Chapter 239 The First Heresy 6
There was a fierce flash in Shi Tianjue's indifferent eyes, like a sharp knife drawn out of its sheath, carrying a murderous aura.

The people who quietly followed behind them and monitored their every move suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing towards them, sending a chill down their spines, and a sense of ominous premonition suddenly appeared in their hearts. The taboo against Shi Tianjue and the determination to risk everything, just when they were so confused that they couldn't figure it out, a few strands of black light quietly attached to them like bone-eating worms, silently devouring everything about them .

When Shi Tianjue, who was the instigator, received the information from the black light, his sword eyebrows slanted into his temples quietly raised, a solemn look appeared in his eyes, and his eyes unconsciously fell on Luo who was happily disturbing Yunling In Zi Yue's body, there was an incomprehensible emotion in the depths of his eyes that were as silent as an ancient well, but it was not difficult to find that he seemed to have made some unknown decision from some kind of light that flashed by him occasionally.

Luo Ziyue, who obviously noticed Shi Tianjue's abnormality to some extent, pretended to be relaxed and played with Yun Ling, but from time to time looked at Shi Tianjue who was not far away from the corner of her eye, and secretly sighed, this man always He was trying to protect her under his wings, but what he didn't know was that she was very clear about many things he had been trying to hide from her, and she just followed his wishes and didn't expose them.

"Aren't you really going to eat something?" Luo Ziyue said to Shi Tianjue while eating all kinds of special food at the roadside stalls with relish.

Shi Tianjue's cold gaze was like the bright moon in winter, lightly sweeping across her oily hands, very indifferently turned his head and looked to the other side pretending to be unfathomable, silently rejecting her invitation.

"Did I be disgusted by your master?" Luo Ziyue looked at his actions in astonishment, and suddenly found that he had kept a step or so away from her along the way. She hangs on his waistband and never leaves her, but since entering the night market, he, he, he has learned to keep a distance from her. From a distance, he is pretending not to know her!

Luo Ziyue, who wanted to cry without tears, lightly bumped her elbow into Yun Ling who was beside her, and discussed with him in a very low voice.

"Why do I feel that I seem to be rejected by your master? Is my eating ugly?"

"Could it be that Miss Luo thinks eating while walking like this is a very stylish thing?" Yun Ling squinted, accusing Luo Ziyue very dissatisfied: "I have come all the way, except for those who have not yet Besides the grown-up children, how many people Miss Luo saw walking and eating like us?"

After being told by Yunling, Luo Ziyue subconsciously looked towards the crowd on the street.

It turned out to be very cruel to find that the people on this street were really as Yunling said, except for the children who hadn’t grown up yet, the rest of the people were either eating with their hands or sitting at roadside stalls. After eating, there are really few people who eat while walking like them.

For a moment, a feeling of wanting to cry but no tears rose in Luo Ziyue's heart.

"Yun Ling, I found out that you are an afterthought!" Luo Ziyue gritted her teeth and shouted at Yun Ling.

Yunling rolled his eyes helplessly, "Miss Luo, how could I know that even a three-year-old child knows this, but you don't know? Also, along the way, I have given full play to my self-sacrificing spirit, Eating and drinking with Miss Luo, what else are you not satisfied with?"

"Hey! If you don't tell me, I don't even know that you are so great? Otherwise, I will give you an award and a certificate of self-sacrifice!"

Luo Ziyue snorted coldly, Yunling's goosebumps all over her body when she heard the yin and yang voice, she stepped back a few steps in succession, looked at Luo Ziyue with a serious expression and shook her head.

"This is what your subordinates should do, and you don't need to present awards." Yun Ling paused, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "Yun Ling can't afford it."

"I don't know if it's my illusion, but I always feel that it's the calm before the storm!" Luo Ziyue frowned, finished the food in her hand, and looked at Yunling thoughtfully. Said.

Yun Ling was stunned for a moment, his eyes subconsciously fell on Shi Tianjue's side, and he remained silent without speaking.

"It's really not that I think too much. Countless facts tell me that whenever I want to go shopping in the night market, nothing good happens. Even if I hide from my side, it's still the same. This really makes me very happy. trouble!"

Luo Ziyue wiped her greasy paws slowly, then put her hand on Shi Tianjue's arm, raised her head and smiled innocently at him, "Are you hungry? Let's go, I'll accompany you You go to dinner!"

"Don't you want to go shopping?" Shi Tianjue lowered his head and looked into her shining eyes, and said dotingly: "Didn't you say that you will always be disturbed by some annoying flies when you go shopping? No one who doesn't have a good eye will come out to disturb your elegant mood."

"I've been shopping for so long, I'm already tired. By the time we walk back to Fengyage so slowly, the food in my stomach must be almost exhausted, so I can just have another meal with you." Luo Ziyue With a treacherous smile on his face, he looked at Shi Tianjue treacherously.

The wanton smile bloomed on her face, instantly fascinated Shi Tianjue's eyes, and gave him the urge to keep the smile on her face forever.

However, after all, he pulled the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a very shallow smile.

Letting Luo Ziyue pull him, wandering around curiously, nimbly passing through the crowd, like a fish swimming freely in a river.

When the group of them squeezed out from the crowd, Luo Ziyue let out a long sigh of relief, lying on Shi Tianjue's arm, "It can be regarded as being squeezed out, and the people in the night market are really There are too many, no wonder you said that no one will bother us tonight? This densely packed human head, if someone dares to do it, it will definitely be a large number of accidental injuries."

"Ha ha……"

Before Shi Tianjue could speak, suddenly, a burst of strange laughter rippled from around them.

The world seemed to fall into a kind of silence for an instant, Xiao Su's murderous aura spread silently, Luo Ziyue's hand tightly holding Shi Tianjue's arm slowly let go, the laziness and exhaustion in his eyes , suddenly, swept away.

On the beautiful face, the rippling smile was gradually replaced by indifference, and the shining eyes were full of biting chill.

(End of this chapter)

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