Chapter 254 Registering Mercenaries 1
At the same time, the claimed tasks continue to turn gray, indicating that they can no longer be claimed.

Not far from the task wall is where the mercenaries rest.

Groups of mercenaries gathered around the round table, chatting, playing cards, or resting.

The humanized seat looks a bit like a modern sofa from a distance, soft.

A lot of mercenaries are resting on the top with their eyes closed at this moment, and it can be seen that many of them are dusty and tired.

Facing Luo Ziyue and the others was a row of counters, and every window on the counter clearly marked the types of things they were responsible for. For a while, Luo Ziyue felt like she was working in a bank. , the gap between the two is not too big, especially in the settings of the counter and the environment.

However, what made her most curious were the mysterious looking dark rooms on her right.

The reason why it is called a dark room is because the room is tightly covered with black curtains, so that outsiders cannot peek through the window. At the same time, there is no sign indicating its purpose.

After Luo Ziyue looked around for a week, she took Yun Ling straight to the mercenary registration counter.

There was a very young and beautiful girl sitting behind the counter, she was sitting quietly behind the counter with her head down, looking at something, with a very devoted look, "Hello, I want to register as a mercenary, may I What are the procedures?"

Luo Ziyue lay down on the counter very politely, knocked lightly on the window of the counter, and asked in a very friendly voice in a cold voice.


The answer was silence. Miss Wen Jing behind the counter seemed deaf and didn't respond at all, as if she didn't hear her voice at all. Luo Ziyue looked at Yun Ling in astonishment, and asked in puzzlement: "Is my voice low?"

"Quite a lot, maybe people don't want to talk to you, or maybe she's simply deaf and can't hear you!"

A down-to-earth child like Yun Ling naturally said whatever he had.

"Really? I'll try again." Luo Ziyue turned her head to look at the quiet counter lady in doubt, took a deep breath, and shouted suddenly: "Miss, I want to register as a mercenary, please What procedures are required? If you are not a deaf-mute, please give me some feedback?"

The shouting at the top of the voice naturally attracted a group of idle mercenaries, and they laughed and looked at her, jokingly said: "Little brother, don't be angry, it may be that Aya is in a bad mood today. Sexually deaf, unable to hear anyone speaking."

"Hahaha... yes! As a member of our mercenary union, Aya has enough freedom. It's normal to ignore you for a while!"

"Know how to spend?" Listening to the jokes of the mercenaries, Luo Ziyue shifted her eyes to the face of the quiet counter lady in surprise. For a while, she couldn't agree with the appreciation of these mercenaries.

The lady at the counter's appearance can only be regarded as more than handsome, but not charming enough.

How far is it from being a real beauty?
"Yes! The counter lady in front of you is Aya, the leader of our mercenary union!"

Seeing Luo Ziyue's unbelievable expression, the enthusiastic and straightforward mercenary was afraid that she would not believe it, so he repeatedly emphasized to her.

The corner of Luo Ziyue's mouth showed a gentle kindness. With her delicate appearance, she looked very friendly, "I want to register as a mercenary, can you tell me what I need to do?"

"Little brother, is this your first time going out?" Suddenly, a burly man walked towards Luo Ziyue and the others, with a simple and honest smile on his dark face, he patted Luo Ziyue's shoulder with his big thick hands, The strength of her strength almost made Luo Ziyue scold her father directly.

She shivered in pain.

The corner of Yun Ling's mouth twitched.

A man who is five big and three thick is sure to be extraordinary, but this man has a very simple, honest and lovable face.

"That's right! I wanted to register as a mercenary to become a member of the group. Unfortunately, the family has always been too strict. It was not easy to escape from the cage, so I went straight to the mercenary union. Yes What's your name, big brother?"

Luo Ziyue smiled very "purely", she knew that the big man in front of her regarded her as the kind of son who had accomplished nothing.

Things like pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger have always been her favorite.

She didn't explain, but followed his train of thought, explaining very ambiguously.

"Hey! Did the little brother decide which mercenary group to join? My name is Fade Chen. If you don't mind, just call me Big Brother Chen."

Fade Chen rubbed his head and smiled honestly, a shy emotion even flashed across his rough face.

Luo Ziyue was very surprised when she saw it, and her heart was full of fun.

"Brother Chen, good! It's my first time stepping into the rivers and lakes, and I haven't decided what mercenary group to join yet."

"Why don't you join our mercenary group! Brother Chen will protect you and make sure you won't be bullied! By the way, little brother, you haven't said anything yet, what's your name!" Fade Chen was very bold Patting his chest, it suddenly occurred to him that he still didn't know what Luo Ziyue's name was.

Luo Ziyue pretended to be embarrassed and smiled: "Why is this so embarrassing? I don't have much experience, and I'm afraid that it will drag Brother Chen back."

"Little brother, Shi Sha, Brother Chen, just call me Xiao Sha."

"Killing? Killing? Your name sounds fierce, but I like Old Chen!" Fade Chen was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously read Luo Ziyue's name.

"Shi is the release of Shi, Sha is the Sha of Raksha!"

Luo Ziyue didn't mind Fade Chen's jokes, she just picked up the name casually.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the surname Shi was rarely used, she would have really wanted to be given the surname Shi Tianjue.

However, if she really won the crown with such great fanfare, many people would definitely speculate about her relationship with Shi Tianjue or the Shi family.

This is not what she wants to see, especially during the period when Shi Tianjue is no longer there, she wants to train herself well, she can no longer rely on him like before, she must grow up as soon as possible.

"Shi Cha! Well, Xiao Cha!" Fade Chen repeated Luo Ziyue's name, with a very subtle expression on his rough face, "If people don't know, they think you have the same surname as King Ning !"

"Hey, let me say, Fade Chen, you won't be here again to fool newcomers into joining your shitty mercenary group, right?" Seeing that Chen Fei was talking to Luo Ziyue with a smile on his face, he couldn't help but jokingly said.

The disdain and contempt in his eyes were very obvious, which made Fade Chen unable to step down from the stage, his face flushed red.

There will be more updates in these two days. Friends who have diving, take the time to leave a message to let Wanwan know your existence, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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