The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 242 The Mysterious Enemy Appears Again 3

Chapter 242 The Mysterious Enemy Appears Again 3
"Old man, why do you play this trick every time? Don't you get tired of crooked?"

Old Shan looked at the smug Old Man Pei angrily, wishing he could throw his face on the ground and step on it fiercely.

"It's not boring! Even if I play this trick every time, you are still fooled every time. Old man Shan, tell me, how did you become the president of the mercenary union with such a low IQ? Could it be that you came through the back door? Is it?" Pei Lao squinted, looked at Shan Lao with disdain and sneered.

"Old man Pei, this old man is never finished with you! How dare you ridicule that this old man is a crooked person who is in the upper position. If you have the ability, you can challenge me one-on-one!"

Shan Lao's face was flushed with anger, and he was about to pull Pei Lao to one-on-one, but he didn't expect Pei Lao to look at him with contempt, then turned around and left very coolly, completely ignoring his provocation, and lightly dropped a sentence : "When you have the ability to single-handedly challenge alchemy with me someday, I will come to face your single-handed challenge today, otherwise, if you want me to single-handedly fight with you, there is no way."

"Hmph! Dead old man, just wait for me!!"

Old Shan hopped his feet, his figure flashed, and he disappeared into the night sky like the wind, full of anger,

The other strong men in Degal City watched the bickering between the two of them, and shook their heads helplessly. As long as Mr. Pei and Mr. Shan get together, they will definitely quarrel, especially Mr. Shan with his violent temper. It's just one point, but Mr. Pei likes to provoke him when he has nothing to do. Every time, Mr. Shan jumps his feet and loses the wind. Basically, he never wins Mr. Pei in a war of words.

However, after being disturbed by them, the tense atmosphere tonight seemed to have weakened a lot in an instant.

Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue took Yunling and the others through most of Degal City, and landed in front of a courtyard gate that was very inconspicuous from the outside, and was very simple. Before they could knock on the door, The door creaked and was immediately opened from the inside.

When he saw Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue standing outside the door, he was slightly taken aback, looked around with alert eyes, made sure that there were no other people around, and then called Luo Ziyue and the others to go in.

"Miss Luo, why did you suddenly come here today?" Ye Ying looked at Luo Ziyue and the others curiously, and after scanning around, she landed on Yun Ling's body. To be precise, it landed on Yun Ling's hand. On the two people who were caught, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his mind, and he looked at Luo Ziyue in surprise and asked: "Miss Luo, don't say that you made up the movement just now? Oh Maikar, you He Ning Wang is simply my idol, so handsome! So sexy!"

"I thought, why don't you welcome us here? Suddenly, seeing your enthusiasm, I really feel a little uncomfortable."

Luo Ziyue greeted Ye Ying familiarly, this is a secret base for their lore mercenary group.

Those who can enter here belong to the core figures of the lore mercenary group.

As early as a few days ago, Luo Ziyue had already quietly met them here, but everyone didn't want this relationship to be known to the outside world for the time being, so they deliberately concealed it and didn't attract any attention, especially Those people who were hiding in the dark and secretly watching Luo Ziyue and the others' every move.

The lore mercenary group has just started, and it can't withstand any wind and rain from the outside world for the time being. Thorough concealment and protection are their better choice.

Of course, besides here, Luo Ziyue also specially prepared a secret training base for them. The environment is very hidden. Basically, except for the core figures of the mercenary regiment, no one knows its specific location. , will take the pill that Luo Ziyue specially refined for them, it melts in the mouth, tasteless and tasteless, it is difficult to be discovered easily, and it is also difficult to fake it.

Everyone's reaction to the medicine after taking the pill is different.

What it looked like, probably only Luo Ziyue and Peng Wu knew, other than that, even Ye Ying, who was also the core figure, didn't know anything.

"How is it possible? Miss Luo, you really wronged me. In fact, our group of brothers hope that Miss Luo will be with us every day. The key is that this is unrealistic!"

Ye Ying chuckled, and walked in front swiftly, joking with Luo Ziyue as she walked.

Since Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue both had something hidden in their hearts, and they just chatted with him without saying a word, Yun Ling silently followed behind them. Fortunately, it didn't take long before Ye Ying took them away. He was brought into a room that looked like a criminal interrogation room. Various interrogation tools were densely placed in the room, some of which were stained with dark red blood.

"Well, the layout here is good. It seems that you have spent a lot of thought! By the way, how about the sound insulation function?"

The moment Luo Ziyue entered the room, there was a look of praise in her eyes, she nodded her head slightly, and a faint smile climbed onto her tense little face.

"Miss Luo, don't worry, I can guarantee that no matter how much noise there is in the room, the outside world will not be able to hear any movement. This is the sound insulation function that we got through a lot of contacts!"

Seeing that Luo Ziyue was very satisfied with their arrangement, Ye Ying, who had been in a nervous mood, finally felt relieved.

"Well, thank you for your hard work. If they don't know about my coming here, then don't tell them." Luo Ziyue patted him on the shoulder and confessed.

Ye Ying looked at Luo Ziyue in astonishment, "Miss Luo, are you staying with us tonight?"

"No, we will leave when the matter at hand is finished. It won't take too long. I will come to see you next time I have a chance."

Luo Ziyue waved at Yun Ling, signaling him to put Qin Tianhao and his mother on the torture rack.

Seeing the black cloud in his hand, Shi Tianjue seemed to have vaguely regained consciousness, so he took the black cloud in his hand.

As soon as Ye Ying saw this posture, she knew that Luo Ziyue and the others might have a big fight, and it seemed that he was not suitable to stay here, so she bid farewell to Luo Ziyue with a wink, turned and left the room.

"What are you going to do with her?"

Luo Ziyue looked at the black cloud in his hand, and frowned. The current situation is a bit tricky. The blackened Shui Tianrou is obviously not suitable for interrogation. What's more, there seems to be some kind of mysterious secret hidden in her body. Power, before this power is cut off, they dare not let her wake up at all.

"Are they all here for you? If you don't completely eradicate this mysterious force, I'm afraid such things will happen one after another in the future, and the people they send will become stronger and stronger."

(End of this chapter)

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