Chapter 237 The First Heresy 4
"I've been sick and bedridden all these years, but it's really hard for Ah Ning."

Luo Ziyue followed her gaze and looked at Qin Ning, who was extremely busy, "That's not necessarily the case, in my opinion, Qin Ning still enjoys the current state, at least compared to other people, He is accompanied by his mother, and when he is tired, he can snuggle into his mother's arms and act like a spoiled child to keep warm."

"Life always has its gains and losses. No one knows what will happen next moment, right? Just like Miss Luo, you don't have your mother's company, but you have King Ning's constant protection by your side. This is not a kind of happiness. You know , Many people in the world are desperate for this kind of happiness.”

Hou Guixiang looked away from Qin Ning, and landed on Shi Tianjue, who was guarding behind Luo Ziyue. Seeing the sense of happiness on them, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Once upon a time, she also I had looked forward to this kind of happiness, but everything turned out to be empty after all.

Luo Ziyue turned her head towards Shi Tian in despair, stretched out her arms to wrap his arms around his waist, and snuggled into his arms with a smile, smiling happily.

"In order to be able to meet him, I have suffered so much in my previous life. There is basically no suffering in this world that I have never experienced. I have accumulated all the happiness and good luck in my previous life in this life and exchanged it. This is how I have the happiness of this life." stay together."

Luo Ziyue's seemingly false words made it difficult for people to tell the truth from the false for a while.

However, as she said, everything in this world has a cause and an effect, and she and Ning Wang can have the happiness they have now, presumably there are unknown hardships behind it.

Shi Tianjue looked down at the smile on Luo Ziyue's face, felt an inexplicable pain in his heart, and subconsciously didn't want them to continue this topic.

He couldn't help but interrupted: "Didn't you say that you want to teach Qin Ning how to make medicine? I'm afraid you have to go and have a look."

"Almost forgot about business, I was just chatting with Sister Hou." Luo Ziyue held her forehead, and a look of annoyance flashed across her face, "Sister Hou, eat first, if you don't eat lunch, it will be cold, I'll go to Qinning first Look over there."

"Well, everything is so troublesome, Miss Luo."

Hou Guixiang smiled and looked at Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue walking away together.

This combination of handsome men and beautiful women will make many people envious when they go out.

By the time Luo Ziyue and the others came out of Qin Ning's accommodation, the sky was gradually approaching dusk. Large expanses of burning clouds burned half of the sky, making the whole sky extraordinarily majestic, and the ever-changing shapes were particularly fascinating. attention.

"Did you feel anything?"

Halfway through, Luo Ziyue suddenly felt something was wrong. She always felt that someone was spying on them in the dark, which made her feel uncomfortable.

She subconsciously wanted to turn her head and look back, but Shi Tianjue held her tightly in his arms, restraining her movements.

Shi Tianjue's eyes flickered slightly, "Don't be suspicious, it's Yunling."

"is it?"

Luo Ziyue frowned slightly, looked suspiciously at Shi Tianjue's stern profile, curled her lips and said nothing in silence.

The thorny eyes behind her disappeared quietly during their conversation, but the uneasiness in her heart did not disappear with it.

"We've been here for two days in Degal City, and we haven't had time to take a good stroll!"

Looking at the endless crowds on the street, Luo Ziyue said with a sigh.

"Where do you want to go, I will accompany you."

Shi Tian doesn't really like to go to places where there are many people. Past experience tells him that places with many people mean more troubles and entanglements waiting for him.

However, as long as Luo Ziyue is happy, these things are trivial matters to him.

"They seem to have a lot of special snacks here. We can try them all before we have dinner. By the way, if you don't eat with me, let Yunling come out to eat with me, otherwise , I'm embarrassed to eat alone." Luo Ziyue muttered and said coquettishly to Shi Tianjue.

Shi Tianjue's eyes fell on the street stall not far away, "Yunling, you probably haven't eaten these delicacies by the roadside, have you?"

"He must not have time to eat these things when he is with you every day! God, you are deducting labor!"

A playful look flashed in Luo Ziyue's clear eyes, and she was very excited when she thought that she would soon have the opportunity to see Yun Ling, who had a habitually cold face, eating these special snacks in front of everyone.

But compared to Yun Ling, she wanted to see the cold-faced King Ning who habitually refused people thousands of miles away in front of people when he ate these things.

It's a pity that her little thoughtfulness couldn't be hidden from Shi Tianjue's piercing eyes.

"Since that's the case, let Yunling eat with you to show that I'm not a master who skimps on labor!"

Shi Tianjue squinted his eyes, taking the excitement in Luo Ziyue's eyes into his eyes, a sinister smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help but bend down, his warm lips swept over Luo Ziyue's ears, The ghostly voice rang in Luo Ziyue's ears leisurely: "Ma'am, my husband wants to eat you more than those things. If you don't mind, my husband won't mind eating you dry in front of others... Wipe it off!"

Luo Ziyue's whole body trembled, two suspicious blushes appeared on her beautiful face, and she smiled mockingly: "'s enough for me to eat with Yunling!"

Yun Ling, who silently followed behind them, made all the decisions for him after hearing their words in a few words. A burst of wailing sounded from the bottom of his heart, and he looked at the purple long gown with resentful eyes, which made him look extremely noble. The mysterious Heaven Slayer.

It's a pity that he was sold by his master so easily.

Asking him to walk and eat with small skewers is simply a cruel and inhuman torture for him, comparable to Ling Chi.

Killing Tianjue is too lazy to care what Yunling thinks?

Anyway, it’s fine if it’s not him who is walking and eating in front of people holding a skewer. After not seeing Yunling for a long time, he couldn’t help urging: “Yunling, what are you fussing about? I didn’t see Yue’er waiting for you to accompany him Do you want to eat the special snacks here?"

With a face full of reluctance, Yunling walked awkwardly in front of Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue, and muttered with a dissatisfied laugh: "Master, it's clear that Miss Luo wants you to accompany her to eat these special dishes Snacks, why don't you accompany her to eat and push them to me? Isn't that a little bit unkind? "

"Really? Ask her, do you want me to eat with her or you to eat with him?"

Shi Tianjue raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at Luo Ziyue who was watching the show with strange eyes, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a sinister arc.


(End of this chapter)

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