The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 241 The Mysterious Enemy Appears Again 2

Chapter 241 The Mysterious Enemy Appears Again 2
"There is no human breath on her body. The most important thing is that she is exactly the same as the thousands of black clouds here, without any special characteristics."

With red eyes, Qin Tianhao looked down at the black cloud struggling fiercely in his arms, and said in an unusually heavy voice, "She is my mother, I can be very sure.

Before, I heard people say that Qiyaozhai recently got a mysterious elixir, which is said to be able to keep people's face forever.

I saw that my mother was very depressed during this time, as if she was troubled by some troubles, she was frowning all day long.

I think women love beauty.

Maybe when I buy this legendary beauty pill back and give it to my mother, she will be happy.

But she didn't expect that when she saw the Nourishing Pill in the afternoon, her face would become extremely ugly for a moment.

Even though she tried her best to hide it, she was still discovered by me.

Since I was born, I have been raised by my mother alone.

The seemingly glamorous identity hides endless filth behind it.

Sometimes, I am quite envious of Qin Ning. Even though he is also a disciple of the Qin family, he can get the freedom that we have never had.

Life seems to be extremely unbearable and bullied, but in fact, he is the happiest among us.

If possible, I would rather not have those so-called glory and wealth than to watch my mother lose her freedom and torture her mother for so many years.

After dinner in the evening, I saw that my mother looked a little wrong, and asked her what happened, but she didn't say anything.

In desperation, I had no choice but to hide in the dark, follow her secretly, and monitor her every move.

But I found that after she devoured the beauty pills I bought in the afternoon, her whole body turned into a black cloud strangely.

She slipped out of the courtyard without disturbing anyone, but fortunately she was not fast.

After I followed all the way, there was the scene Miss Luo saw now.

No wonder, in the afternoon, my mother warned me again and again not to make enemies with Miss Luo!It turns out that she already knew something about you. "

It has to be said that Qin Tianhao is an extremely smart person. He knew what Luo Ziyue wanted to know, and he told her everything he knew before she asked her.

A dark light flashed in Luo Ziyue's beautiful eyes, she turned her head and gave Shi Tian a perfect look.

In an instant, two golden glows burst out from her sleeve, binding Qin Tianhao and the black cloud in his arms like ropes.

"Yunling, look at them, and don't allow any accidents to happen to them without my permission."

"Other matters, wait until we have settled everything in front of us."

As soon as the words fell, Luo Ziyue suddenly felt a chill down her spine.

Several powerful auras were bursting towards them, causing her to subconsciously speed up the movements of her hands.

Suddenly, a huge aura rose from Shi Tianjue's body, Qin Tianhao didn't have time to see anything clearly, his head sank suddenly, and he fell into a coma.

At the moment when he was unconscious, Shi Tianjue was like a huge storage bag, absorbing all the black clouds in front of him and the people who followed them secretly into his agitated sleeves with lightning speed, It returned to normal in an instant.

At the same time, Yun Ling on the other side tacitly picked up the restless Hei Yun and Qin Tianhao like garbage bags.

With a flash, he disappeared in place together with Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue.

When the city lord of Degal City, the president and great elder of the mercenary union, the president of the elixir association, and some well-known powerhouses in the city arrived, what they saw was an empty passage, with There was no smell of blood, and the ground was as clean as if no one had ever appeared.

If not, the temperature in this place is abnormally high, just like the center point of a furnace, continuously spreading towards the surroundings.

They almost really thought that nothing happened here before!
"City Lord Lan, I heard that King Ning and Princess Ning have come to our city of Degal, have you seen them?"

Suddenly, Elder Shan, the head of the mercenary union who had been silent for a long time, looked at Lan Boxuan, who was beside him with an uneasy expression, and asked.

Wearing a blue long gown, Lan Baixuan, the lord of Degal City, who looked quite handsome and clean, put his hands behind his back, staring at the empty passage with unpredictable eyes, and said lightly: "No, based on my respect for them Understood, the husband and wife probably don't like being disturbed by outsiders too much. After all, didn't you, Mr. Shan, also not visit them? However, I have plans to visit them at a later date. Why does Mr. Shan think that what happened tonight is Ning Wang and his wife did it?"

"If today's incident is really man-made, besides Ning Wang and his wife, I really can't think of anyone who is so capable and made such a big noise. The only people who can make such a big noise are their husband and wife!"

The old man standing next to Old Shan stroked his long beard thoughtfully, his shrewd eyes shone with a strange light, as if he had discovered something.

"Old Pei, did you find something?" Lan Boxuan couldn't help asking curiously, seeing the strange light in the eyes of Old Pei, the president of the Pill Guild.

Mr. Pei nodded: "I heard that Princess Ning is a pharmacist, right?"

"Well, it seems so. In the past two days, the mother of that young man named Qin Ning from the Qin family has seen a doctor. It is said that his mother's disease will be completely eradicated in a short time."

As the city lord of Degal City, Lan Boxuan naturally has a certain understanding of the big and small affairs in the city.

Hearing Mr. Pei's words, he told the news reported by the people in the past two days.

"Could it be! I really want to have a good chat with this girl if I have a chance. If I'm not wrong, she should..." Mr. Pei said hesitantly.

The people present waited for a long time, and seeing that he seemed to have no intention of continuing, they couldn't help urging: "What should she do? Old man Pei, you really need to get rid of your half-talking problem! I haven't seen us. Is everyone waiting for you to finish talking?"

Others might be concerned about Mr. Pei, the president of the Pill Guild, but the grumpy Mr. Shan next to him wouldn't be concerned about this. No, seeing that he didn't plan to continue talking, he immediately quarreled with him.

The old man Pei glanced lightly, and said slowly: "Want to know? I won't say it, you're so mad!"

The corner of Lan Boxuan's mouth twitched slightly, and he turned around gracefully and left, not asking Mr. Pei what he hadn't finished.

The experience of working with Mr. Pei in the past told him that once Mr. Pei played this trick for them, they would not be able to dig out any useful information from him.

(End of this chapter)

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