Chapter 244
Hearing Shi Tianjue's words, Luo Ziyue instantly understood that he wanted to take this opportunity to let her understand how difficult the thing in front of her was to deal with.

At the same time, they wanted her to understand that they were hiding things related to them for her own good.

"Well, but besides this method, is there any other way?"

Luo Ziyue looked at Shui Tianrou who was struggling fiercely with complicated eyes. The rapidly depleting spiritual power in her body made her a little bit strenuous. The most important thing was that it was impossible for her to have such time during the battle. The black clouds on them were burned away.

"Except for the immediate method, I haven't found any way to subdue them for the time being." Shi Tianjue shrugged regretfully, and a sneer flashed in his deep eyes, "Do you feel very frustrated?"

"There is indeed one point. I didn't expect this thing to be so difficult to deal with. Will you be in any danger then?"

When the spiritual power in her body was completely exhausted, she had no choice but to withdraw Jin Yan who was tied to Hei Yun's body, but even so, Hei Yun on the ground faintly revealed a graceful face.

Luo Ziyue crossed her legs and held her breath to recover her mental power. When the spiritual power in her body began to recover little by little, she opened her eyes and looked at Shi Tianjue.

"Maybe there will be some difficult troubles then, but your husband can solve them, don't worry!"

"Yunling, are you really not taking it away? With him by your side to take care of you, I feel more at ease."

"Even if I want to take him away, he can't stay by my side, so it's better to leave him to you, so that you can have a helper, and if something happens to you, he can help you in time. "

With his head down, Yun Ling quietly listened to Shi Tianjue and Luo Ziyue discussing his future whereabouts, without expressing any opinions.

However, when he thought of leaving Shi Tianjue, he still felt a little reluctant and uneasy in his heart. After all, for so many years, he followed Shi Tianjue's side, watching him climb up to the top of the food chain little by little. I have experienced a lot of hardships that ordinary people can't imagine.

There has never been such a thing as luck. Behind those so-called lucky people, there must be hidden sweat and blood that ordinary people can't see.

"We are not by your side. In case, no one will know what happened to you. You are such a big living person, it seems that you have completely disappeared into the sea of ​​people. How can you make me feel at ease!"

Luo Ziyue knew very well how powerful the enemy was waiting for them, and their separation this time must be full of all kinds of hardships and difficulties.

It's just that she really couldn't watch Shi Tianjue take risks for her with peace of mind.

At the thought of losing news of him completely, she felt an inexplicable sense of anxiety in her heart.

"Didn't we agree that even if I get lost, you will find me and take me home?"

Compared to Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling's uneasiness, Shi Tianjue seemed very indifferent and calm.

The eyebrows and eyes are lingering, the clouds are calm and the wind is light.

When Luo Ziyue wanted to say something, suddenly there was a groan from behind them, and the next second, Qin Tianhao's vigilant shout sounded in the room, "Miss Luo, what are you doing to my mother? She was really forced, and I dare to guarantee her with my life!"

"Your life? Do you think that I care about your life?" Luo Ziyue sneered, with a hint of hostility in her brows, and looked coldly at Qin Tianhao who was on the shelf, "Speaking of which, I also happen to have some things that I want you to explain to me!"

"What's the matter?" Qin Tianhao looked at her warily and asked cautiously.

With her hands behind her back, Luo Ziyue walked slowly in front of Qin Tianhao, stretched out her hand to pinch his chin, and looked at his face from side to side, "I want to know why you followed them secretly all the way, And the ones that haven't been discovered by them? If my guess is correct, their strength is much higher than yours."

"I, I don't know. Anyway, I just followed them quietly and watched them gather together little by little. Could it be because of my mother? I also have the same smell as them ?”

Qin Tianhao's eyes showed a hint of puzzlement, and he looked at Luo Ziyue in astonishment, frowning tightly, as if he couldn't figure it out.

It seems that there is still a bit of a real appearance, but it is a pity that what he said, in the eyes of Luo Ziyue who has dealt with them long ago, there is no possibility. It smells like his mother, why not just say that he is with them!

Only when they are companions, these black clouds will not attack him.

"Really? I didn't know that they are so kind! I remember when I first met them, they showed no mercy to those innocent people, and they were very ruthless."

Luo Ziyue chuckled and picked up the red iron that was roasted beside her, and played with it in her hand seemingly inadvertently, which was full of threats.

Qin Tianhao's face froze, and there was a feeling of wanting to cry but no tears on his handsome face, and he repeatedly emphasized like Luo Ziyue: "Miss Luo, what I said is true, I decided not to lie to you, in fact, I can't do it either." I understand why they didn't attack me when they found out that someone was chasing me. I just wanted to protect my mother, and I didn't want to participate in your grievances, so I didn't report to you secretly! I really Yes, it really has nothing to do with them."

"Don't want to participate in our grievances? Hehe! Why do I feel that this sounds so strange? Shouldn't your mother be added to these grievances? To be honest, I'm really curious about a According to what you said, how did the woman who lives in the deep part of the house all the year round have anything to do with these things? How can you guarantee that you are not one of them? Before you explain these issues clearly, I think, It is necessary for me to take some corresponding measures to pry your mouth open!"

Luo Ziyue was in a very unhappy mood this time, and she no longer spoke euphemistically as before.

Directly pierce those small things in Qin Tianhao's heart, name the topic, and don't want to go around in circles with him.

Looking at Luo Ziyue's indifferent face, Qin Tianhao really wanted to die, he really didn't know anything, what could he say to prove his innocence?How about taking his mother away smoothly and returning to Qin's house to live a peaceful life for them?

"Miss Luo, what do I have to say to make you believe me!?"

(End of this chapter)

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