The Evil Emperor's Favored Wife: The Bloodthirsty Demon Concubine

Chapter 243 The Mysterious Enemy Appears Again 4

Chapter 243 The Mysterious Enemy Appears Again 4
"I have a hunch that these people today are just cannon fodder they sent here to explore the way."

Shi Tianjue looked at the black cloud in his hand thoughtfully, a steady stream of power poured into Hei Yun's head from his palm, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if searching for something in her head, as if there was a steady stream of power Constant information is constantly being fed back to him through his palm.

"I know, you already have a plan in mind, what you want to say, just say it!"

As soon as Luo Ziyue heard his words, Luo Ziyue knew that he already had a plan in his heart, but for some reason he kept silent.

What happened today is very likely to be a catalyst, or it may be a fuse.

"During this time, I have been investigating their origins, wanting to know where the secret people are hiding. Two days before we came to Degal City, I happened to get some clues related to them. However, the specific The details are not suitable for you to know at the moment."

Shi Tianjue gave Luo Ziyue a slightly apologetic look, and blocked back what she hadn't said, leaving her speechless.

"What do you mean I'm not suitable to know? Yunling, tell me what you know, and let me see who they are."

Luo Ziyue didn't bother to chat with Shi Tianjue, so she directly pointed the conversation at Yun Ling who was silently acting as an invisible person.

"Miss Luo, I advise you not to know. There are some things, even if you know it now, it won't be of much help. Instead of doing this, it's better to calm down and practice hard, improve your cultivation level, and when the time comes, I think , the master will naturally tell you."

Yunling sighed silently, turned his back to Luo Ziyue, very busy.

However, the slightly cold voice still poured on Luo Ziyue's heart like a basin of cold water, making her feel like she was in a cold pool.

"Girl, don't think about it. I don't tell you, it's just for your sake, so that you don't put too much pressure on you. They are far from as simple as you imagined, and the complexity of the situation is far beyond my imagination. Even if it is With me guarding you every step of the way by your side, I am not sure that I can protect you well!" Seeing that Luo Ziyue was silent, Shi Tianjue immediately comforted her.

At the same time, Yunling on the side also chimed in: "Miss Luo, the information we have so far is only superficial information, but for these superficial information, we have sacrificed more people than you can imagine."

"I see. In the final analysis, I am still not strong enough to help you."

Luo Ziyue sighed, knowing that they were doing it for her own good, but sometimes it made people feel uncomfortable to accept such good intentions, but she couldn't refuse such good intentions from others.

"I just don't want you to be too ambitious, which will be very detrimental to your future development. At present, you only need to continuously improve your strength. For a period of time in the future, I may not be able to accompany you. However, I will keep Yun Ling by your side to accompany you, and when the time comes, he will tell you where to find me, I will wait for you in the future."

Shi Tianjue simply didn't do anything, and took advantage of this moment to tell Luo Ziyue his plan.

"So when are you going to leave?"

Even though Luo Ziyue had already planned in her heart that he was going to leave, when she actually faced this topic, her heart was still very heavy.

There was an inexplicable feeling lingering in her heart, which made her feel very depressed.

Shi Tianjue sighed helplessly, waved his hand casually, and knocked the black cloud under his hand unconscious, then strode to Luo Ziyue's side, hugged her in his arms, and said softly: " Girl, don't doubt yourself, you are better than you imagined, I won't tell you, because you are currently on the rise, you need to spend more energy and time to improve yourself, the most important thing Yes, in the near future, I need your help very much, and I will wait for you in the future."

"Compared to ordinary people, Miss Luo, you are simply a monster. Don't look at the master's very powerful appearance now, in fact, he is not as good as you at your age, and his strength is not as good as you. "

Yun Ling walked to their side without hesitation, making a very bright light bulb.

In fact, under normal circumstances, he would not do this, but the current situation is special, they must appease Luo Ziyue's emotions as soon as possible, especially when there are two people waiting for them to deal with.

Shui Tianrou, who has lost her mind, is simply a time bomb, which may explode at any time.

"Okay, don't comfort me. I know what's in my heart, and I'm not as fragile as you imagined. Such a small thing won't defeat me."

Luo Ziyue struggled to escape from Shi Tianjue's arms, strode to Shui Tianrou's side with her back to Yun Ling and Shi Tianjue, making them look at each other helplessly, They squatted down beside her one after another.

"How can we bring her back to normal?" Luo Ziyue tilted her head, looking at Shi Tianjue.

She has already stretched out her hand to try it just now. The current Shui Tianrou is basically like a group of illusory clouds. She can't figure out where is the head and where is the body. She really wants to know how Qin Tianhao beat her She hugged her in his arms so that she couldn't break free?I really want to know, what exactly was Shi Tianjue doing just now?
"Try the previous method, lower the temperature of the flame, don't accidentally burn the house of others, slowly tie her up with the thickness of a steel wire, and little by little the black hair on her body The cloud burns away."

A dark light flashed in the depths of Shi Tianjue's deep eyes, and he patted Luo Ziyue's head lightly, his soft tone made her feel maybe weird.

Even so, she obediently followed the room he said, released Jin Yan from her fingertips, and compressed it into an extremely thin golden thread that lingered on Shui Tianrou's body little by little, and the golden flame emitted zizz The sound, with a trace of unusually unpleasant stench.

"Why is it so hard? I see you, it seemed to be very easy to deal with them before."

The cold sweat on Luo Ziyue's forehead slipped down little by little, and the spiritual power in her body was consumed extremely quickly. Seeing that Shi Tianjue and Yun Ling were comfortably taking her by her side, and seeing her suffering and suffering, she was very happy. asked in puzzlement.

"Who made you not me? At present, I do have a way to deal with them, maybe my way is easier than yours, but. After all, you still have to learn how to be independent of them, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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