Chapter 253 Mercenary Union
Could it be that he looks like a mindless idiot?
It's fine for others to come to his house to make trouble, but he is still in charge of picking them up?
Is there such a beautiful thing in the world?
Like them who trouble him all day long, do they all want to get rid of them and get well soon?
Of course he is no exception. To him, the more unsettled the Qin family's house is, the happier he is. It's a good thing that he didn't curse them to shit. He even wants him to be their bodyguard. Could it be that their lives are Fate, is his life just a piece of paper?

Qin Ning really got angrier the more he thought about it, "Is there anything else for you? If there's nothing else, I'll leave first!"

"Hey, are you really not going to escort us back? Don't tell me, you are not afraid that something will happen to us and the Patriarch will trouble you?" Seeing that Qin Ning was really about to turn around and leave, the younger Qin family disciple was very uneasy. shouted at him from below.

"Could it be that if you don't have an accident, he won't bother me? Besides, you have troubled me less these years. Without you, I can live comfortably for a few more days. How can I live with such a good thing? Will you destroy it yourself? If you really destroy it, I'm afraid I will be punished by God!"

Qin Ning rolled his eyes in a very speechless manner, and the voice that was taken for granted resounded throughout the courtyard, like a basin of cold water, pouring on their hearts, making them feel like they were in a cold pool.

Nestled by his friend in fear, he looked at Qin Ning with dissatisfaction: "That can't be our fault! We didn't do it on purpose!"

"Since you didn't do it on purpose, you did it on purpose!"

Qin Ning looked playfully at the group of little fellows below, and suddenly sat down on the ground, crossed his legs, and looked at them quietly.

In a trance, he felt a heroic feeling of berating Fang Qiu from the bottom of his heart, as if he had taken control of the world in an instant.

Looking at them weak and weak with cold eyes, there was a sound of panic and uneasiness below him and occasional glances of awe.

He actually liked the feeling of trampling the enemy under his feet.

"Hey, who in the world encouraged you group of mindless people to trouble me? Seeing how menacing you are, don't you plan to fight with me? To be honest, I haven't done anything for a long time, really I really want to relax my muscles!"

Qin Ning was like the wolf grandma who kidnapped Little Red Riding Hood, she did not have the good intentions to provoke the boys and girls below him.

In fact, on weekdays, he seldom deals with people from the Qin family. Basically, they are the Qin family's well-fed and well-fed people. Except for his disciples, he only knew their faces, not their names.

Just like these people standing in his courtyard at the moment, he basically doesn't know any of them, and occasionally sees one or two familiar faces, but he can't remember their names at all. Didn't remember their names.

"No one encouraged us. We just heard that Brother Tianhao was arrested by you, so we came here to find you to ask for someone! Also, Aunt Rou has no grievances with you, why did you take her away? Don't worry, don't you know that Aunt Rou is the owner's heart and soul?"

Even though Qin Ning repeatedly emphasized that he did not arrest Qin Tianhao and his mother, someone still insisted on pulling the three of them together, which made him very helpless.

"Sweetie? Since it's a sweetheart and you don't want someone to look after it, it will be lost. Who should you blame? And you little things, I warn you, the disappearance of Qin Tianhao's mother and child has nothing to do with me. He's messing with me, be careful that I'm not polite to you!" Qin Ning explained impatiently.

He really couldn't figure it out, the Qin family lost someone, why did they come to his house to rely on him?
If he had such a great ability, would he still be in such a miserable state now?

And really think highly of him too.

"Since you didn't do it, why are you still afraid of people talking about it? Telling you a few words won't throw you a few pieces of meat!"

Qin Ning really had enough of them, so he got up and went into the room, leaving a group of people in the courtyard looking at each other, but they didn't dare to leave.

"Ah Ning, how's the situation outside?"

Seeing that Qin Ning came back intact, Hou Guixiang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She heard the conversation he had with them just now. She has to say that her Aning has really grown up, and her aura is getting stronger and stronger. He was able to calm down those little fellows easily, which was difficult for him to do before.

"Don't worry about it. I think they're just too busy. If they have nothing to do, they come here to find trouble and have fun. Don't pay attention to a paper tiger. Mother, have you taken your medicine today?" Qin Ning waved it indifferently. He waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

"Eat, my mother's condition has indeed improved a lot in the past two days. I have to say that Miss Luo is still very capable!"

Hou Guixiang didn't say anything. After Luo Ziyue's treatment, the heart-pounding cough was indeed much less than before.

The mental head is also getting better every day.

However, compared to Qin Ning's dire situation, Luo Ziyue and Yun Ling seemed much more relaxed after bidding farewell to Shi Tianjue. After some disguise, the two sneaked into Degal City again. This time, Luo Ziyue had no choice. Go to Fengyage to stay, but choose to go straight to the mercenary union.

She intends to register as a mercenary, only in this way can she justifiably appear in the lore mercenary group.

"Hey, this is the mercenary guild in Degal City. It's much grander than I imagined." Luo Ziyue, who was dressed as a handsome young man, was holding a handful of white fan feathers in her hand. Facing the wind, he looked up at the magnificent mercenary union, and sighed to Yunling beside him.

In order to avoid being recognized by others, Yun Ling also changed into a different look at this moment, guarding Luo Ziyue's side as a bodyguard. Hearing Luo Ziyue's words like a country bumpkin, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he did not speak. She calmly turned her head away, ignoring Luo Ziyue's stupidity.

"Come on, let's go in and take a look. This time, I will have to do something big when I come out!"

Seeing the mercenaries coming in and out around her, Luo Ziyue retracted the fan suddenly, knocked Yunling on the shoulder and strode into the mercenary union.

As soon as she entered the mercenary union, she felt a rush of coolness hit her, making her feel light, and she felt an indescribable sense of comfort, as if she was in an air-conditioned room, which made people feel very comfortable. Comfortable.

There is a huge wall on her left. The wall is filled with various tasks. The details of each task are clearly marked in it, including commission, risk level, strength requirements and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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