Chapter 246 I'm Not Familiar With You

A burst of sobbing came from Shui Tianrou's mouth, as if she was pleading something for him, but also seemed to be denying something.

Qin Tianhao's eyes fell on her, and his eyes gradually filled with a smile.

"I was raised by my mother alone since I was a child, although the Qin family did not eat less and wear less.

But, I know, everything they do pays off.

Maybe you don't understand Miss Luo, but my mother was actually captured by the old man of the Qin family.

In order to be able to control my mother, he planted a voodoo in my body.

There is no solution to this kind of Gu, and he can only rely on the so-called pills he provides every month to relieve his life and maintain his body functions.

This is also an important reason why I frequently went to Qiyaozhai after I became sensible.

I tried to relieve or control the poisonous Gu poison that was gradually spreading in my body, but I didn't know that Qiyaozhai had already been bribed by old man Qin.

I have been cheated of a lot of money over the years, but nothing has really been done. Unfortunately, I only found out about this after my mother had an accident.

Everything is already too late.

I can not be attacked by them, I think it is largely because of the poison in my body.

If I'm not mistaken in guessing this kind of Gu poison, it might have been provided by Qiyaozhai to my dead old man before.

It is very likely that they are similar to the elixir that my mother swallowed to a certain extent.

Its level is higher than that of my mother's elixir, and I can accurately distinguish my mother's figure and appearance.

This point, I am afraid that even Miss Luo, you can't do it!

In your eyes, my mother and the others are just an indistinct black cloud, and there is not much difference from a distance.

However, in my eyes, they are very different.

This is also the reason why I can accurately find my mother from so many black clouds. "

"Who is the behind-the-scenes boss of Qiyaozhai?"

Luo Ziyue slightly felt that the current situation was indeed a bit tricky.

As for the Gu poison in Qin Tianhao's body, she didn't notice it when she checked his body before, so for the time being, she couldn't tell the truth from what he said.

"I don't know. Qiyaozhai has a long history in our city of Degal. It is said that it already existed when the city was built. It can be regarded as the signature store of our city of Degal. As for who is the boss behind it, No one knows about this, I'm afraid you have to ask the city lord."

Qin Tianhao glanced at Luo Ziyue strangely, and said in a very flat tone.

"Apart from these, is there anything else?" Luo Ziyue asked directly without taking his words.

"No more. Miss Luo, can you let me and my mother go?"

Qin Tianhao shook his head and asked calmly.

"What do you say?"

Luo Ziyue ignored him, but turned to look at Shi Tianjue who was at the side.

"You can't believe everything he says, the credibility needs to be tested." Shi Tianjue glanced at Qin Tianhao, his indifferent eyes made the soles of his feet suddenly feel cold, "Choose one, only one of you can live."

"Didn't you say that my mother and I would be released?"

Qin Tianhao stared at Shi Tianjue incredulously, silently accusing Luo Ziyue of breaking his promise.

"Your words don't have much credibility. It's our kindness to put one in. I'll give you a minute to think about it!"

Shi Tianjue looked at Qin Tianhao expressionlessly, and snorted coldly, the coldness in his eyes was as sharp as a sharp blade, and the knife fell without a trace.

It's like a unparalleled king who easily controls the life and death of everyone in the world, cold, cruel, indifferent, without a trace of warmth.

"You let my mother go! As long as you can let my mother go, I will let you handle it!"

Qin Tianhao chose Shui Tianrou almost without any hesitation, but when Luo Ziyue heard his choice again, she frowned slightly.

"Even if we let your mother go, are you sure that your mother can survive in safety? In her current form?"

"Yes! As long as you send her back to the Qin residence, she will survive!"

Qin Tianhao's confident words aroused Luo Ziyue's suspicion for no reason.

Even they couldn't bring Shui Tianrou back to normal, so why just go back to the Qin residence?
"Sorry, we don't provide pick-up service, and how can you guarantee that your mother will be free after returning to the Qin residence? Could it be that there are some heaven-defying treasures hidden in the Qin residence?"

Except for such a reason, Luo Ziyue can't think of any reason for the time being.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the real mastermind behind the scenes is hidden in the Qin family.

Otherwise, relying on Shui Tianrou's own strength, she would not be able to restore her sanity and appearance at all.

"My mother said that the effect of the elixir she took is temporary, and as soon as the time passes, she will return to her original state!"

Qin Tianhao didn't have anything to hide and told what he knew directly.

Hearing his words, Luo Ziyue was stunned for a moment, and her eyes fell on Shui Tianrou.

"In this case, let's talk about other things after your mother recovers!"


Before Qin Tianhao finished speaking, he was knocked out by Yun Ling who was standing behind him.

"Miss Luo, is there really a Gu worm on him?" Yun Ling frowned, looking at Qin Tianhao who had passed out, and asked.

Luo Ziyue shook her head, "I don't know, I didn't find out."

"They'll leave it to me! Leave it alone."

With a wave of Shi Tianjue's arm, Qin Tianhao and Shui Tianrou disappeared into the room immediately, and completely lost their news in this world.

"It's over, now I've really become a person who doesn't keep my word." Luo Ziyue sighed with feigned regret.

"You agreed to him, but I didn't agree. It's up to me to decide this matter. It doesn't count that you broke your promise!"

Shi Tianjue put his arms around Luo Ziyue's waist, before she could speak, he disappeared into the room in a flash.

When they returned to Fengyage Pavilion, the city lord happened to come to visit.

"Please come in!"

Luo Ziyue originally didn't want to see the so-called city lord, but unfortunately, Shi Tianjue agreed without hesitation.

When Lan Boxuan was brought to their courtyard by the people from Fengyage, Luo Ziyue and Shi Tianjue were sitting on the stone table in the courtyard, chatting without saying a word, it seemed that they were waiting for his boss visit.

"Prince Ning, Princess Ning, long time no see." Lan Boxuan greeted Shi Tianjue very familiarly.

Shi Tianjue glanced at him coldly, and asked, "Have we met?"

"I saw it, in my dream!"

Lan Boxuan's expression didn't change at all, he took Shi Tianjue's words as a matter of course, his thick skin made Luo Ziyue cast a weird look.

"You're so thick-skinned, I don't know you well. When we met for the first time, I was pretended to be an old friend. I don't like it, and I'm not used to it!"

(End of this chapter)

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