Chapter 251 Hou Guixiang's Worries
Qin Ning didn't give Hou Guixiang a chance to speak at all, so he took Qin Shengyu's money bag as a matter of course.

To Qin Shengyu, this money was nothing at all.

It's not like every penny in their lives needs to be used carefully.

The most important thing is that he wants to wait for Hou Guixiang's identity to recover, and then buy more supplements to replenish her identity.

"You kid is really rude, and I'm not afraid that Shengyu will laugh at you!"

Hou Guixiang smiled apologetically at Qin Shengyu, and said to Qin Ning angrily.

"Why is he laughing at me? He's my brother, what's his is mine, and what's mine is mine!"

Qin Ning smiled, and ate breakfast with peace of mind.

After breakfast, Qin Ning sent Qin Shengyu to the door, said something to him in a low voice, and then turned back to the yard.

"A Ning, aren't you going out today?" Hou Guixiang looked at Qin Ning who sat down in the room in astonishment, and asked in surprise.

Qin Ning, who was thinking about his thoughts, smiled and shook his head when he heard Hou Guixiang's question: "I will stay at home with my mother for a few days, and I will catch up with my fallen cultivation during this time. When I meet Miss Luo and the others next time, I can give them a surprise!"

"Well, that's fine. Ah Ning, why did Shengyu come here today? Did you get into some trouble outside and got involved there?"

Hou Guixiang looked at Qin Ning worriedly. They had never had any contact with the Qin family, and Ah Ning also hated the people from the Qin family. Now that Qin Shengyu came to visit rashly, something must have happened?
"During this period of time, I will either stay with Miss Luo and the others, or stay at home with my mother. What can happen?"

Qin Ning didn't expect that Hou Guixiang was still thinking about this matter, so he couldn't help frowning slightly.

To be honest, he didn't want Hou Guixiang to worry about such a small matter, after all, her illness had just improved.

More importantly, he didn't feel that the disappearance of Qin Tianhao's mother and son had anything to do with him.

"So, Shengyu came here this time to find Miss Luo and the others?" Hou Guixiang frowned, her face full of worry, "A Ning, do you have something to hide from your mother? Didn't tell your mother?" ?”

"Mother, no matter what happens to the Qin family, it has nothing to do with us. You just need to know that I didn't mess with them. As for other things, it's far from what we can worry about and intervene in. Knowing too much is harmful to us." No good!"

Qin Ning looked at Hou Guixiang's unwillingness to give up, sighed, and said in a deep tone.

"So, something happened to the Qin family."

Listening to Qin Ning's words, Hou Guixiang instantly understood the meaning of her words. She knew that what Qin Ning said was correct, but she didn't say anything more. She just lowered her head in thought, her expression was complicated, she didn't know where Think about something.

The room fell into a strange silence, and suddenly, Hou Guixiang broke the silence of the room: "A Ning, I'm a little worried during this time, the Qin family won't let us off so easily, especially when watching After the interaction between you and Miss Luo, they are very likely to coerce you to accept the Lord and return to the sect, if there is such a day..."

"Even if there is such a day, I will never agree to recognize the master and return to the clan! As for the muddy waters of the Qin family, I don't want to get involved. During this period of time, I have faintly discovered the identity of Miss Luo and the others. The Qin family is not as simple as I imagined before, maybe our life is hard now, but we have the freedom that Qin Shengyu and the others don't have, and we don't have to bear those invisible pressures and constraints, I like freedom."

Qin Ning cut off Hou Guixiang's words decisively. He still remembered what Qin Shengyu said to him in the morning!
Although he couldn't understand what he meant for a while, but he could hear the implication of his words very clearly, that is, the Qin family is not a good bird at all, and they are not as beautiful as he saw. known hardships.

"Well, it's good if you can figure it out. The Qin family is indeed not as simple as you imagined. In the past, your mother always advised you to avoid those people in the Qin family and not to have direct conflicts with them. These are all for your own good. It's just that mother has really dragged you down all these years!"

Hou Guixiang didn't expect Qin Ning to think so. Originally, she planned to let him recognize the master and return to the clan if there was such a day.

Now, seeing that he has no illusions in this regard, she is relieved. To be honest, she was also very surprised to be able to escape from the Qin family.

After staying in the Qin family for so many years in the past, she knew very well that once she entered the Qin family, she was a member of the Qin family. Generally, there was only one kind of person who could escape, and that was the dead!

And she was able to escape from the Qin family smoothly, which was far beyond her imagination.

It's just that she can't leave Degal City, which makes her feel a little regretful.

After all, as long as she lives under their noses, she can only live in fear, for fear that one day they will come to her.

Especially when she saw her son getting better and better, she was even more worried. Sometimes, she thought, if there was no restraint from her, her son would be able to spread his wings and fly freely in the world , instead of staying in this small world and living a mixed life.

"Son, if there is such a day, you can do what you want and don't worry about mother." Hou Guixiang looked at Qin Ning very solemnly, took his warm hand, and confessed: "A Ning, remember No matter what time, mother doesn't want to be your burden and bondage."

"Mother, what nonsense are you talking about! When did you become my burden and bondage?" Qin Ning looked at Hou Guixiang very seriously, eyes shining like black pearls met Hou Guixiang's eyes, "Mother, your son is not a coward. For me, you are the driving force for me to move forward. No matter what kind of predicament I am in, as long as I have you, I have the confidence to overcome it. You have to believe in your son."

"I will not stop my idea of ​​wanting to move forward and climb to the top for any reason. I will always believe that the temporary difficulties are only temporary. Mother, you must have confidence in your son. I will lead you to live a good life, too. Let you see how powerful your son is, like the Qin family, to me, it's just a small stumbling block on the way forward, so don't be too afraid!"

Qin Ning's slightly immature face was full of pride and confidence, and gave Hou Guixiang a little confidence for no reason, and her slightly uneasy heart seemed to have suddenly found support, giving her a little hope for the future.

(End of this chapter)

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