Chapter 247
"It doesn't matter if you're not familiar! From now on, let's walk around more, will we be familiar if you come and go?"

Seeing that no one was entertaining him, Lan Boxuan consciously sat down opposite Shi Tianjue and Luo Ziyue.

"City Lord Lan, don't you just want to chat with our husband and wife when you come here so late?"

Shi Tianjue sneered, and asked him straightforwardly about his intentions.

"It's true that there is something I want to ask you husband and wife for advice, but it's a long night, so let's not be in a hurry!"

Lan Boxuan conveniently poured him a cup of tea, took a sip, then looked at Shi Tianjue and the others and said.

"Hearing City Lord Lan's words, how come it seems that he wants to stay and spend the spring night with our husband and wife?"

Luo Ziyue smiled lightly, grasped Shi Tianjue's hand, and took Lan Baixuan's words smoothly.

In fact, according to Shi Tianjue's temper, he planned to throw out the unsightly guy in front of him, so that he would not feel uncomfortable, but Luo Ziyue stopped him silently.

"If King Ning has no objections, the Lord of the City is very happy to serve Miss Luo."

Lan Boxuan watched the interaction between the two with a smile, and said that he was not afraid of death.

"Hehe, if City Lord Lan can survive, we naturally have no objections." Luo Ziyue's beautiful face was covered with a strange smile, and she picked up the teacup in front of her with her green and jade-like hand, and said to Lan Bai Xuan made a gesture of invitation, raised his head and drank all the tea in the cup in one gulp.

Lan Boxuan looked at the full teacup in front of her with some reluctance, "Miss Luo, could it be that the tea was poisoned to me?"

"City Master Lan, you'll know if you try it? Since you don't believe me, why bother to ask me!" Luo Ziyue shrugged innocently, and looked at Lan Boxuan quietly with a slight smile on her lips. It looked like he was looking forward to his next move.

For a moment, Lan Boxuan felt that he was treating the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"Since you are afraid of death, get out!"

Shi Tianjue issued the order to drive away the guests impatiently, and Lan Boxuan was slightly surprised by his cold tone.

According to his investigation, King Ning is an extremely indifferent person, but tonight he seems to be very different from the rumored King Ning.

Could it be that he is dissatisfied with desire?
"Looking at Prince Ning like this, why does he seem a little bit dissatisfied? Could it be that I'm really bothering you?" Lan Boxuan asked tentatively.

Hearing his words, Shi Tianjue's face turned dark immediately, and the chill on his body was even worse!
"Don't talk too much nonsense, I will give you 2 minutes to express your intention, otherwise, I will not accompany you!"

"Miss Luo, don't you plan to be obedient to your men? Anyway, you are now on my territory, and you are so rude to me, is it really okay?" Lan Baixuan sighed and looked at Luo Ziyue Said.

Luo Ziyue smiled innocently at him, "Master Lan, if you have anything to say, just say it! Don't waste time, it's late at night, I can understand your loneliness as a lonely family, but this doesn't Be the reason you disturbed our rest."

"I'm alone?" Now it was Lan Boxuan's turn to turn black, glaring at Luo Ziyue angrily, "You girl, why are you so inept when you talk?"

"Is what I said wrong? I disturbed people's rest in the middle of the night. Either they are lonely, or he is not good in some aspects? City Lord Lan, which one do you belong to?" Luo Ziyue secretly snorted coldly in her heart, dare to be Looking at her face, bullying her man, it depends on her permission?
"Hahaha, little girl, this will tell you the truth! City Lord Lan, he is really not a loner, and it is very likely that he is the second type you mentioned!"

Suddenly, an old laugh, wanton and arrogant, resounded in the night sky, and in the next second a thin old man in a gray gown appeared in their eyes, with a bright smile blooming on his wrinkled face. Like chrysanthemums dancing in the wind, they bloom wantonly in the air.

"Old Pei!" Lan Boxuan's voice gnashed his teeth, and Junxiu's face was gloomy and terrifying, "The same thing, I think it might be more appropriate to use it on Old Pei!"

"It seems that we have a lot of guests tonight! City Lord Lan, you haven't explained why you are here after waiting for so long. Could it be that you are just waiting for this... senior?"

Luo Ziyue frowned slightly.

Wu Liuliu's eyes turned on Lan Boxuan's body and Pei Lao's body, as if smelling some kind of special relationship from before them.

"Girl, then you really misunderstood. Me! I just passed by here and saw that this guy seemed to be having a good chat with you, so I came here specially to join in the fun with you!"

Old Pei's cloudy eyes reveal shrewdness and calculations, and he doesn't look like someone who is easy to fool, especially the aura of a superior exuded from his every move, which makes Luo Ziyue have a certain guess about his identity.

"Are you... the president of the Pill Guild?" Luo Ziyue asked tentatively.

A look of astonishment and amazement appeared on Old Pei's face, "Girl, do you know me?"

"I don't know, guess. You have a faint medicinal smell." Luo Ziyue sighed secretly, it seemed that they were still thinking about the previous things, "You two, late night visit, what's the matter?" Just say what you want!"

"Hurry up and get out after finishing speaking, don't disturb our rest!" Shi Tianjue snorted coldly, without giving Lan Boxuan and Old Pei any face, said with a dark face.

Mr. Pei and Lan Boxuan looked at each other, nodded in tacit understanding, and asked, "Girl, should you give us an explanation for what happened tonight?"

"What do we need to explain to you two about tonight?" Luo Ziyue looked at Lan Boxuan puzzled, as if she didn't know what they were talking about, before they could speak, she smiled again: " Don’t you think that the sudden rise in temperature in Degal City was caused by our husband and wife?”

"Isn't it? Everyone is a smart person, and there are some things that don't need to be explained too clearly?"

Lan Boxuan's face was not as cynical as when he was chatting, but there was a trace of solemnity and seriousness in his brows and eyes, and there was a hint of displeasure in his tone.

"Sorry, I don't think we have anything to explain to you! Although you are the Lord of Degal City, it seems that you have no right to interfere with the daily eating and drinking of your citizens. Damn, isn't it?" Luo Ziyue touched the teacups in her hands and put them on the table, and looked at Lan Boxuan and Mr. Pei with a smirk, "Not to mention, you don't have any evidence to prove this matter tonight. It has something to do with us, your imagination alone is not enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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