Chapter 252 is so arrogant
"Well, mother believes in you, with Aning around, mother is not afraid of anything!"

Hou Guixiang patted Qin Ning's hand in relief, and then lay down on the bed and pretended to sleep with her eyes closed.

Qin Ning practiced quietly with his legs crossed, the room became quiet for a while, only the slow breathing of the two could be heard.

In such silence, Hou Guixiang gradually fell asleep.


Suddenly, a huge explosion sound came from their door, and the bustling sound accompanied by this huge explosion sound gradually approached their room. Qin Ning opened his eyes almost instantly, seeing Hou Guixiang With a look of surprise on his face, he quickly comforted him: "Mom, you rest in the room first, and no matter what happens, don't come out later, so I won't be distracted to take care of you!"

At such a moment, Qin Ning could guess Hou Guixiang's thoughts without even thinking about it. In order to completely cut off the thoughts in her head, he had to say this, otherwise, with his mother's personality, he would definitely show up Speak up, defend him or explain something.

"Is the person from over there here?" Hou Guixiang was stunned for a moment, and looked at Qin Ning worriedly.

Qin Ning nodded, "Qin Tianhao and his mother disappeared together. They suspected that they had something to do with me or Miss Luo. They must have found fault on purpose. However, if they want to find fault with me, that's okay. It depends on the face I give you to them!"

Qin Ning snorted disdainfully, as early as the moment Qin Shengyu came to the door, he had already guessed that they would not miss such a good opportunity to trouble him, "Mother, you don't have to worry, so little Small things, your son can handle it, you can rest in the room to recuperate, ignore the clamor of those annoying flies, I will come as soon as I go!"

"Go! There are so many people, don't let them hurt you!"

Hou Guixiang knew that her son had grown up and no longer needed her protection. Sooner or later, he would have to face these things alone. She didn't say anything more, and lay down on the bed with peace of mind, her throat itching, But in order to avoid worrying Qin Ning, she still resisted coughing.

"Qin Ning, get out!"

One after another arrogant voices sounded from the room, but what surprised Qin Ning slightly was that they didn't call him Xiaoyezhong. . ,

Qin Ning walked out of the room slowly, not only that, but also thoughtfully closed the door tightly for Hou Guixiang. As soon as he walked out of the room, he saw a group of boys and girls who were about his age side by side Standing in their courtyard, everyone shouted at him with righteous indignation.

"Hey, rare guest! What kind of wind is blowing here today that blows you all here? Is this the rhythm of a life-and-death battle with me?" Qin Ning looked at the boys and girls in the courtyard with a sarcasm on his face, and the corner of his mouth With a sneer, he said jokingly.

"Qin Ning, don't be complacent, tell me honestly, did brother Tian Hao get caught by you?"

"That's right. You were the only one who had a conflict with brother Tianhao yesterday, and he disappeared at night. Who else could it be if it wasn't you?"

"What enmity do you have with Brother Tianhao to punish him like this? Has your conscience been eaten by dogs? Even Aunt Rou won't let it go."


The chirping voices of the boys and girls sounded like the ears of those listening in a conference were ringing. Qin Ning looked at them coldly and did not stop them until their voices became quieter and his momentum became stronger and stronger. Pang Da asked in a cold voice: "Which of your eyes saw that I had a conflict with him? According to what you said, people like you who like to find fault with me frequently when they have nothing to do, wouldn't they have to disappear at night?"

"How can there be so many of us afraid of you alone!"

"That is, you don't threaten us with words. Let me tell you, we are not afraid of you! If we are afraid of you, we won't come!"

"Idiot!" Qin Ning rolled his eyes in disdain, "Is there anything else you can do? If you have nothing to do, get out! I don't have time to chat with you!"

"Hey, Qin Ning, what's your attitude?"

"Tell me, what's my attitude? What attitude do I need to use to treat people like you who are full and have nothing to do?"

"Hmph! We have heard that you encouraged King Ning and the others to arrest Brother Tianhao and the others in order to avenge Brother Tianhao for bullying you." Some youngsters could not understand Qin Ning's high-mindedness. He even looked condescending, and muttered indignantly below.

"Really? If this is the case, I think it would be a little less to just arrest Qin Tianhao? No matter what, you idiots should be arrested together. Anyway, in this kind of thing like the one before you, you are bullying the few with the more. Didn't you do less work, didn't you?" Qin Ning had a weird smile on his face, grinning and said to the people in the yard who were yelling at him.

The group of boys and girls were so scared that they took a few steps back and looked at Qin Ning in horror, "I warn you, you are not allowed to mess around. Before we came, we all greeted the Patriarch. If we really disappeared, the Patriarch will definitely If you can guess that you did it, then you won't be able to eat and walk away!"

"Cut! According to what you said, if you were caught by gangsters on the way back, wouldn't it be my fault too? How ridiculous!"

Qin Ning looked at the people in the courtyard sarcastically, and sneered disdainfully, his immature face was full of indifference.

"In this city of Degal, who doesn't know that we are members of the Qin family? Ordinary gangsters dare to attack us. Don't scare us, we are not scared by you!"

Hearing Qin Ning's words, many people retreated in their hearts. They looked around with anxious eyes, as if they were terrified of something, and they didn't want to leave Qin Ning's yard so easily.

"Hey, let me tell you, are you finished? If you have nothing else to do, just go back to where you came from! My family temple is small and can't accommodate you great gods!" Qin Ning looked impatiently Looking at the people below, he unceremoniously issued an order to expel the guests.

"You can leave if you want us to, but you must send us back to Qin's house safely, otherwise, we will stay at your house today!"

Qin Ning was really confused by them, "My yard is simple, as long as you don't dislike it, you can stay as long as you want, and I will not accompany you for the time being!"

If you want him to send them back, do they really think they have a big face?

Unless he lost his mind, he would personally send back a group of people who came to his house to find fault for no reason!
(End of this chapter)

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