated patterns on the sandalwood box, a complex look flashed across her beautiful eyes, and the smile on her face froze for a moment, but when Qin Tianhao looked over, she quickly recovered her usual expression. With a smile, "Hao'er, where did you get this thing? It seems to be very rare."

"I saw that my mother didn't seem to be in a good mood these two days, so I made a special inquiry. I heard that the shopkeeper Wu of Qiyaozhai recently obtained a batch of beauty-care pills with excellent effects. I went over to give them to my mother. You got it back, if I hadn’t been taking care of Wu shopkeeper’s business before, he might not be willing to sell it to me!”

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Qin Tianhao frowned unconsciously, as if he suddenly thought of something, and complained to Shui Tianrou who had been looking at him with a smile: "Then Qin Ning didn't know if he stepped on it." What the hell luck, I got mixed up with King Ning and Princess Ning, when I went to buy medicine for my mother just now, I happened to meet the three of them."

"Prince Ning, Princess Ning?"

Shui Tianrou was stunned for a moment, a strange light flashed in her beautiful eyes, and a trace of worry appeared on her beautiful face, "Hao'er, did you have any conflict with them?"

"I really want to have a conflict with them! It's a pity that I was stopped by shopkeeper Wu. It is said that King Ning and Princess Ning are gods of death and cannot be easily provoked. I just don't know if they are as powerful as the legends. If I have a chance, I will I want to try it." Qin Tianhao said thoughtfully.

When Shui Tianrou heard his words, his expression suddenly became dignified, and Qin Tianhao's face was suddenly held up in his cool hands, and the smile disappeared from his beautiful eyes looking forward to drifting away.

"Hao'er, listen to my mother, this King Ning has been killing gods since he was a child, but few people who provoke him end up well. His cultivation base is unpredictable, and no one knows how strong he is. Qiang, I only know that from the moment he became famous in the mainland, there were many people who wanted to kill him and replace him, but up to now, no one has been able to get his wish. As for Concubine Ning Luo Ziyue, she..."

Shui Tianrou frowned slightly, and there seemed to be a dark light flashing in her eyes.

"Her strength is probably a little bit worse than Ning Wang Shitianjue, but she has countless cards, especially her poisoning skills, which are hard to guard against. Many times, the poisons she uses are unsolvable. Compared to other people's hard work to kill the enemy, she can easily destroy the enemy with just fingers, you should not underestimate the enemy."

Shui Tianrou knows her son very well. Don't look at his cynical appearance, in fact, he has a stronger heart than anyone else.

"Mother, how do you know them so well? Did someone experience what you said? And you said it was just rumors?"

Qin Tianhao looked at Shui Tianrou in astonishment. In his impression, Shui Tianrou had always been indifferent to world affairs, ignoring the big and small affairs of the mansion, guarding this courtyard all day long, and rarely going out to communicate with others. It has an otherworldly smell.

"If it's not verified, will mother tell you?"

Shui Tianrou rubbed Qin Tianhao's face, and there was a trace of solemnity in his gentle voice.

"Hao'er, my mother has nothing to ask for in this life, but I just hope to stay by your side and watch you grow up. You must not be arrogant and provoke people who shouldn't be provoked. If you are not here, mother What's the point of living?"

"Mom, what are you talking about so sad? At worst, I won't provoke them, just stay away from them."

Qin Tianhao hugged Shui Tianrou in his arms, smelling the faint fragrance from his mother himself, he felt an inexplicable sense of security in his heart.

"Mom, I will always be by your side, don't be afraid!"

Qin Tianhao's slightly choked voice came from Shui Tianrou's ears, and he felt a little more gratified in his heart. It was worth it to stay in this small courtyard for him all these years without seeing the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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