The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 240 The Mysterious Enemy Appears Again 1

Chapter 240 The Mysterious Enemy Appears Again 1
Luo Ziyue's cold voice was comparable to the icy cold wind in winter, which made people's hearts chill.

"You guys are coming later than I expected! I thought you were too scared to come because of my husband-in-law's name!"

"It seems that Miss Luo is just like us! Not seeing each other for a day is like three autumns. We haven't seen each other for such a long time. I don't know how many autumns have passed between us!"

As in the past, the ear-piercing voice and soft teasing of Luo Ziyue, I don't know if they did it on purpose or unintentionally?
They completely ignored Luo Ziyue's Shi Tianjue who was guarding her as a protector.

"Tsk tsk... In front of my husband-in-law, can you pay attention to what you say? I don't want him to misunderstand me because of you. In fact, I don't like you so much, so don't be sentimental. I You are already married people, is it really okay for you to care about me so much?"

A look of disdain flitted across Luo Ziyue's lazy eyes, a sarcasm appeared on her alluring cherry lips, and she held Shi Tianjue tightly with one hand, preventing him from getting any chance to make a move, "Isn't it early? When Yun Ling and I were eating stinky tofu, you already found their whereabouts?"

"Don't worry." Shi Tian said in an absolutely irrelevant answer.

"The relationship between King Ning and Miss Luo is really enviable!"

A sarcastic voice interrupted the conversation between Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue very ignorantly, which made Shi Tianjue's eyes suddenly cold.

The temperature in the narrow alley seemed to be frozen in an instant, it was so cold that people's teeth chattered, and the panic that rose from their hearts was like a pair of invisible hands holding their hearts in their hands, and they could hold their hearts at any time. end their lives.

"Hehe..." A burst of light laughter overflowed from Shi Tianjue's mouth, "You guys are quite courageous! Tell me, should I applaud your courage? Or should I laugh at you for not knowing how to live or die?"

"It is our blessing to be praised by King Ning so much." After a long silence, a dark voice suddenly said.

In the dark space, black clouds floated above Luo Ziyue and the others.

A pair of red eyes that looked like eyes could be vaguely seen flickering in it, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

Luo Ziyue stared warily at the dazzling red eyes in the night sky.

I don't know why she, who has always liked Shi Tianjue's blazing eyes, at this moment, suddenly hates others having eyes similar to his.

A churning murderous aura suddenly rose from the bottom of my heart, and the aura on my body suddenly became cold.

There is a coquettish evil spirit in the beautiful pupils that are as clear as glass, and the brows are not as friendly as before.

Wearing a long white dress, she exuded an admirable majesty and nobility for no reason, as if she was the king of the world at this moment.

It is so dazzling that it can compete with the sun and the moon.

Even Shi Tianjue who was beside her was compared by her at this moment.

Shi Tianjue, who always showed indifference to others, at this moment, the corners of his eyes were tinged with a slight smile, he looked sideways and lowered his head, carefully observing Luo Ziyue's changes bit by bit.

"Since you are determined to seek death, then I will fulfill you."

A strange smile appeared on Luo Ziyue's face, and she slowly drew a complex barrier on her chest with her hands. On top of the stove, the hot temperature baked the person's cold sweat continuously across his forehead.

Shi Tianjue at the side had a tacit agreement to set up an enchantment that could not be visited and detected by others. Everyone in the enchantment instantly felt a sense of crisis with nowhere to escape. There was a sound around them, and the dark world seemed to be lit up by countless green lights in an instant, and the terrifying demons opened their bloody mouths and bit them towards them.

The black clouds floating in the sky swiftly dodged the green will-o'-the-wisp's attack.

All of a sudden, the world is changing, and the situation is changing.

As if the doomsday is coming, the mountains and rivers are about to be shattered, all the demons and ghosts are coming out, and everyone has nowhere to hide.

At the same time, a violent gust of wind suddenly blew up in the sky above the city of Degal, but the temperature did not drop a little with the passage of the cool wind. Instead, it felt like being in a stove, and the continuous stream of hot sweat slipped from their heads .

His clothes were soaked in sweat instantly, even though he had just showered, it didn't have the slightest effect.

The suffocating heat continued to drill into their bodies along their skin, roasting their faces flushed.

The skin was burning as if it was going to spontaneously combust.

The entire city of Degal was instantly ignited, and the boiling noise, along with the scorching heat, made people want to go crazy. At the same time, at the same time, the masters hidden in the city of Degal were keenly aware of the Whatever it is, let it all out.

Looking up at the sky, suddenly, the whole person soared into the air and shot straight towards the direction where Luo Ziyue and the others were.

At this moment, all the people in the Heaven Killing Barrier felt their eyes dazzled, and an unusually dazzling golden light shot out from Luo Ziyue's body, turning into countless stars and bursting out towards the surroundings like celestial maidens scattered flowers And go, wherever he goes, everything in the world is turned into annihilation.

"Miss Luo, show mercy!"

Suddenly, a black voice suddenly shot out from the darkness, and exclamation came out of his mouth.

He moved very quickly and embraced a certain black cloud floating in the air, and used his thin chest to protect her, trying to prevent her from any harm.

A pair of flawed eyes looked towards Luo Ziyue's direction, but when he looked at Luo Ziyue's indifferent eyes that were as hard and cold as a millennium glacier, he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart, and his arms that were not strong enough hugged her tightly. Holding the black cloud in her arms, she did not give her any chance to break free.

"Miss Luo, please spare my mother, she is innocent, she was forced."

Qin Tianhao's sobbing voice was not as arrogant as it was when he first saw Luo Ziyue and the others. Hei Yun, who was held tightly in his arms, was struggling violently in his arms, mercilessly attacking, as if the whole person had lost his mind, sobbing The voice sounded indistinctly, but he just quietly sat on the ground holding the invisible black cloud in his arms, not giving her any chance to escape, allowing her to hurt him.

"It's you?" The moment Luo Ziyue's indifferent eyes fell on Qin Tianhao's face, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, and she asked in a flat tone: "How can you be sure that the one you hold in your arms is your mother? If I'm not mistaken, at this moment she has entered a state of demonization, and she has already lost her mind."

(End of this chapter)

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