Chapter 236 The First Heresy 3
Babies who used to bark like screams have grown into adults at some point.

He has learned to use his chest, which is not yet spacious enough, to support her with a safe world.

These were things she had never imagined before.

She thought that after so many years of going deep and secluded, she might escape those things in the past, but in the end everything was just her fantasy.

She is not afraid of facing death, she just puts her child at ease, "Hao'er, what should mother do?"

Shui Tianrou's thoughts were surging, but her face was still gentle. She nestled gently in Qin Tianhao's arms, feeling the little boy's dependence and love for her, her heart was soft, and her tangled thoughts were hidden in a pair of beautiful eyes. In the eyes, the mother and son are enjoying the rare warm time under the afternoon sun.

"Mother, you stay in this small yard every day, are you lonely? Or, my son will take you out to play? There are many interesting places in Degal City?"

Ever since Qin Tianhao became sensible, he insisted on using various forms of temptation every day, trying to lure Shui Tianrou out of this courtyard.

It's a pity that after so many years, he has never succeeded once.

"Hao'er, do you want mother to go out with you so much? After so many years, you still haven't given up on abducting mother to go out. You think mother is you! You can't resist such a small temptation!" Shui Tianrou Looking at Qin Tianhao with a smile, he said jokingly.

Qin Tianhao didn't expect that Shui Tianrou would directly pierce his small thoughts so directly, two blushes flashed across his handsome face, and he touched his nose in embarrassment, "Hey... I'm not worried about my mother being in this yard Will you be lonely if you stay for a long time?"

"You little devil has a lot of ideas. If you want to go out to play, go! Don't worry about mother. After so many years, mother is used to this kind of life. Chad will definitely not be used to letting me blend in with the crowd."

"Mom, if you don't go, what's the point of me going! If you have that time, why don't you stay at home and kiss you with mother!"

Qin Tianhao sat down on the stool next to Shui Tianrou, lowered his head and played with his fingers, but refused to speak.

Shui Tianrou, who had something on her mind, didn't coax him as softly as in the past this time. She lowered her head and lowered her eyelids to block the complicated thoughts in her eyes. In an eerie quiet atmosphere.

After a long time, Qin Tianhao, who didn't wait for Shui Tianrou's gentle voice of comfort, raised his head in surprise, but saw Shui Tianrou holding the Nourishing Pill in both hands, thinking about something, looking extremely heavy and complicated.

He really wanted to ask her, what was she thinking?What are you worried about?
As a son, he can also share her worries, but when the words reached his lips, he still swallowed them back. He really knows her mother too well. As long as she doesn't want to say anything, she will not reveal it to outsiders if asked. Any trace of the wind.

Rather than the mother and son having an unpleasant quarrel in the end, it's better to just stay by her side quietly.

When Qin Ning and the others came back, Hou Guixiang just got up from the bed, she seemed to be planning to go out for a walk, but when she saw Qin Ning and the others, she was taken aback and stood where she was, not knowing what to do for a while. Still should return.

"Mother, are you going out?" Qin Ning looked at Hou Guixiang in surprise and asked.

Hou Guixiang was stunned for a moment, and quickly reacted, pointing to the kitchen beside her: "Didn't I see that you haven't come back? I just want to go to the kitchen to eat hot dishes."

A shameful smile appeared on Qin Ning's face, "Miss Luo and I have eaten outside, but Miss Luo specially packed a meal suitable for mother to eat, and also bought all the medicinal materials for mother's treatment gone."

"How can you let Miss Luo and the others spend so much money for us? You are too disobedient." Hou Guixiang looked at Luo Ziyue and the others in embarrassment, and reprimanded Qin Ning softly.

When Luo Ziyue heard the conversation between the two of them, she couldn't help smiling: "Madam, you are too polite. I like Qin Ning very much. These things are just a matter of little effort for us, so you don't need to be so polite!"

"Miss Luo, if you don't mind, just call me Sister Hou!"

When Hou Guixiang heard what Luo Ziyue said, she couldn't say anything more, but when she heard the word madam, she frowned subconsciously.

It was only then that she realized that Luo Ziyue's address to her had always been vague, and it seemed that she didn't know how to address her.

"Mother, if Miss Luo calls you Eldest Sister, then my seniority is not Miss Bi Luo..."

When Qin Ning heard Hou Guixiang's words, his brows trembled, and he jumped out immediately. In his opinion, Miss Luo was clearly not a few years older than him, but once Luo Ziyue called her mother and eldest sister, his seniority was obviously A generation lower than Miss Luo.

Luo Ziyue squinted her eyes, looked at Qin Ning with an upset face playfully, and replied very naturally: "Okay, Sister Hou!"

"Luo, Miss, you..."

Qin Ning stared at Luo Ziyue in disbelief, his face flushed red, and he stammered for a long time without being able to utter a complete sentence.

"Didn't you see that your mother is hungry? Hurry up and get her some food!"

Qin Ning walked towards Hou Guixiang with big and small bags full of bitterness and hatred, "Mother, this is the meal that Miss Luo specially packed for you, you should hurry up and eat it while it's hot!"

"Why did you come back with so much medicine?" Hou Guixiang asked in astonishment after taking the food Qin Ning handed over, looking at the big and small bags in his hand.

"I originally planned to buy the medicine for half a month, but Miss Luo said that if you want to buy it, you can buy it for a month, so I bought back all the medicine for the next month."

Qin Ning smiled, ignoring Hou Guixiang's bitter expression.

He was inexplicably happy to see his mother, who had always seen the sky collapse in front of his eyes without changing his expression, drinking the medicine with a bitter face.


How could Hou Guixiang not know what Qin Ning was thinking? Looking at his smiling face, she shook her head helplessly and let him toss about it, but Luo Ziyue, who was standing quietly by the side, obviously smelled something wrong. unusual breath.

"Sister Hou, if you think the medicine is too bitter, you can ask Qin Ning to get some candied dates to eat, and you won't feel bitter after eating."

"Miss Luo, you don't know something. Over the years, Ning'er has made many weird prescriptions for me, so that when I heard that I want to take medicine, I have a subconscious reflex, and I have a kind of resistance to them from the bottom of my heart."

A strange expression appeared on Hou Guixiang's face, her brows were furrowed, and she looked in Qin Ning's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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